Greetings!Three Great Green Reasons to Shop Locally! (The Power of Choice) Every time you make a purchase, you are making a choice. The choice is OURS! We have the power to strengthen and enrich our communities. It's that simple.
Short back story: I attended a Local First meeting last week in Phoenix, Arizona. Truth be told it knocked my green socks off. I got to hear the human dynamo, Kim Lanning, State Director for Local First Arizona, provide to each of us irrefutable (and I mean try to shoot a hole in them) FACTS about why supporting locally owned businesses creates sustainable, financially healthy communities.
#1 Dollar Power For every $100 spent in a locally owned business, $73 remains in the local economy and $27 leaves. (Think marketing, accounting, printing, local taxes, school, police, fire. You get the picture.) For every dollar spent in a non-locally owned business, $57 leaves and $43 stays. (Think centralized, corporate marketing, accounting, purchasing, supplies, signage.) Until I heard Kimber elaborate, I didn't think about the ripple effect of how local store owners support each other thus keeping more money in our community.
#2 Local Works A great study was done on the West Michigan Economy and the results of a TEN PERCENT shift to local spending created a massive economic impact! Blew my first green sock off. Ready? In a population of about 770,000, a 10% shift in spending created the following:
* $137 million in new economic activity. * Over 1,600 new jobs. * Over $50 million in new wages.
You might want to re-read this a few times but at the very least, I hope you will read it out loud to a family member, a co-worker or a friend. One Sock blown off yet?
(If you are a long fact finder or if this sounds downright wacky to you, here is the "down low " download of the Local Works study in PDF format as an executive summary, or download the complete study.)
#3 The Feel Good Factor Volumes of scientific research exists that prove that being happy improves your health, your quality of life, and in many cases, your longevity. Honestly - are you really surprised? So I am just adding my own reasons for why I support locally owned businesses. I like being greeted with a smile and perhaps even the owner sitting to chat for a minute while eating at a locally-owned restaurant. I like being able to walk into our locally-owned camera shop and one of the guys who has been there forever actually remembers me, is aware of my technological challenges, does not try to upsell me and doesn't mind repeating the instructions a few times. A Mr. Green share? He has learned more about the kinds of hawks we have in our fountain from The Wild Bird Store "guy" than you could ever learn from a book. Mr. Green is not a super-chatty kind of person but he always comes home from The Wild Bird Store with a fun, informative story to share. Gotta love that. Question: Ever walked out of a Super Wal-Mart or Costco feeling great about a chat with the owner? Before you react, I know that some very nice people work in these places. But please don't try to convince me it's the same kind of feeling. Got Your Green Pin Ready?
In our never ending commitment to spread the GREAT, green word in every way possible, we are on it when it comes to Pinterest. Because I have an amazing team of people surrounding me every day, we are going to launch a fun, call to action Pin to Win Earth Day Contest! What On Earth Moves You? Watch for our eblast on April 1st - and even if you aren't a pinner, you will want to take a look at our vision for preserving this amazing planet of ours and forward the message to someone who pins AND cares about making a difference.
Silent Killer: The Movie
We use 380,000,000,000 of them every year. They are made primarily from petroleum and natural gas. They never biodegrade. They are the Silent Killers. They are plastic bags & we need to stop using them. Together, we can take small steps to make a big impact.
Upcoming Shows
Safe Seafood? There's an App for That.
Jennifer DiantoMonterey Bay Aquarium - Director of Sea Food WatchThis amazing program helps consumers and businesses make choices for one of my favorite passions - healthy oceans. They actually publish a seafood guide recommending which seafood items are "Best Choice," "Good Alternatives," and which ones we should "Avoid." Their recommendations are science-based, peer reviewed and use ecosystem-based criteria. Their impact? Over 40 million pocket guides distributed, their smartphone app has been downloaded almost a million times and they have close to 200 partners across North America including two of the largest food services companies. Tune in to find out how many fish are left in the sea and how to make healthy seafood choices. Wow. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson. April 6 Creating Sustainable Economies Bernard Lietaer & Jacquie DunneThis is such cutting edge, new paradigm, creating truly sustainable economies concept that it honestly and truly boggles my mind. Bernard and Jacquie are creating a global conversation about the concept and efficacy of local currencies. Among his many accomplishments, Bernard is an international expert in the design and implementation of currency systems. Jacquie is an award-winning journalist from Ireland, founder and CEO of Danu Resource, and an emerging leader in helping entrepreneurs develop technologies and initiatives that restore the earth's equilibrium globally. I feel honored to be interviewing two of the world's thought leaders and I think I'd better do my homework. If you are not yet excited about joining us, check out this write up from Huffington Post. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. April 13 Can Do! Jessica Arinella If you have ONE minute, you CAN change the world. Just ask Jessica and so I shall. What You Can Do Series 365 is a series that gives viewers the power to take small steps to solve big problems. Each episode illuminates a pressing social issue - such as hunger, poverty and global warming - and then shows what viewers can do about it, even if they only have one minute of time to give. Can you believe this? This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson. April 20 Fish for Life Peggy Turk Boyer, Executive Director, Center for the Study of Deserts & Oceans (CEDO)
CEDO has been working with the small-scale fishermen of the Northern Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez - near Rocky Point), helping them create viable, productive, sustainable fishing methods and management techniques for over 30 years. Working with shrimpers, divers and gillnet fishermen in about 10 communities around the Northern Gulf is both challenging and rewarding as they gather the data and do the science research necessary to share with the fishermen so that they can make informed decisions about how to manage their marine natural resources. CEDO also works with the communities, helping locals figure out ecotourism options, including the creation of jewelry and tourist novelties from the stuff that they beach-comb (anything from trash to marine skeletons!) Interested? I know I certainly am! The show is sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. April 27 Kids in the Kitchen Haile Thomas - Healthier Generation
Are you ready for this? And I have to write it all...Haile Thomas is an active 11-year-old from Tucson, Arizona. From a young age Haile developed a deep passion for cooking. She is the lead host of Kids Can Cook, the exciting online cooking show that aims to empower kids with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to prepare healthy meals for themselves and their families. Haile became interested in cooking when she was five, and this interest was nurtured by her mother who frequently allowed her to help plan and prepare family meals. In 2010, after completing a Girls Making Media workshop, Haile was greatly inspired to share her cooking adventures with other kids and Kids Can Cook was launched. In addition to the Kids Can Cook show, which she hosts with her younger sister Nia, Haile has appeared in local and nationally televised cooking segments, national and local talk shows, and conducts cooking demonstrations at community events. Haile also enjoys swimming, yoga, tennis, and riding her bike. OMG comes to mind. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet.
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