ISSN 2369-4939
Volume 2 Issue 5 May 31, 2016


Dear Colleagues 
After an amazing two years, this is my final President's Report to you. It has been a pleasure working for and with all of you. I would like to take this time to say a special thank you to the staff of SLA - Judy Nicholson, Anne Pennylegion, and Gloria Bearss - for all of their work on our behalf. They keep all the balls in the air, and do it with grace and kindness and determination.

The multi-conference in early May was well attended - approximately 180 people came to learn, network, and celebrate the anniversary of the Multitype Library Board in Saskatchewan. It was great to see you there, and to reconnect. Thank you to the Conference Planning Committee for their work to bring us Joseph Boyden, Eekwol, and many other thought-provoking speakers and sessions.Read more 

The final words on Conference 2016
"Cooperation Saskatchewan Style" was our theme this year and was exemplified by our many volunteers. The ideas and leadership of the co-chairs, Susan Baer and Barbara Bulat provided the vision and enabled the work.  Michael Shires (SLA VP), Robert Thomas (U of R) and Regan Gunningham (PLLO)  particpated from the beginning with Gaetan Hammond (SSLA), Crista Bradley (MLB), and Amy Weisgarber (RQHR) arranging the program,  making posters, pursuing funders, organizing volunteers, taking minutes, and filling many roles.  Thank you to all who participated in the planning committee, the program committee, exhibits, sponsorships,  presenting, poster displays, and the on-the-ground roles at the conference.  The feedback suggests that participants felt this was an excellent conference. Watch for news on Conference 2017 as it emerges in the fall!

For anyone who attended the Joseph Boyden Keynote, the text of David Carpenter's introduction is reprinted here.

Conference 2016: By the Numbers.....
The 2016 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the passage of the Libraries Co-operation Act and was a resounding success.   The following figures illustrate the scope of the conference:
  •  2.5 years of conference planning
  • 3 days of conference fun!!!
  • 3 musical performances:
  • 8 exhibitor lightning rounds
  • 15 conference prize donors
  • 16 poster and maker space sessions
  • 17 conference sponsors
  • 26 conference volunteers
  • 27 exhibitors
  • 31 sessions (concurrent, spotlight on, half)
  • 53 presenters
  • 73 pre-conference attendees
  • 110 Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture attendees
  • 178 registered conference delegates
  • 220 Joseph Boyden Keynote attendees
  • 509 attendees for concurrent and Spotlight On sessions
  • 691 individual meals served
  • $18,170 in conference sponsorship

   Individual Membership Revisions

 At the 2016 AGM that was held on May 7, 2016 at the Radisson Hotel Saskatoon, a motion to revise the salary range brackets and fees for individual SLA membership was discussed.   The background document that was posted online and made available at the AGM is  here. The section of the motion to revise salary range brackets passed. The membership fees section of the original motion was revised. The consensus at the AGM was to keep the status quo for students and non salaried workers and to increase the amount by an additional $10.00 in all remaining salary range brackets. Below is a table of the revised individual membership salary range brackets and fees that will take effect July 1, 2016. Membership information can be found here
Salary Range 
Up to $39999 
and up

The most recent EI Calendar is here

Continuing Education Grants:
Congratulations to the Grant Recipients for the February 2016 intake.
We appreciate the interest of the library community in pursuing continuing education  and hope that the recipients enjoy the learning and the opportunity to network with the library community of Saskatchewan.
     Category 1 Attending a Conference
  • Harriet Roy, Lukas Miller
    Category  3  First Time Conference Attendance  
  •     Lindsay Baker,
  •     Amber Boddy,
  •     Colin Evans,
  •     Anastasia Gould, and
  •     Sarah Roberts.
Please note that the next application deadline for Category 1 and 2 Grants is August 15. Read more

Board of Directors:
Thank you to board members Gwen Schmidt, Saskatoon Public LIbrary (outgoing President), Eleanor Crumblehulme, Lakeland Library Region (outgoing Member at Large), and Sean Brooks, Yorkton Public Library (outgoing Treasurer) for their contributions to the work and successes of the Saskatchewan Library Association.

