February 13, 2013 / Issue 131


Mrs. Green's World 

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The Green Magic Carpet Ride
(For those who believe magic)

"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Roald Dahl. This newsletter is about the magic of the Mrs. Green journey. It's about the magic of dreaming a dream and finding out that believing in the power of your dream works. It's personal and very sincere. It's about sustainability for your soul. So if you believe in magic and are in the market for some soul food, I invite you to read on so I can share this ride with you.


On Mrs. Green's World - A little over five years ago, Mrs. Green's World was a dream. It started something like this. What if I could start a radio show helping people like me figure out what we can really do in our everyday lives to help preserve this great planet of ours? And what if I could interview guests from all over the country about a myriad of topics on subjects like renewable energy, fuel-efficient cars, the state of our oceans, the truth about toxins in our homes and workplaces, our compromised food supply? And what if I could expand the information shared on that radio show via a website and a newsletter? (and then Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, yada yada...) And what if I could do it in a way that makes sense to me, the woman/man on the street, and do it without shaming, blaming or guilt tripping people? And what if I could find people in the business community to believe in and help support the power of this dream? What if I could help to create an entirely new business paradigm by creating an integrated social media platform that could sustain itself and, yes, continue to grow? Sustainable partnerships? What if I could, with the help of many, show all of us ways to make small changes for a big impact? What if....  


Fast forward. Green gratitude of the sincerest kind? You bet. I want to name every business and every person who took the leap of faith and said yes to joining me on this green carpet ride. I want to grab their faces gently and tell them "Look me in the eye. Do you have ANY idea what YOUR believing in the power of this dream has meant to me AND to the planet? Do you really?" I want to tell them AND everyone who reads this that it is because of YOU that the "what ifs" became the "whens." But this is not the Oscars - it's the written word and people have A.D.D. so I can't thank you all individually. But I have to name two. I have to give a shout of out to Chapman Tucson and The Fairfax Companies. They got on the green magic carpet when Mrs. Green was turning blue with excitement and are still with me on this wild and crazy ever expanding "the sky's the limit" excellent adventure. Gratitude indeed!   


On the Mrs. Green team. And then, as the magic began to unfold, the magic of the Mrs. Green team began to unfold. How do I love them? Let me count the ways. How do they make the wheels on the fuel-efficient bus go round and round? Simply put, without them, there is no bus. I like to use the analogy of on stage and behind the curtain. Without "behind the curtain" no show goes on. So it is with the Mrs. Green magic green carpet team. I am the one on stage but without them, I would still be in the dream state making a difference to no one about nothing. Do you even know their names? How about meeting them because they matter and make all things possible? We have grown from two to ELEVEN and that, in and of itself, is magic. Meet Cindy (first person on the carpet), James (aka Mr. Green!) Bonnie, Kelly, Lynn, Amy, Whitney, Joan, Dave, Debbie and Taylor. All have their strengths, all make their contribution, they are all willing to take me on, and all help me move forward every day in every way with a single shared vision: preservation of this planet of ours. A big OMG, a huge affirmation to the power of magic and a BIG green heart filled with gratitude that mere words cannot express.  


On dreams coming true. Just since January 1st, the magic green carpet is doing flips. Just a few examples? 

  • We are about to expand our partnership with the University of Arizona to an entirely new, exciting and "new paradigm thinking" collaborative
  • Mrs. Green is going to Alaska in April for an Energy Conference
  • Mrs. Green is going to San Diego in June for the Sustainable Brands Conference
  • Mrs. Green's Radio show is being picked up by another radio network starting March 1st.

And why am I even sharing this? Have I become narcissistic and started down the slippery slope of making this all about me? If that's what comes across in this newsletter than I have failed miserably - at expressing my thanks; at some level providing proof to you that dreams come true; at making the point that none of this would EVER have happened without my family, my partners, our team, and the Mrs. Green Tribe; and about inspiring you to find your own magic carpet - in whatever color suits you best. Thanks for indulging me. I have to get this out every once in a while.  


