July 17, 2013 / Issue 142


Mrs. Green's World 

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Environmental Quote

Welcome to The White House, Mrs. Green


Part One: Trust me when I say those words were never spoken by anyone during my excellent adventure to The White House last week. But I can dream can't I?

Yes, I actually did get to attend a White House event last week; yes, I did get to see the President and the First Lady in the East Room; yes, it was truly an honor, a privilege and an adventure from which I learned a great deal.

To be perfectly honest, one week later, I am still processing all I observed: How important what I witnessed is to the future of our country and our planet; how I can do my part to share the message of what the event is about in the first place - healthy kids, healthy eating, kids in the kitchen cooking up delightful concoctions with their parents.

Parents, 8-to12-year-old kids and I (maybe even a grandmother or two) got to attend a State Dinner at the WHITE HOUSE with Michelle Obama. Here is an excerpt that explains The Kids' State Dinner, my reason for going to the White House in the first place:

On July 9th, fifty-four children and their parent/guardian (one pair from each of the 50 states, plus some of the U.S. Territories, D.C., and Puerto Rico) attended a Kids' "State Dinner" at the White House, hosted by Mrs. Obama. Each child (and their parents) submitted a healthy recipe as part of the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. A selection of the winning healthy recipes were served.

The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge invited families to create an original lunchtime recipe that is healthy, affordable and delicious, and follows the nutritional guidelines of MyPlate. The winners were chosen by a panel of judges from the organizations that teamed up with Mrs. Obama on this initiative: Epicurious, the Department of Education and the Department of Agriculture.

(Mrs. Green note: just take a minute and view the entire thing through the eyes and mind of an 8 year old....How DO you capture that?)


Part Two: Not sure if this should be part one, but what REALLY started this excellent adventure in the first place was a very special guest on my show in May: 12-year-old Haile Thomas from Tucson, Arizona. Haile had me from hello. Then, because of her, I was off to The White House where she INTRODUCED the First Lady. She blew me and many others away because of her poise, her presence, her knowledge, her leadership. Being there was a myriad of magical moments. All I really wanted to do was soak it all in but my social media conscience was bothering me so I whipped out the old iPad and shot this award-winning, probably- will- go- viral-video. Well, maybe not, but I hope it communicates that Haile Thomas is amazing. What outstanding acts of kindness and good health were you contributing to the planet at 12? 


I had to come clean about this. Our Facebook numbers for "people who saw this post" are really growing stronger every day. We are finding out what people really want to hear about from Mrs. Green and working to give you what you ask for. My favorite page for finding GREAT things to share? Give A Shit About Nature. Check it out before you judge me. A HUGE OMG and thanks to them because after all - shouldn't we all give just that? 


Mrs. Green Goes to the Big (Green) Apple

Mrs. Green is, indeed, going to New York City in September. We are a media sponsor for the Go Green NYC Conference on September 26th as part of Climate Week. Here's a little inside scoop. How blessed am I that two of my daughters, Katie and Emily, will be there helping me to spread the word about this conference. The conference tagline? Get Empowered. Get Inspired. Get Connected. And indeed we shall. There will be lots more details about the trip in weeks to come as spreading and sharing the good, green word coast-to-coast sounds great to us! 




July 20

Actor Ted Danson in his Finest Role
Actor Ted Danson & Andrew Sharpless
Ted Danson & Andrew Sharpless, Chief Executive Officer - Oceana.org 
From the Sam Malone we all loved on Cheers, to the passionate activist, author and co-founder of Oceana.org, Ted Danson's work on behalf of the world's oceans will impress you greatly.  Danson helped create the American Oceans Campaign in 1987, which eventually became Oceana in 2001.  Andrew Sharpless has led Oceana since 2003 as its Chief Executive Officer. Oceana, founded in late 2001, has grown in that time to be the largest international conservation organization fully dedicated to protecting the oceans. Andrew's new book, The Perfect Protein  shares what he has learned while leading Oceana for the last 10 years.  He has discovered that policy victories do not only help make our oceans more biodiverse and full of wonderful creatures (like sea turtles and sharks); they can also increase the amount of seafood available for consumption, particularly for the billion people on Earth who already rely on seafood as a primary source of animal protein-many of them in developing countries. Just about as important a topic I have covered. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
July 27
Pioneers of the New West 
Jim Cook, Executive Director
Eric Penner Haury, author, Edward Bridge Danson: Steward of the New West
This is a two-for-one! Did you know that the WNPA  supports parks by producing more than a half million pieces of free literature annually, including trail guides, newspapers, schedules, and brochures? Did you know that the WNPA contributed more than $55 million to national parks, generated through store sales to park visitors and the support of their members? Jim Cook will elaborate on just how this all works and why the WNPA is essential to the operations of our national parks very ability to survive. You'll also here from Eric Penner Haury, the nephew of Ted Danson and grandson of Edward Bridge Danson (aka Ned).  Eric's book details Ned's interesting, colorful life from a boy born to Cincinnati high society to a young, ambitious University of Arizona anthropology student and eventually an expert administrator with deep personal connections to northern Arizona tribal members, ranchers and scientists. He was a connector, a game changer and his grandson Eric will give us his perspective on a man he admired greatly and his lasting impact on the Southwest. Lots to fit into one show. Hope I am up for the challenge. Please join me to find out! This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
August 3
Focus on our Future - Creating an Innovation Hub 
Bruce Wright Bruce Wright, President, Arizona Center for Innovation (AzCI), the University of Arizona, and the Office of University Research Parks
To begin with, Bruce is a thought leader, a visionary, a man of action AND a communitarian! (Don't you love that?) He helped create AzCI, a high technology business incubator that helps entrepreneurs turn their innovative ideas into successful ventures. Bruce's research interests include regional economic development, international trade and business development, and technology development and commercialization. In addition to his role as President of AzCI, Bruce also serves as an adjunct instructor in the UA Department of Geography and Regional Development. I very much look forward to learning more about AzCI's successes and plans for the future. This show is sponsored by The University of Arizona.


August 10
Focus on our Future - The Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Diana Liverman Diana Liverman, PhD, Co-Director, Institute of the Environment, University of Arizona Diana is not a quick sound bite. She is a globally connected visionary for interdisciplinary approaches and the human connection when it comes to environmental change and impact. In other words, let's get academia to talk and work with each other. Through-out her career, Diana's main research interests include global change, climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, climate change and food security, and climate policy, mitigation and justice especially in the developing world. She also works on the political economy and political ecology of environmental management in the Americas, especially in Mexico and on art and climate change. Thought leader, change maker, sought after presenter on climate impact. Hope you will join us. This show sponsored by The University of Arizona.


August 17
Kid Power: Crayola Colorcycle Program 
Land Wilson, teacher, along with a representative from Crayola Color Me Crazy share their story about how a small group of individuals can change the world. This time they were really small - children. I can't write it any better than Treehugger wrote so here it is: Like all schoolchildren, students at Sun Valley Elementary School, in San Rafael, California, just love to draw with colored markers, but hate the waste it produces. Each day, as their young imaginations would materialize on paper, it left behind a hefty pile of empty pens that they couldn't stomach throwing away. Last year, members the school's "Green Team", made up of 1st thru 5th-graders, decided to try to reduce the environmental impact of their creative process -- by looking for a way to give those dried-up markers another life outside the landfill. Led by teacher Mr. Land Wilson, the forward-thinking youngsters made an appeal to the manufacturer of their favorite felt-tipped pens, Crayola, to convince the company to start recycling their empties. And they did it. Join me to hear how, and be as inspired as I was. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.
Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet. 

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