The GLMS Centralized Application Processing Service Department 
invites you to attend:

Wednesday, June 29th
7:30 a.m.
Greater Louisville Medical Society
Walnut Room - 2nd Floor
101 W. Chestnut St
- Opportunity to learn about recent changes to the CAPS processes
- Meet the CAPS staff face-to-face
- Ask any questions you may have about CAPS
- Discuss the application process

   In preparation for this event, please take a moment to fill out this
Client Survey. Your responses will help us better serve the community going forward. Please feel free to forward this survey to your peers and colleagues who may work with us as well. During the breakfast, we will be presenting results from the client survey and discussing opportunities for improvement. 

   We have taken a hard look at what we as CAPS do and we want your input and feedback. We want to take this time to discuss with you, our applicants and clients, issues and concerns in order to improve our operations and make your experience with CAPS as pain-free as possible. Let's face it, credentialing is a time-consuming process, but our goal is to constantly strive to provide excellent service.

  Please RSVP to this event by emailing with your name and the number of attendees. Please RSVP by Wednesday, June 22nd.
Please park at the YMCA garage at the corner of 2nd and Guthrie Streets. GLMS will validate your parking.

GLMS Mission

  • Promote the science, art and profession of medicine
  • Protect the integrity of the patient-physician relationship
  • Advocate for the health and well-being of the community
  • Unite physicians regardless of practice setting to achieve these ends
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