Staying the Green Course

As promised, I am excited to bring you another "be the first person to email Kelly to let her know you read this far down" fun reward. If you are the lucky one, you will be the first ever recipient of The Green Heart by The Color of Your Heart by Exclaymations. I treasure mine and it will be great to know one more person who is in the proud possession of one with me!
Upcoming Shows

February 16
Wounded Nature, Working Veterans 
Rudy Socha, CEO of Wounded Nature - Working Veterans 
All I could think about when I heard about Wounded Nature - Working Veterans was "I have GOT to interview them." And so I shall. Who are they? They are an agency that stations their houseboats offshore or on the beaches of cleanup areas in rural areas on the East Coast delivering workers in and out of smaller crafts - places where larger organizations don't want to go or don't have the capacity to go. The entire concept intrigues me and I can't wait to fire away my questions. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.

February 23 
Zero Waste Lifestyle: Is it Possible? 
Ready for this? Amy Korst and her husband Adam, chronicled a year in which they lived without throwing away ALMOST anything. They titled their journey The Green Garbage project and posted regular blogs during the entire year. Their goal was to produce ONE plastic grocery sack (or less) of garbage bound for the landfill. Join me to find out if they did, how they did it, and the challenges they faced along the way. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies

For one year, we will produce as little trash as humanly possible - ultimately, we hope to produce one plastic grocery sack (or less) of garbage bound for the landfill.

March 2 
UNS Energy: Developing Bright Solutions 
Paul Bonavia
Paul Bonavia, Chairman & CEO of UNS Energy Corp & Tucson Electric Power Company 
Wind? Solar? CNG? Coal? What's the head of a major utility company to do? How do you lead a company that answers to many masters from shareholders to consumers to environmentalists? All I know is that Paul Bonavia seems to figure it out on a daily basis and, in spite of the many challenges put in front of him by a newly elected governing body. TEP has won national awards for their achievements in renewable energy and as a company, and are viewed as leaders in this area. Lots to talk about? We won't skip a beat. This show sponsored by Tucson Electric Power Company.  


March 9 
Osprey Orielle Lake
Author, Uprisings for the Earth - Reconnecting Culture with Nature
Osprey had me from hello (even if only from her book). This is truly a "food for your sustainable soul" show. "At the center of an Earth etiquette is a deep, respectful listening, knowing what to do comes from the listening. When we begin to listen to The Big Quiet and feel the rhythm of our home planet, we become mindful that our survival is completely intertwined, people and planet." Here's to an Earth etiquette, to listening - and this show is a great place to learn about The Big Quiet and why it is so very important to the preservation of the planet. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.

March 16th
A New Breed of Pioneers: The Urban Farming Guys 
Jason Fields
The Urban Farming Guys
Are you ready? Because sometimes I simply can't paraphrase or cut and paste or extrapolate. "Who are we...We are the urban experiment...We are the seed that died and went into the ground. We have purposefully relocated our homes into one of the most blighted and dangerous zip codes in the U.S. 64127, Lykins Neighborhood, Kansas City to put down our stake for the sake of the youth and the poor. What is going to happen to us...who knows? We are a band of pioneers. We don't claim this is a good idea...it is our lives. It runs in our blood. We are cultivating the life of the inner-city. The Police helicopter is our favorite bird. Neighborhood meetings are our drama. Dropping crime stats are our touchdown cheer. Just to see people walking their dogs around the block again is a sign of good things to come. Stay tuned, lots of adventure ahead!" I can't wait to be a part of my own show. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.          

March 23
Organic Valley: 1814 Farmers Strong  
Theresa Marquez
Organic Valley Coop

This is an amazing story about a co-op that has always been organic and has always been farmer-owned since 1988. They believe in good food, they believe in the labeling of GMOs (because we really are what we eat and have a right to know!) This mission driven cooperative is owned by family farmers, has a stated philosophy of making decisions based on the health and welfare of people, animals and the earth. They are thought leaders, their story starts when family farms were on the brink of extinction and they are standing strong against big companies with LOTS of money. They believed that a new, sustainable approach to agriculture could help family farms and rural communities survive. And they were right. Please join us. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.  
March 30
Seafood Watch: Issues & What You Do  
Jennifer Dianto
Monterey Bay Aquarium - Director of Sea Food Watch
This amazing program helps consumers and businesses make choices for one of my favorite passions - healthy oceans. They actually publish a seafood guide recommending which seafood items are "Best Choice," "Good Alternatives," and which ones we should "Avoid." Their recommendations are science-based, peer reviewed and use ecosystem-based criteria. Their impact? Over 40 million pocket guides distributed, their smartphone app has been downloaded almost a million times and they have close to 200 partners across North America including two of the largest food services companies. Tune in to find out how many fish are left in the sea and how to make healthy seafood choices. Wow. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.  
Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 

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