ECLT Foundation e-News June 2013
ECLT Foundation
Making a Better Life for Children in Tobacco-Growing Communities
ECLT Foundation in Action
ECLT Foundation Launches New Projects in Uganda and Mozambique

Uganda and Mozambique project launches
The ECLT Foundation joined its programme partners to launch two projects that are anticipated to strengthen thousands of families' livelihoods and protect more than 10,000 children from child labour.


To learn more about what we're doing to eliminate child labour through the Uganda REALISE Project, click here.


To learn more about the Mozambique REACT Project,  click here.


Today at the ECLT Foundation
News From the Field
ECLT Foundation Staff Return with Lessons from Uganda
Leaf Extension Techs Uganda

In a recent visit to Kampala and Hoima district, Uganda, ECLT Foundation staff Nicholas McCoy and Stephanie Garde learned more about tobacco growing, child labour, and how we can better address the root causes of child labour in tobacco-growing communities.


Find out from Nicholas McCoy about the full spectrum of tobacco growing, curing, and production-and how important that is to ending child labour.


Read Stephanie Garde's account of visiting tobacco farms in Hoima district, where she learned about the unique and crucial role of Leaf Extension Technicians in working with farmers to child labour.

Global Progress to End Child Labour
Ending Child Labour, from 'World Day' to Every Day
Banda Speech

On World Day Against Child Labour, 12 June, we joined the International Labour Organization and others around the globe to say no to child labour in domestic work. At the International Labour Conference in Geneva, H.E. Mrs Joyce Banda pledged to "intensify programmes to eradicate poverty, which is the root cause" of child labour. Watch her inspiring speech, and keep the World Day momentum going with these 4 Ways to Make a Difference.


On 4 June, several organizations came together for Business Responsibility in Advancing Children's Rights for the Elimination of Child Labour, an advocacy event co-hosted by the ECLT Foundation. This gathering raised awareness of recent events of multi-stakeholder dialogue and resulting declarations with recommendations for addressing child labour and promoting child rights.

Message from the Executive Director
ECLT Foundation Releases 2012 Annual ReportSonia
Throughout the last decade, the ECLT Foundation's projects have had powerful impact in improving the lives of children in tobacco-growing communities.

As shown in our new annual report, to scale up our efforts against child labour and extend our reach, we set out to embrace this challenge in 2012 by creating a global agenda that reaches decision-makers around the world to make the plight of these children a public priority.

The report also tells the inspiring stories of people like Yunis Patson, who saved her children from child labour in Tanzania with the help of a microloan. Download our new fact sheets for even more stories and programme profiles.

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Thank you for your support -
together we can make a better life for children in tobacco-growing communities!
ECLT Foundation
14 rue Jacques-Dalphin
1227 Carouge
Geneva, Switzerland
+41 22 306 14 44
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