Environmental Quote
Mrs. Green's You-Can-Do-It! List
Neither Rome nor green habits were built in a day. If you are on the growing your green habits journey, here is my quick tips guide that you can either use as a report card to see how you are doing or as an inspiration to begin taking a few more steps to living your best sustainable life.
1. Switch to REUSABLE bags (Or Just Say No to Plastic)
We consume 60,000 plastic bags in the U.S. every five seconds. Lots of them are ending up in the oceans, in the trees, flying across our windshields. We can all do this one! It's all about changing ONE habit.
2. Just Say No to Plastic Bottles
We go through two million plastic water bottles in the U.S. every five minutes. It takes energy, water, petroleum and packaging to get them into our hands. Reusable bottles = saving you money and preserving this precious planet of ours. And Mrs. Green will love you even more.
3. Stop your Catalogs
You can do it for free at www.catalogchoice.org. Yes, it takes a few minutes but isn't it worth the time to save the millions of trees that won't have to be cut down because you care?
4. Stop Idling
Every moment you spend idling your car's engine means needlessly wasting gas (as well as rougher wear on your vehicle). Idling for more than just10 seconds wastes more gas than is needed for startup. Overall, Americans idle away 2.9 billion gallons of gas a year, worth about $78.2 billion.
5. Turn Down the Thermostat
It definitely pays to give a thought to your thermostat, since most households shell out 50 to 70 percent of their energy budgets on heating and cooling. For every degree you lower the thermostat, you'll save between 1 and 3 percent on your heating bill. Do the same thing in reverse with air conditioning. Save money, save energy.
6. Wash Your Laundry in Cold Water
An easy way to clean green is to turn the dial on your washing machine to cold. Most loads don't need hot water, and 90% of the energy used by washing machines goes into heating. The higher the water temperature, the higher the cost to you and the planet.
7. Pay Bills Online
Save natural resources -- as well as late fees -- by enrolling in online bill-paying options. Paperless billing not only saves trees, it also eliminates the fossil fuel needed to get all those billing envelopes from them to you and back again. Plus, you'll save money on stamps.
8. The First "R" is Reduce
Try to use smaller quantities of everything. Most of us use too much toothpaste, dish soap, laundry soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion etc. (not to mention how much water we waste.) I've found that using a little less makes everything last longer, and my body, my laundry and my home are just as clean and fresh! And buy things in BIG containers when possible so you don't have to buy so many.
How are We Doing? Do Tell
Do you have 90 seconds to give our team some feedback? We are in the five-year planning stage for the next iteration and expansion of Mrs. Green's World. Please consider taking our survey.
Mrs. Green Goes to the Big (Green) Apple - UPDATE
Ever heard of Steve Ritz from the Bronx? His TED Talk website features "talks" from notable experts on every sustainable subject imaginable. Stayed tuned because it's going to be "Live from New York - Steve Ritz hosts Mrs. Green and Two of Her Daughters." We are going to visit Steve in the Bronx and actually get to see some of the fruits of his labor - or maybe the vegetables. Among other things, Steve has designed edible walls - the new green graffiti! We'll keep you posted on our visit with Steve.
And not sure I mentioned this but the team from the Go Green Conference are FUN and delightful to work with. As previously reported, we are a media sponsor for the Go Green NYC Conference on September 26th as part of Climate Week. The conference tagline? Get Empowered. Get Inspired. Get Connected. And Mrs. Green says - get ready!
Are You in Tucson?
Be one of the first three people to answer this question and receive two $10 certificates to Verve Salon Lifestyle in Tucson - one for a facial and one for a pedicure. AND we'll toss in a Mrs. Green reusable bag, too.
Not in Tucson?
One of my bags is yours for the first three who answer this question correctly. What is the name of Aveda's autumn makeup collection? E-mail your answers to Kelly.
How Green is Your Work Space?
Marissa Feinberg, Co-founder Green Spaces
Marissa is an entrepreneur, marketer, publicist, brand builder and sought after public speaker; she will be a featured speaker at the Go Green Conference in New York. Green Spaces is NYC's and Denver's go-to co-working space for some of the coolest companies changing the world. Green Spaces was inspired by Green Leaders Global, a group she co-founded that unites sustainability change agents for salon-style events and deep dialogue to better the planet.Think Marissa stopped there? Of course not. She just launched Flockd which offers low-tech, tabletop pyramid gadgets, powering productivity and connectivity for innovation in collaborative spaces. Not sure what all that means but she does. This show is sponsored by the Go Green Conference.
