NOAH to Hold Waterfront Gala Event this June
Please reserve Thursday, June 20, from 5:30 to 8 PM, for NOAH's 25th anniversary celebration on the waterfront at the East Boston Harborside Hyatt. NOAH is honoring decades-long supporter, collaborator, investor and underwriter, Citizens Bank MA. Citizens Bank MA and RBS Citizens President Jerry Sargent is the special honoree. We are grateful that Jerry is being joined by Robert Beal as Co-Chair of the Host Committee and of Sponsor outreach. Mike Lake, NOAH Board Fundraising Chair, is coordinating many of the activities. The Harborside Hyatt offers a spectacular view from an outdoor waterfront pavilion. Summer evenings are beautiful, relaxing and fun. We hope you will join us! Please mark your calendars. Contact Phil Giffee at 617-418-8240 for sponsorship opportunities.
Real Estate Development Update: Webster and Carlisle Get Moving
We are proud to announce that Department of Community and Housing Development (DHCD) housing subsidies were awarded to finance NOAH's Sitkowski School project in Webster Massachusetts! The $1,275,361 in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits and $2,715,000 in DHCD housing subsidies will help us develop senior housing. This $19.5 million project is expected to create 125 jobs and will convert the historic A.J. Sitkowski School into 66 affordable units of housing and a new senior/community center. Construction will begin this autumn. We are grateful to be working with a terrific partner, the Town of Webster. The Sitkowski project is a central piece of their downtown renewal efforts.
The 26-unit Benfield Farms senior housing development in Carlisle will start construction on April 1st. Financing agreements with town and state agencies will be finalized by then. A Groundbreaking event is scheduled for May 6 at 10 AM with Congresswoman Niki Tsongas and other State and Town officials. This project has been awarded a significant amount of CPA funds by the townspeople of Carlisle, who are anxious to build affordable housing. We are so pleased that this development, which has been a long time coming, is nearing construction. Many, many thanks to all our community partners in Carlisle and in Webster and to all our funding partners on these two projects, including DHCD, for their wonderful support.

NOAH's 2nd Annual Bailatón (Dance-a-thon)
On Friday March 15, NOAH will hold its second Annual Bailatón, an all-Latin dance-a-thon fundraiser to support our community building and environment work. The event will feature four hours of great music, including a live show by the Legacy Band and great Latin tunes by DJ Kokoloco (with a name like that you know he's got to be good!). All funds support our work for a strong and sustainable East Boston. We're creating more green space and wetlands on the Chelsea Creek, more community gardens, better conditions for biking, and much, much more! We need to raise some additional support to ensure we can continue this work. The event will be held from 7 to 11 PM at the VFW Hall in Beachmont, 150 Bennington Street, Revere. Get your tickets at, or sponsor NOAH's youth crew with a donation. Please give now! Visit their fundraising campaign page at
Welcome Jaselia Gratini!
Next time you are at NOAH, please say 'Hi' to our newest staff member, Jaselia Gratini, who has joined us as our new Rental Housing Advocate & Property Management Coordinator. Visitors will be greeted at the front desk by her welcoming smile and helpful attitude. Jaselia is an honors student at Bunker Hill Community College, which she attends part-time. She has worked at Centro Presente as the Adult Education Coordinator; and, before that, had a career in early childhood education. She has volunteered extensively at the Student Immigration Movement and Ministrio MIES and elsewhere. Welcome, Jaselia!
Ethanol Campaign Heats Up
NOAH's CBE team continues to work with allies in Chelsea and Revere to challenge Global Oil's proposal to import ethanol by train into its facility on the Chelsea Creek. Ethanol is a highly flammable, colorless liquid that burns at extremely high temperatures and requires specialized equipment and training to extinguish. Global is proposing to bring two trains per week, each carrying nearly two million gallons of ethanol into its facility in Revere. Examples of accidents of ethanol-carrying trains abound. One recent derailment in Ohio caused a explosion that required a one-mile evacuation around the site, and as one resident described "looked like the sun exploded". In a densely populated community like Chelsea, East Boston, or Revere, such an accident could be devastating.
Over the last two months, we have been working closely with MassDOT, which was mandated by the State Legislature to conduct a public safety study of transporting ethanol by rail through densely populated communities. In February, NOAH staff organized a community meeting at the East Boston High School for MassDOT to present the progress on their study. Over 75 people attended and took part in a lively exchange of comments and ideas with the MassDOT representative. Last week, we held a strategy session with the staff of key allies in the Statehouse (including Speaker DeLeo, Senator Petruccelli and Representative Basile) to brainstorm potential state legislative options to ensure residents' safety. Later, we will be meeting with the EPA to pursue possible federal avenues to stop the ethanol trains.
 Thanking Our Generous Donors! All of us at NOAH want to say a big 'THANK YOU' to our recent funders: AARP Foundation, NeighborWorks America, BJ's Foundation, Boston Private Bank, the Burgess Urban Fund, the Campbell and Hall Charity Fund, the CHT Foundation, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation, Mass. Mortgage Bankers Foundation, People's United Bank Foundation and Sailor's Snug Harbor. |
 Please 'Like' Us on Facebook! If you haven't done so already, we would very much appreciate it if you would go to our Facebook page through the link below, and click the "Like" button - thanks!

Upcoming Events
2nd Annual Bailatón (Dance-a-thon) NOAH will hold its second Annual Bailatón, an all-Latin dance-a-thon fundraiser, on Friday, March 15, from 7:00 to 11:00 PM at the VFW Hall in Beachmont, 150 Bennington Street, Revere. Get your tickets at
First-Time Homebuyers Classes
The next Spanish First-Time Homebuyers course will meet on Saturday, March 16, and Saturday, March 23, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM at NOAH. The next regularly scheduled English First-Time Homebuyers course will meet on Saturday, April 13 and Saturday, April 20, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM at NOAH. We are holding a special course in English in April with partner agency Foundation for Financial Education at the Boston University School of Law on April 2, 4, 9 and 11 from 6:30 to 9 PM. To receive a City of Boston certificate, attendees must be present at all sessions. Students learn from industry guest speakers, including Home Inspectors, as well as from NOAH staff, about how best to purchase a home and about appropriate loan products. The cost for the courses is $35 per individual; or $45 per couple (registering together). To register, please call 617-418-8263.
Loan Modification/Foreclosure Prevention Clinics
Our next Loan Modification/Foreclosure Prevention clinics will occur on the following Monday evenings: March 11, 18 and 25 and April 1, 8, 22 and 29 from 5:30 to 8 PM at NOAH. These workshops are the initial counseling and education sessions for NOAH's foreclosure prevention and mitigation counseling. Attendees should bring recent mortgage-related correspondence or paperwork. These sessions are held in Spanish and in English. All of NOAH's foreclosure prevention education and counseling sessions are free of charge. Workshops are held weekly, except for holiday weeks. For additional information, please contact Christinne Flores at 617-418-8263.
Groundbreaking at Benfield Farms
A Groundreaking Ceremony is scheduled for Monday, May 6, at 10 AM at Benfield Farms in Carlisle. For more information, please contact Toby Kramer, NOAH Director of Real Estate, at 617-418-8259.
25th Celebration Event
NOAH will celebrate its 25th birthday on the evening of Thursday, June 20, from 5:30 to 8 PM, at the Hyatt Harborside Pavilion in East Boston . Please save the date!
Consider Making a BIG impact with Even a SMALL Donation!
Please consider making a secure $10 or $25 tax deductible donation to NOAH today. To donate online, click here.
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