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| TWN August News: Film/Video Grants, Internships and More 



TWN Seeks Graphic Design & Final Cut Pro Interns 
If you have graphic design or Final Cut Pro experience, live in New York City and need to add more credits to your resume, please apply to our internship program at Third World Newsreel. Send a cover letter and resume to and  



CPB Program Challenge Fund

The Program Challenge Fund was created to support high-profile, primetime, limited series for the national public television schedule. The Program Challenge Fund is jointly administered by CPB and PBS, which make funding decisions based on mutually established programming goals and objectives.
Deadline: August 1, 2013

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The Hubert Bals Fund

The Hubert Bals Fund is designed to help remarkable or urgent feature films by innovative and talented filmmakers from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe on their road to completion. It provides grants that often turn out to play a crucial role in enabling these filmmakers to realize their projects.
Deadline: August 1, 2013

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NEA Art Works
Projects may include high-profile multi-part or single television and radio programs (documentaries and dramatic narratives); experimental, animated, transmedia, or interactive work; performance programs; arts-related segments for use within an existing series; apps for mobile or tablets (projects must be developed and made available for both iOS and Android devices); multi-part webisodes; installations; and video games. Productions must demonstrate the creative use of media, fulfilling, and when possible, extending their artistic possibilities. All phases of a project are eligible for support including research and development, production, completion and distribution costs with the exception of narrative scripts. 
Deadline: August 8, 2013
ITVS Diversity Development Fund
The Diversity Development Fund (DDF) provides up to $15,000 in research and development funding to producers of color to develop single documentary programs for public television. Funded activities may include travel, research, script development, preliminary production for fundraising/work-in-progress reels, or other early phase activities. 
Deadline: August, 16, 2013 at 5:00pm PST
Catapult Film Fund
Catapult Film Fund provides development funding to documentary filmmakers who have a compelling story to tell, have secured access to their story and are ready to shoot and edit a piece for production fundraising purposes. 
Deadline: August 19, 2013


Black Public Media/National Black Programming Consortium  Submissions
BPM/NBPC has a legacy of proudly supporting producers and digital media storytellers who represent the global Black experience. 
Deadline: Open



Ford Foundation
Ford's Social Issue Film Funding Initiative will provide approximately $16 million through an open-application process to filmmakers and media makers around the world who are creating documentaries that address urgent social issues.  
Deadline: Open 



Jerome Foundation

Grants of up to $30,000 will be awarded to individual film and video artists living in New York City who work in the genres of experimental, narrative, animation, and documentary production.

Deadline: Open

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ITVS International Initiative

The International Initiative was created to give U.S. audiences access to international stories and voices on American television and new media platforms. International funding is only available to independent filmmakers who are neither U.S. citizens nor residents of the U.S.

Deadline: Open

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| TWN Thanks

TWN is supported in part by the New York State Council on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the Funding Exchange, as well as individual donors. TWN is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the creation, appreciation, and dissemination of independent media by and about people of color. 
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