June 19, 2013 / Issue 140


Mrs. Green's World 

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Environmental Quote

Go Fish 

(And watch out for your Sunscreams!)


So for two weeks I have been thinking about the content of this newsletter, calling it "Sunscreams" and then BAM! I do a pre-recorded show with Andy Sharpless, CEO of Oceana and author of a newly released book called The Perfect Protein and the brain says "no, you have to write about fish AND our oceans. Tell people why Andy said there's hope for our oceans and we have to stop eating shrimp." What a dilemma. Enter my friend and #1 supporter of all things Mrs. Green, Cathy Rankin. Posed the question to her. "Do both." Here goes.

On Sunscreams...

If I came up to you and said "Here. Slather this all over your body and make sure you cover your kids and grandkids with it too. It smells good, makes your skin feel soft, contains harmful chemicals, known carcinogens, artificial dyes, endocrine disrupters and, for the most part, it probably doesn't really work at all. But, hey, give it a try." Don't be insulting, right?

So here's what I am going to do. I am going to channel through this email right to the center of your very green heart and BEG you to care enough to click on this link to read "Nine Surprising FACTS about Sunscreens." Please, please, please. You are worth it, your loved ones are worth it and your wallet is worth it. Trust me when I say there are some BIG surprises.

Surprising right? Sunscreen can CAUSE cancer? About one- fourth of Americans actually have low levels of Vitamin D which the sun provides? Did you know that? That's all I am going to say because you have to click on the link to get educated. To know better is to do better and I want us all to do better.

On Go Fish - hope for our oceans (I am becoming obsessed with them)

This is a good news and bad news kind of thing. At press time I am still on a high from interviewing both Ted Danson (activist/actor) and Andy Sharpless, CEO of Oceana and author of a new book called The Perfect Protein. When you hear the interview you will totally get why I couldn't wait for the show to air to share some great, exciting information. Read on.

The good news is that saving the oceans is practical and possible. Great news? Ten countries in the world control 50% of the world's ocean fish and 25 countries control 75 % of the world's ocean fish. And most of them want to protect the fish and are implementing protocols almost daily to do just that.

What do we have to do to protect our oceans and provide the WORLD with enough of the perfect protein to help feed the planet? Only THREE things:


1. Set and enforce scientific quotas so people aren't over-fishing

2. Protect nursery habitat so that the areas where baby fish are spawned don't get destroyed

3. Reduce by catch - that's when accidental species are killed in nets (like sea turtles in scallop nets)

Got 120 more seconds? Check this out straight from Andy's mouth. Truth be told, I shared this to give us all hope. I don't want to get the Debbie Downer label and this is uplifting information. And I don't know how to go about doing any of the above other than by supporting organizations like Oceana because they are doing the important work of protecting our oceans. About those shrimp...

I know, this is harsh. You can't hate me and don't kill the messenger. These were Andy Sharpless exact words: "We can't eat shrimp anymore. We have to stop." Andy is a life-long protector of our world's oceans so I figure he knows what he is talking about. What Food and Water Watch has to say about eating shrimp? Brace yourself and handle the truth! 


On "farmed" shrimp...

"Many consumers are not aware that a significant portion of shrimp consumed in the United States - even most of the shrimp labeled as "eco-friendly" - is not caught in U.S. waters. Instead, much of it is grown in man-made ponds containing a mix of ocean and fresh water along the coast of countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Ecuador. These shrimp are often referred to as "farmed" and may be labeled "farm raised," but in reality, they often are produced under unsafe and unhealthy conditions."

On what lies beneath the water...

"In order to export large quantities of shrimp, shrimp farm operators densely stock their ponds to produce as much as 89,000 pounds of shrimp per acre. Although these facilities profit in the short-run, the water is quickly polluted with waste, which can infect the shrimp with disease and parasites. In response, many such operations in Asia and South or Central America use large quantities of antibiotics, disinfectants and pesticides that would be illegal for use in U.S. shrimp farms."

You get the picture and I am going to stop with the bad news here but I encourage you to learn as much as you can so that the thought of eating shrimp makes you gag. I don't EVER want to offend anyone but if you don't believe me, GFGI - just freakin' google it! I did - read about 25 articles. I had to stop.

Soooooo - what can you do? LOTS!!! I don't tell you what to think, I just want you to.


Mrs. Green Blog

This may be a repeat but I am stymied at times as to why more people don't seem to care about so many things. This blog is more of puzzlement out loud than a blog but it is definitely an insight as to what goes on in this very busy head of mine. And have I mentioned that comments are so very encouraged? They feed me!   



