December 5, 2012 / Issue 126


Mrs. Green's World  

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Go Green Conference 2012



Three Green Holiday Quickies

(It's Not What You Think)


I don't know about you but no matter how hard I try, Christmas/the holidays seem to sneak up on me. More than the normal "too many things on the list not enough hours in a day" busy - right? So what better gift can I give to you than a REALLY short newsletter? Read on for three green holiday quickie reminders.

#1 - on artificial versus live Christmas trees: You get to decide if you want to read the entire article but the answer is "real" wins. That makes me happy because the thought of having a fake tree makes me sad. And I don't like being sad. This is well worth the read.

Please do your own homework about eco-friendly trees (sounds obvious but it's not) and make sure you recycle your tree if you do buy a real one. Ours will be going to the Fairfax Companies because they will turn it into green waste. You can easily do a Google search for where to recycle yours.

#2 - on less is more: Stay with me. The less you buy the less you have to wrap which means less stress - on you, your wallet and the landfills. Talk to family and friends about exchanging the gift of time like a lunch or breakfast after the holidays. For the first time ever, the grown-ups in our family are exchanging names for our gift giving. All of us were relieved for our own personal reasons and all of us agreed that what matters to us is staying in our pajamas on Christmas day and eating whatever we want. We also agreed that there is nothing wrong with getting fun presents for the kids because we all love to watch their faces when they open them. And besides, I am a grandma.

#3 - on thinking inside the green box: Think places like Goodwill, HabiStore, Humane Society (well, maybe not surprising someone with a puppy but making a donation if they are pet lovers.) Think gift certificates to places like that. I gave a gift certificate to my friend Nancy who frequents Goodwill. She loved it more than another pair of candle sticks or pretty bowl she doesn't need. Think re-gifting. Think LOCAL! The important thing? Just think. It makes things lots more fun and way more meaningful.

The end.


I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas


We're Dreaming of a Green Christmas
(and you will be too!)


Back by popular demand, we are doing our "I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas" contest again this year starting on December 10th.  We want to hear your green Christmas ideas and traditions, wPendant from Abbott Taylor Jewelerse want to share them with everyone in Mrs. Green's world and we want you to jump up and down like our green team did when we finalized the prizes. Our very own Kelly King offered her two week resignation from our team so she could enter. Thank Goddess she was only kidding. Can't wait? Here's a sneak preview from Abbott Taylor Jewelers from his GARDEN collection. Gotta love it and get ready to join the fun.  


Details to follow but the prizes will be S'well, will make you feel Ecco Bella beautiful and they will come to you all wrapped up in Mrs. Green's own reusable bag.   

Silent Killer: The Movie
We use  380,000,000,000 of them every year.  They are made primarily from petroleum and natural gas. They never biodegrade.  They are the Silent Killers. They are plastic bags & we need to stop using them. Together, we can take small steps  to make a big impact. Please remember to take your reusable shopping bags everywhere!

The Silent Killer 

What's Going On at Sea of Green? 

I never get tired of plugging this great statewide locally owned business. Check them out, think gift certificate, think floating in a Sea of Green. 

Upcoming Shows

December 8

Credible Green Marketing  

Jacquie Ottman Jacquie Ottman - Credible Green Marketing

Jacquie is an internationally recognized expert on the rules of green marketing, she is loved and respected by people and companies all over the planet and she is a mentor and friend to members of the Mrs. Green team. She authored the book , The New Rules of Green Marketing, she consults with Fortune 500 companies, writes a regular blog and she is a much sought after public speaker. Sounds like enough? Not for the Divine Ms. Ottman. Her latest passion is the launch of a campaign that I encourage you to check out and join. Incredible human being, incredible show! This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.  


December 15
Little Injections of Wisdom
Eric Sinoway Eric Sinoway - President & Co-founder of Axcess Worldwide & author of Howard's Gift - Little Injections of Wisdom
Eric wrote this book to "capture and share little injections of wisdom" he received whenever he spent time with his teacher, colleague and now dear friend Howard Stevenson. Mr. Sinoway is an entrepreneur and a pioneer in corporate partnership development but he was shockingly reminded to make every day count when his friend suffered a near-fatal heart attack while walking across the campus at Harvard. This show will be of the sustaining your soul kind - likened already to Tuesdays with Morrie. Now that is saying something. Hope you will join us. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.

December 22
Organic Valley, Farmer-Owned
Theresa Marquez Theresa Marquez - Mission Executive, Organic Valley
I, for one,  was disappointed that California Prop 37 did not pass. But let's still have hope that mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods is on the horizon in our country. See what Organic Valley Mission Executive, Theresa Marquez, has to say about the proposition and other things going on around the country as it relates to food labeling. As you know, the tagline for my radio show is "We don't tell you what to think, we just want you to." I think we have a right to know what we are eating. Truth be told I am sure I will continue to eat some genetically modified food but I want to know it! This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


December 29
Best of Show -Amy Kalafa, Two Angry Moms
Amy Kalafa (Note from Mrs. Green: So that everyone on the Mrs. Green team can be enjoying time with family & friends, we are proud to bring you Amy Kalafa once again. What better way to say goodbye to the old and bring in the new than by committing to healthy food for our children?)
Is it a book?  A movie?  A movement?  Yes! Amy Kalafa (one of those angry Moms) was stewing for years, packing her kids lunches from home and trying to get her community to pay attention to what kids are eating in school. When news of a national child health crisis began making headlines, Amy, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, decided to take the fight to film. Two Angry Moms is Amy's quest to learn what she and other parents need to know and do to get better food in their kids' schools. Are you ready for this one?  I know I am. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.

January 3, 2013
Take to the Sky!
Laurel Moffat Laurel Moffat, Outreach Communication, Southwest Airlines
So not only does SWA (and trust me, I fly SWA) not charge you for your bags AND still give you peanuts and pretzels AND frequently entertain you during your flight, they are going greener every day in every way they can. I am nuts about them. "Our performance, our people, our planet." Don't you want to know what this industry leader is doing to be a good steward of the planet? Is this a great show for our first in 2013?  Hope you will join me and say it is so! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
Mrs. Green's World 
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 


Spread the Green Word!

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