Green Lollapalooza
(or at least I hope so)
lol*la*pa*loo*za [lol-uh-puh-loo-zuh] noun, Slang. an extraordinary or unusual thing, person, or event; an exceptional example or instance.
I don't usually fret over writing the newsletter but fret I did over this one. Besides wishing you a joy-filled, abundant and very sustainable New Year - what can I write about that will be inspiring for this FIRST newsletter of 2013? Something fresh? Innovative? Creative? Worthy of your time? An exceptional example of living sustainably? A new green spin on things? The "committee" was really working overtime on this one and thus the green lollapalooza emerged for this first newsletter of 2013.
So what great, deep thoughts did the committee reveal? It's all about connection - of the real, old-fashioned, help your neighbor, waste not, want not, like in the good old days kind. It's all about believing that each and every one of us is on purpose, that we can make a difference for the planet, that we can (and indeed must) move the green needle forward every single day of our collective lives. If we personally believe that our not using plastic bags matters, we won't use them. If we personally believe that plastic water bottles have NO upside whatsoever and that they are harmful to our health, our oceans, our energy supply and that our not using them counts, we will stop using them. If we believe that our turning off the lights and our computers helps use less energy, turn them off we shall. If we believe that locally owned business are the backbone of our country, that small businesses matter and that by supporting them, we are supporting the very communities in which we live, we will program ourselves to shop locally. If we believe that there is a direct cause and effect between what we put in our bodies, that reading ingredients matters and that it all impacts our health, we will eat better. We have to connect to the point that we realize we ARE the cause and the effect. We ARE the green lollapaloozas who can bring about extraordinary changes.
And there's more to this than just plastic bags and bottles and healthy food conversation. Stay with me. There's the connection to other human beings part and believing that living intentionally, in our every interaction, really matters. That how we show up in other people's lives REALLY matters (intentional kindness sound familiar?) Whether it's the person we want to yell at on the phone, or the person who blocks our way in the grocery aisle or the person who is telling a story that's too long, the way we connect, interact, respond really matters. Again, we ARE the green lollapalooza - the extraordinary, unusual person. We just have to believe it, in

dividually, collectively, and universally. We have to connect again - to each other and to the planet, we have to show up by living with intention and the rest will all fall into place. Trust me.
One Small Step for Mankind in 2013? Lots of people ask me about paper or plastic? Can't ever beat a good visual.
And Mother Earth will thank us - right after our children and grandchildren. Here's to the year of the green lollapaloozas!
We Made One Green Christmas Dream Come True! It seems like ages ago that we announced the winner of our "I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas." We did a random drawing and 22 was the lucky number. Shirley Dunn Perry was our very happy winner! Her entry: "As a quilter, I have lots of beautiful fabric odds and ends .... so I use them to wrap presents in." I took the time to read all of the entries again and if you feel so inclined, they are totally worth the read before we take them down.
P.S. How funny is it that on the SAME day we announced the winner, a package arrived in the mail from my friends Bob & Amie Sue Oldfather. It was a book called The Wrapping Scarf Revolution by Patricia Lee. Subject? How to replace gift wrap, shopping bags and more with elegant, time-honored wrapping scarves.
Here's a little experiment I would like to try. IF you do read down this far and IF you do send me an email with Wrapping Scarf in the subject line, I will send a S'well bottle and a Mrs. Green bag to the first two I receive!
Silent Killer: The Movie
We use 380,000,000,000 of them every year. They are made primarily from petroleum and natural gas. They never biodegrade. They are the Silent Killers. They are plastic bags & we need to stop using them. Together, we can take small steps to make a big impact.
Upcoming ShowsJanuary 5, 2013Southwest Airlines: Operating with the Green Filter Laurel Moffat, Outreach Communication, Southwest AirlinesSo not only does SWA (and trust me, I fly SWA) not charge you for your bags AND still give you peanuts and pretzels AND frequently entertain you during your flight, they are going greener every day in every way they can. I am nuts about them. "Our performance, our people, our planet." Don't you want to know what this industry leader is doing to be a good steward of the planet? Is this a great show for our first in 2013? Hope you will join me and say it is so! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson. January 12, 2013What Can You Learn from an Octopus? Rafe Sagarin, PhD, Institute of Environment, University of ArizonaRafe is a marine biologist, an environmental policy analyst, an author, a husband, a father and a true thought leader. The primary focus of this interview will be about Rafe's latest book, Learning from the Octopus, a book describing how secrets from nature can help us fight terrorist attacks, natural disasters and disease. Can't wait to tune in? Me either. Please join us. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona. January 19, 2013A Planetary-wide Blueprint for the Future Daniel Rirdan, author of The Blueprint, Averting Global CollapseAccording to Daniel, we are faced with an impending calamity that threatens to bankrupt the planetary ecosystem and with it much of the man-made world. Rirdan offers for our consideration a plan that truly goes the distance: a highly detailed, planetary-wide blueprint that lays out a new course for our technological and industrial engines. Hope for the future is what I would call it. Hope you want to join me as much as I want to interview him. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. January 26, 2013Let's Talk Food Politics Marion Nestle - Food Politics
Marion's bio reads: Marion Nestle is Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health (the department she chaired from 1988-2003) and Professor of Sociology at New York University. Her degrees include a Ph.D. in molecular biology and an M.P.H. in public health nutrition, both from the University of California, Berkeley. Well, she's all that and so much more. She's written SIX books about nutrition for humans and pets and she really knows about food politics. I won't know where to begin. Join me to find out. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona. February 2, 2013To Frack or Not To Frack? Jennifer McIntosh, Ph.D, University of Arizona, Institute of the EnvironmentJennifer is an Associate Professor, Hydrology & Water Resources at the UA. She and I have spent several hours talking about one of my favorite subjects - fracking. Because we REALLY don't want to tell you what to think, we just want you to, we are taking our conversation and different perspectives to the airwaves. Ready for ONE sentence from Jennifer's bio? "My research focuses on the elemental and isotopic chemistry of surface waters, groundwaters, saline fluids, and natural gas to better constrain the sources of solutes, residence times and flow paths of fluids and gas in the subsurface, and biogeochemical processes." I better do my homework. Please plan to join us. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.
Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet.
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