June 22

Hand-Me-Over Fashion Made Cool

Kerstin Block

Kerstin Block, President and Owner, Buffalo Exchange and Rebecca Block, Vice President, Buffalo Exchange

Trendsetter, thought leader, early adopter and unquestionable leader in the fashion resale industry? Yes to all of them. Kerstin, her late husband and now her daughter Rebecca, has successfully transformed the retail apparel marketplace by leading the resale fashion industry. To the best of my knowledge, Buffalo Exchange was the very first store that bought, sold, traded, and took clothing items and accessories on consignment. I can attest to the fact that when Buffalo Exchange opened in 1974 in Tucson, resale shopping carried a stigma. Hard to believe now. The Blocks have truly been pioneers in reversing this trend leading the charge to Buffalo Exchange taking the country by storm. And we've only just begun. Kerstin is my friend, a person who cares deeply about the environment and who is NEVER afraid to tell you what she thinks. Lots to talk about with Kerstin and her daughter Rebecca. Please join our conversation. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


June 29 

Designing Resilience in a Black Swan World 
Dr. David Orr
Dr. David Orr
Professor & Senior Advisor, Oberlin College

Designing Resilience in a Black Swan World. Dr. Orr, Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics, also serves as Senior Advisor to the President at Oberlin College. He is an internationally recognized leader in sustainability. Dr. Orr is the visionary creator of The Oberlin Project to transform a rust-belt Ohio town into a thriving, sustainable and environmentally friendly community. He is the author of seven books, including the classic Ecological Literacy and Down to the Wire: Confronting Climate Collapse. I had the pleasure of spending some "alone time" with Dr. Orr and his wife Elaine while attending the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Cooking for Solutions Sustainable Foods Institute in mid-May. Dr. Orr and his family are on a mission to educate and inspire all of us to action. I cannot wait to share more. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson


July 6 

To be announced 

Due to "life happens" circumstances, we will have to wait to find out about the magnificent life of Cody Lundin. He promises to reschedule. At press time, we were still waiting to confirm our guest for this show! 


July 13

Focus on our Future

Bruce Wright Bruce Wright, President, Arizona Center for Innovation (AzCI), The University of Arizona, and the Office of University Research Parks

To begin with, Bruce is a thought leader, a visionary and a man of action. He helped create AzCI - a high technology business incubator that helps entrepreneurs turn their innovative ideas into successful ventures. Bruce's research interests include regional economic development, international trade and business development, and technology development and commercialization. In addition to his role as President of AzCI, Bruce also serves as an adjunct instructor in the UA Department of Geography and Regional Development. I very much look forward to learning more about AzCI's successes and plans for the future. This show is sponsored by The University of Arizona.


July 20
Actor Ted Danson in his Finest Role
Actor Ted Danson & Andrew Sharpless
Ted Danson & Andrew Sharpless, Chief Executive Officer - Oceana.org 
From the Sam Malone we all loved on Cheers, to the passionate activist, author and co-founder of Oceana.org, Ted Danson's work on behalf of the world's oceans will impress you greatly.  Danson helped create the American Oceans Campaign in 1987, which eventually became Oceana in 2001.  Andrew Sharpless has led Oceana since 2003 as its Chief Executive Officer. Oceana, founded in late 2001, has grown in that time to be the largest international conservation organization fully dedicated to protecting the oceans. Andrew's new book, The Perfect Protein  shares what he has learned while leading Oceana for the last 10 years.  He has discovered that policy victories do not only help make our oceans more biodiverse and full of wonderful creatures (like sea turtles and sharks); they can also increase the amount of seafood available for consumption, particularly for the billion people on Earth who already rely on seafood as a primary source of animal protein-many of them in developing countries. Just about as important a topic as any show I have covered. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
July 27
Pioneers of the New West 
Jim Cook, Executive Director
Eric Penner Haury, author, Edward Bridge Danson: Steward of the New West
This is a two for one! Did you know that the WNPA  supports parks by producing more than a half million pieces of free literature annually, including trail guides, newspapers, schedules, and brochures? Do you know that the WNPA contributed more than $55 million to national parks, generated through store sales to park visitors and the support of their members? Jim Cook will elaborate on just how this all works and why the WNPA is essential to the operations of our national parks very ability to survive. You'll also here from Eric Penner Haury, the nephew of Ted Danson & grandson of Edward Bridge Danson (aka Ned).  Eric's book details Ned's interesting, colorful life from a boy born to Cincinnati high society to a young, ambitious University of Arizona anthropology student and eventually an expert administrator with deep personal connections to northern Arizona tribal members, ranchers and scientists. He was a connector, a game changer & his grandson Eric will give us his perspective on a man he admired greatly and his lasting impact on the southwest. Lots to fit into one show. Hope I am up for the challenge. Please join me to find out! This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
August 3
Healthy Facts of Life
Ken Cook Ken Cook, President, Environmental Working Group
To be perfectly, brutally, beautifully honest, I don't know what Mrs. Green would do without this organization. They bring to us their list of The Dirty Dozen & the Clean Fifteen (what fruits & vegetables to buy organic & which are safe), the Center for Safe Cosmetics, The Safe Sunscreen Guide, The Guide to Healthy Cleaning and the list goes on.  They DON'T take government money, they DON'T take money from ANY corporations and the DO use THE POWER OF INFORMATION to inform & educate those willing to handle the truth.  I kind of sound like I am shouting but trust me, I am shouting for joy.  We don't know if Ken will actually be able to do the interview because of his schedule but Mrs. Green will be happy with anyone representing EWG.  I hope to be a part of making EWG (along with Mrs. Green) a go-to living green source for millions!  This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona. 
Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet. 

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