Climate Change Action Kick-Off On November 13
NOAH's CBE team will host a Climate Change Action 'Kick-Off' Event on Wednesday, November 13th, from 3 to 6 PM, at Maverick Square in East Boston. Youth and adult staff members are working on a program to increase awareness, preparation and adaptation planning for coastal flooding risks in East Boston neighborhoods. With much of East Boston built on landfill at low elevations and along the coast, impacts from intense storms and rising sea levels could be devastating, as it was in New York a year ago. The MBTA station and elsewhere in Maverick Square will be marked to show potential flooding levels of between 3 to 5 feet. An exhibit and resource center installation will feature Super-storm Sandy photo retrospectives, with materials showing East Boston residents' impact-level zones, by address, with recommended preparedness pamphlets. NOAH is partnering on this project with the MBTA, the City of Boston Greenovate Project, Zumix, the East Boston Health Center, Boston Collaborative for Food & Fitness and the Energy Necklace Project.
 | Giving last year's keynote address: Aaron Gornstein, MA Undersecretary for Housing & Community Development |
26th Annual Holiday Dinner on December 12 We will hold our Annual Meeting & Holiday Dinner on Thursday evening, December 12th, at Spinelli's in East Boston. Everyone is invited to join us! Tickets are only $35 for NOAH members and $50 for non-members. Children's tickets are $5 each, and are payable at the door. Community and client discounts are available. Members can purchase a table for 10 at a discounted price of $315; non-members, at $450. If you'd like to become a NOAH member, just pay one annual membership dues fee at $10, plus the discounted membership ticket or table rate.
Ernani DeAroujo, Esq., NOAH Board Chair, Phil Giffee, NOAH ED & Alberto Vasallo, 'El Mundo' VP &
Editor-in-Chief, at last year's event
Everyone always compliments us on Spinelli's wonderful buffet. Enjoy roast beef, chicken or a penne pasta vegetarian option, with "Death by Chocolate" cake. Children's meals include pizza and cookies; please email us to let us know how many children will be attending and their ages. Childcare is located in an adjacent room.
We hope Boston's next Mayor will join us. CLICK HERE to register or for more information.
 | NOAH's Foreclosure Prevention Counseling Team |
Six Years Success Saving Homes
Since October 2007, NOAH's bilingual foreclosure prevention counseling team has been hard at work saving the homes of thousands of families facing possible foreclosures due to illnesses, job losses or other unexpected personal financial emergencies. Our free education and counseling in English and Spanish has helped over 2,500 families in 95 area communities, most of whom are still in their homes today. One tool to help save a home from foreclosure is to apply for a mortgage modification. In the last four months, 56 NOAH clients received mortgage loan modifications that brought their monthly payments to an affordable level. Congratulations to our staff for their fine work. This spring, a widow with two children from Revere came to NOAH. The death of her husband, coupled with her own sudden illness, left her unable to earn enough to keep her home, and she became five months late in making her loan payments. This month, NOAH helped her receive an affordable permanent loan modification, at only 36% of her original payment rate, with the potential for a principal reduction of $145,000 if timely payments are made over the next three years. If you know of a family that has suffered a hardship, and can no longer afford their monthly mortgage payments, please send them to NOAH. We offer weekly Monday evening drop-in workshops in Spanish and in English. For more information, please call 617-418-8263. And, thank you again to the many funders who make this work possible, including the Mass. Attorney General's Office, the Mass. Division of Banks, United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley, NeighborWorks America/NFMC, HUD and others.
NOAH ED Phil Giffee at Benfield Farms Site
Real Estate UpdateOur $9M, 26-unit, senior development, Benfield Farms, is nearly complete. We expect occupancy to begin mid-winter. Dellbrook Construction has done a wonderful job turning Dimella Shaffer's plans into reality. This will be a beautiful structure on a gorgeous piece of property in a bucolic suburban setting in Carlisle. Peabody Properties is still accepting applications. Click here for more information. Toby Kramer, our Director of Real Estate Development, is working diligently to finalize the construction loan closing for our $20M, 66-unit senior rehab project of the historic Sitkowski School in Webster. It is nearly impossible to describe how difficult and challenging it is to assemble the financing to make affordable projects work! We thank all of our valued partners who will be mentioned again at the ground-breaking this winter. We also thank our friends and colleagues in the Town of Webster for hanging with us to make this worthwhile project succeed. It is not easy for Towns and their residents to wait so long for such highly visible and much anticipated developments to come on line. In addition to capital, much patience is required. We appreciate their personal and organizational investments. We have begun to submit documents related to the filing of the official PNF (Project Notification Form) for Coppersmith Village in East Boston, our 71-unit, mixed-income, ownership and rental project. As the City processes our documents, it will set up local meetings. We then hope to secure BRA approval in the coming months. We also have filed a 113-unit mixed-income rental application with the City of Haverhill. The project, named Bradford Landing, sits on City-owned land across from the MBTA's Bradford commuter rail stop. The City issued an RFP last spring for this 4.8 acre site, which abuts the Merrimack River across from the revitalizing downtown of the old shoe city of Haverhill. Our project would provide access to the beautiful Merrimack River, extend the City's emerging Rail Trail and clean up a heavily weeded old industrial site formerly used as a shoe factory. We have additional multi-purpose, mixed-income revitalization projects pending, about which we hope to notify our readers in an upcoming newsletter.
