Anam Cara Log TM
December 10, 2014
 Anam Cara Meditation Foundation
 Perennial Wisdom For The Soul's Journey
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Dear Friend

To abide in silence, the silence out of which all arises, this is what the holy ones whom we celebrate during this season invite us to know. Silent night, holy night, birth of Light, of Christ, of Buddha, of our own awakening to all that is beyond the movements of mind and body. Enter the silence, the stillness of sublime Being and know the boundless love and ecstasy that beckon you home.

 Abide In Silence
 Selections from The Longing in Between
Edited with commentary by Ivan M. Granger


Now that all thoughts have subsided
off I go, deep into the woods,
and pick me
a handful of shepherd's purse.
Just like the stream
meandering through mossy crevices
I, too, hushed
become utterly clear.

English version by Gabriel Rosenstock, p. 96


The jeweled cloud sways overhead,
Meanwhile, our cell are turning to air,
finer and finer arrangements of light.

Dorothy Walters
p. 134

Sitting (Reverence Mountain)

A flock of birds flies up, then disappears.
One last cloud also drifts into emptiness.

The mountain and I gaze at each other,
Untiring, until only the mountain remains.

Li Bai
English version by Doug Westendorp, p. 144

Love came and emptied me of self,
every vein and every pore,
made into a container to be filled by the Beloved.
Of me, only a name is left,
the rest is You my Friend, my Beloved.

Ab-Said Abil-Kheir
English version by Vraje Abramian, p. 150

Ivan Granger's new anthology of sacred poetry from around the world is now available in the poetry section of The Soul's Journey bookstore and through booksellers everywhere. I highly recommend it!


 Meditation Programs Will Resume In February
 Anam Cara Meditation Foundation

Meditation Satsang - 2nd & 4th Thursday Evenings 12/11/14 will be the last program this year. We will resume In February 2015
Anam Cara Meditation Foundation

2 Byram Brook Place, Upper Level, Armonk, NY 10504.
Open meditation session - all are welcome. Includes meditation instruction, mantra and silent meditation. No registration needed.

Fee: by donation. Suggested donation: $20
All donations are tax deductible.
Everyone is welcome to our non-denominational programs!

For more information please visit our Events page (click here) 

I'll be taking medical leave to have an old injury to my back surgically repaired on 12/12. It has been preventing me from offering the courses and retreats that we have had in the past. I look forward to regaining that ability and scheduling new programs in the spring!

Thank you all for your notes of appreciation for our newsletter. It's great to hear from you!

Everyone has the heart to be a true friend of the soul, an "Anam Cara." By embodying that ideal we may serve to help others to find love and compassion within themselves and the world.

Our highest nature is always manifest in relationship - to all other beings, to the environment, in relation to our own body and mind. Becoming mindful of the quality of our relationships allows us to learn where the light shines and where it needs to shine more. The ideal of Anam Cara is to continuously endeavor to expand the depth and the inclusiveness of the loving kindness we bring into every relationship, every moment, every breath.

If you have any suggestions, comments or sharings, for our newsletter please don't hesitate to e-mail me and I'll do my best to respond.

TheAnam Cara Meditation Foundation is a 501 (C) 3, non-profit educational organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices. Our non- denominational programs are open to all. There are free meditation instructions and downloadable audio files of guided meditations on the meditation page of our

Thank you for the many ways you have shown support for Anam Cara . Because of your gifts we can offer free programs and instruction to thousands of people. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation please send it to the address listed below or go to our website where you can make a secure online donation.

A special thank you to our generous supporters who give donations and make regular pledged donations.

Click HERE. That link will also bring you to our links with Sounds True and purchasing gifts and products from them will help support Anam Cara..

I look forward to welcoming you in person to our programs.

With all my appreciation and love,
I thank you all.

May all beings know complete freedom from suffering and may all our actions reflect only wisdom, compassion, patience and love.

Lawrence signature
Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D.
Founder and Director
Anam Cara Meditation Foundation

Lawrence at Anam Cara
All newsletter contents copyrighted 2014

phone: 914-219-8600