September 7
Whole Foods, Real Food
Patrick Bradley, Regional President, Whole Foods Southern Pacific Region
Whole Foods is what I call a needle mover. They are the hope for more organic produce and for more free range, hormone-free, cruelty-free meats. They are the hope for the little guy wanting to do the right thing. Patrick Bradley puts a face on all of that. As Regional President of the Southern Pacific Region, Patrick oversees the largest region in the company with 41 stores, a commissary, bake house and distribution center. One of the things I admire? In the past twenty-five years with Whole Foods, Patrick has worked his way up the ranks, having held Store Team Leader Positions at three California locations. I am certain he has some very interesting stories to share about his journey. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
September 14
Miraval: Simply the Best
Michael Tompkins, President and CEO, Miraval Resort and Spa
I should just give it up trying to write this one. Michael and his team have helped make Miraval the number one resort and spa in the country and world-wide in many, many categories. In fact, Miraval has been publically recognized worldwide, nationally and locally in television, print media and online as one of the world's premier destination spas. Don't believe me? From just doing my own math, they have won over 16 awards so far in 2013. That takes outstanding leadership, focus and building a sustainable workforce to keep the momentum going. What's green about Miraval? A few examples: locally sourced ingredients used in their cooking; teaching classes to help us all create life in balance; their soon-to-be built state-of-the-art water treatment facility. Join us to learn more. The show sponsored by Miraval Resort and Spa.
September 21
Sustainable vs. Resilient Communities: Why We Should Care?
John Robb, Resilient Communities
I met John in May at the Monterey Sustainable Foods Conference hosted by Seafood Watch. Of all the presenters and amazing people I met, John literally had me from hello. He gets it. He can tell you the difference between sustainability and resiliency and why it matters. What kind of "cred" does he have? Read below and get as excited as I am about this show. From John's about page: "So, rather than provide you a full list of what I've done (an excellent sleep aide), here's a short summary: Tier 1 counter-terrorism operator and planner (you know, the guys that got Osama); a successful serial entrepreneur (I built companies, products, and hired people); inventor, astronautical engineer, top technology analyst; CEO, CTO, COO; professional pilot, author, officer, Eagle Scout, father, husband, and global traveler. In short? I've been there and done that. Fortunately, this broad experience is exactly why I can help you succeed." This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
September 28
Focus on our Future: A Global Vision
Joaquin Ruiz, University of Arizona, Vice President of Innovation and Strategy; Executive Dean, Colleges of Letters, Arts and Science; Dean, College of Science; Professor of Geosciences
Do you think there is more that I can add to the list of who this incredible man is? Yes, I can say that he and his team are literally changing the world every day. As a scientist with equal abilities in chemistry and in geology, Dr. Ruiz addresses many first-order problems in the Earth Sciences, such as the development of new isotope systems for studying ore deposits and the tectonic processes involved in the growth and evolution of Mexico. His research team addresses problems ranging from the origins of life to present-day climate change. A content-rich show guaranteed! This show sponsored by the University of Arizona.
October 5
Focus On Our Future: Rethinking How We Deal with Forest Fires
Don Falk - Associate Professor, University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment
As a person who lost a cabin in one of the most devastating forest fires in the Southwest, what Don Falk has to say is of great interest to me - personally and professionally. According to Falk, there are at least three areas where we can rethink our relationship to forest fires, their causes and consequences. By far the most important factor is understanding and accepting the reality of climate change. The increases in area burned, for example, are driven by earlier loss of mountain snowpack as well as drier winters and warmer spring and summer temperatures. In other words, it's all about connecting the scientific dots. Are we doing fire suppression the right way? What can be done differently to help minimize the devastating impact of these increasing violent threats? Join me to find out. This show sponsored by the University of Arizona.
October 12
The Unstoppable Green Machine
Steve Ritz
Somewhere along his journey, I think Steve Ritz might have heard a voice say to him "Feel the Green Force, Steve, this is your destiny." We're fortunate he listened. Steve is a teacher in the South Bronx where he and his kids grow lush gardens for food, greenery - and jobs. He is changing the world in ways I am at a loss to describe. With others, he is helping build indoor edible walls, roof top gardens, gardens on deserted lots and creating triple bottom-line opportunities for his students. Translation: JOBS - sustainable jobs. His TED Talk website has over 525,000 views; what he is really creating is the most important thing of all, hope for the future. It will be an honor to interview this man. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.
October 19
Smoking Them Out
Greg Walcher
As soon as I read about Greg it was one of those "I've got to get him on the show." And so it is. Walcher has spent a lifetime working to conserve the environment, while providing the resources needed to sustain a prosperous economy today - a concept that has always made sense to me. His new book, Smoking Them Out: The Theft of the Environment and How to Take it Back, is an Olympic-level reality check to out-of-control environmental policies that are destroying the economy, costing jobs, and doing little to help the environment."The United States is quickly becoming the first country in the history of the world to adopt policies designed to ensure its own decline," writes Walcher. "Every day we see the growing use of environmental laws not for the environment but against people. It is palpable across a wide array of issues - endangered species, public land management, clean air, wetlands, energy production, and the regulation of water." Bring it on. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet.
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