New NOAH Board Members!
Lauren DeMayo
Andrew DeStefano
We welcome two new members who joined the NOAH Board of Directors in 2013: Lauren DeMayo, CPA and Andrew DeStefano. Lauren works as an Audit Senior at Deloitte & Touche. She is a graduate of the University of Delaware Lerner School of Business & Economics and of Northeastern University's Graduate School of Business Administration. Andrew is the Field & Communication Coordinator at AFL-CIO. He is a recent graduate of Boston College. NOAH continues to look for new Board members who can bring special skills to complement the organization, including Spanish speakers and East Boston residents. If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more, please contact NOAH ED Phil Giffee at 617-418-8240.
Outgoing & Incoming NOAH CBE Directors Kim Foltz & Chris Marchi
Coming & Going in CBE...
It is with mixed feelings that we announce that we are both losing and gaining wonderful Community Building and Environment Directors here at NOAH. Current Director Kim Foltz is leaving us to take a position with the City's "Boston Bikes" program. Kim has been with NOAH for over three years, aptly overseeing our community organizing, ESOL, environmental, and children and youth programming. We will miss her and her great work. "It's been such a privilege to work on important issues in my own community," says Kim. "NOAH work touches many lives, and I've loved getting to know so many people who help make East Boston a great neighborhood. My passion for a strong and sustainable community continues, and I'm now changing hats from staff to volunteer. As I do so, I hope to see many of you around the neighborhood!"
Chris Marchi, life-long East Boston resident and long-term environmental activist, was promoted from NOAH Sustainability, Youth & Community Coordinator to new CBE Department Director. Chris attended the Mass. College of Art, and has worked in the past for Valdez Baseball Academy, Boston Natural Areas Network and the City of Boston. Earlier this year, he was presented the East Boston Times "Man of the Year" award for his community-related environmental achievements. A fun fact about Chris: he was a 1970's poster child in the past 'Eastie is Not an Airport' campaign, in which his mother and father, Roberta and Richard, were very active.
 A World of Thanks to Our Generous Funders! All of us at NOAH want to say a big 'THANK YOU' to our recent funders, including: Adrian Madaro, Dharmena Downey, Greg Comeau, Rose Fiore, Lauren DeMayo, Boston Private Bank, Sovereign Bank, the Wells Fargo Foundation, the Massachusetts Environmental Trust via the Conservation Law Foundation, NeighborWorks® America, the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), O'Donoghue Insurance Agency, East Boston Savings Bank, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Spinelli's, East Boston Community Development Center, Phil Freehan, Tim Delessio, Sharon & Steve Roussel, East Boston Dental Associates, Danilchuk Auto Body, Jean Staropoli, Kelley Square Pub, Century 21 Mario Real Estate, Mary Elizabeth Nofziger & Goetz Friederichs, Ronald Stoia, Eastern Flooring Company, East Boston Diamond & Gold Exchange, Michael and Beth Fiore, Chris Smith, Kirshon Paint, Susan Webber, Mary Cahalane and Yolanda Pisson. Without our wonderful supporters, we could not maintain our client services or programs at their current levels. With them, we continue to create and maintain more sustainable neighborhoods and affordable housing than ever before!
 Please 'Like' Us on Facebook!
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 Upcoming Events
EB Climate Change Action Kick-Off Event
On Wednesday, November 13, from 3-6 PM, at Maverick Square in East Boston. For more information, please contact Chris Marchi at 617-418-8243.
NOAH's 26th Annual Meeting & Holiday Party
Everyone is welcome to join us on Thursday night, December 12, at 6 PM at Spinelli's in East Boston. Click here to register.
First-Time Homebuyer Classes
The next Spanish First-Time Homebuyer course will meet on Saturday, November 16, and Saturday, November 23, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM, at NOAH. The next available English First-Time Homebuyer course will meet on Saturday, December 7, and Saturday, December 14, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM at NOAH. To receive a City of Boston certificate, attendees must be present at all class sessions. Students learn from industry guest speakers, including home inspectors, as well as from NOAH staff, about how best to purchase a home and about appropriate loan products. The cost for the group course is $35 per individual or $45 per couple (registering together). Also, we now are offering individual online course sessions. For more information, please call Christinne Flores at 617-418-8263.
Loan Modification/Foreclosure Prevention Clinics
Our next bilingual Loan Modification/Foreclosure Prevention clinics will occur on the following Monday evenings: October 28, November 4, 18 and 25, and December 2, 9, and 16 from 5:30 to 8 PM at NOAH. These workshops are the initial counseling and education sessions for NOAH's foreclosure prevention and mitigation counseling. The sessions are held in Spanish and in English. All of NOAH's foreclosure prevention education and counseling sessions are free of charge. Workshops are held weekly, except for holiday weeks. For additional information, please contact Christinne Flores at 617-418-8263.
Make a BIG impact with a SMALL Donation!
Please consider making a secure tax deductible donation to NOAH today. To donate online, CLICK HERE.
Thank you for your interest in NOAH!
You can find out further information about NOAH on our web site at