Welcome to the Board of Directors for 2016-17 endorsed by the 2016 AGM.
  • Michael Shires, University of Regina (incoming President)
  • Nancy MacKenzie, Regina Public Library (2nd year, Vice President, Advocacy and Development)
  • Anastasia Gould, RCMP Library (incoming Vice President, Membership and Publications)
  • Brad Doerksen, University of Regina & Briercrest Bible College (outgoing Member at Large, Treasurer (1 year)
  • James Hope Howard, Pahkisimon Nuye��h Library System (2nd year, Member at Large)
  • Alison Jantz, Saskatoon Theological Union (2nd year, Member at Large)
  • Alan Kilpatrick, Law Society of Saskatchewan (incoming Member at Large)
  • Tasha Maddison, SaskPolytechnic Saskatoon, (incoming Member at Large)

The SLA Membership committee would like your help in organizing SLA Summer Socials (SSS) .
Volunteer to host a SSS in your city - you need to identify a place where you will be on July 6 and August 10 at 5 p.m. and wait for other SLA members and friends to show up to socialize and network. Bring a book as there is no guarantee of attendance. Host volunteers needed by June 15.
  • Hosts have volunteered in Regina and North Battleford
  • Notify the SLA office of your name and the location you have selected 
  • Be at the location and enjoy the fun!
  • Tweet about it #sasklasss
July 6 and August 10, 5 p.m. are the dates and time SLA Summer Socials. Watch for details about the locations.  
Free Encyclopaedia Britannica database webinar:

Encyclop�dia Britannica promotes knowledge and learning
with timely, relevant, and trustworthy information. 
The Multitype Database Licensing Program subscription provides age appropriate content for schools, public libraries and post-secondary institutions.  The Provincial Library and Literacy Office is offering this introductory seminar through Adobe Connect on June 8th, 2016 from 3:45 - 4:30pm.
Register for this event by contacting [email protected] by June 7th.

  • July 1 - New membership fees and salary range brackets will be implemented
  • July 6 - SLA Summer Socials (watch Newsflashes for more news) #sasklasss
  • August 15 - Applications Due for Continuing Education Grants Category 1 and 2.
  • September 30, October 1 & 2, 2016  Culture Days 
  •  October 16-22, 2016 is Saskatchewan Library Week
  •  May 4-5, 2017 The Saskatchewan Libraries Conference will be  held at Elk Ridge Resort, Waskesiu Lake.

  • RDA in the Wider World Read more.
  • Do you know about SEED Foundation Grants?
  • SLTA Summer 2016 Newsletter is here.
  • CLA announces that distribution of ALA Editions is moving to another Canadian distributor Read more.
  • A very small black cardigan was left at the Saskatchewan Libraries Conference in Saskatoon. If this sweater belongs to you, please contact Anne at the SLA office: [email protected] or 306-780-9409 .
  • New provincial library consortium formed to enhance services Read more.
  • The Canadiana Bulletin for May 2016 is available here.
  • Teaching about Truth and Reconciliation and Residential School Experiences Read more.
  • The Canada Council announces a new, special grant possibility Read more. 
  •  The MLB May newsletter is available here. 
  •  Saskatchewan Index of Wellbeing's Community Engagement Road Trip. More information can be found here. 
  • 2016 Council of the Federation Literacy Award Call for Nominations (Saskatchewan) will close on Friday June 3, 2016. Read more

TDSR Club News:
  • If anyone has received extra materials for the TDSR Club, or if you recieved less than you ordered please contact Anne at 306-780-9409 or [email protected].
  • Library and Archives Canada and the TD Summer Reading Club Announce the 2015 Library Award Winners (English category) Read more.
  • TD Summer Reading Club's Get Your Summer Read On Day
    What is it?
    New for this year, TD Summer Reading Club's Get Your Summer Read On Day is the official registration "kick off" for the 2016 TD Summer Reading Club across Canada.
    When is it?
    Saturday, June 25 (hours subject to your library's hours)
  • In May, all libraries participating in TD Summer Reading Club will receive a package of accessible TD Summer Reading Club materials from CELA, the Centre for Equitable Library Access.TD Summer Reading Club is intended to be accessible and welcoming to kids of all reading abilities, including those with print disabilities. People experience print disabilities for a variety of reasons: blindness and low vision, learning disabilities, and physical disabilities which prevent them from holding or reading traditional print.The package of materials from CELA will include materials to help you plan for and promote your TDSRC program to your patrons with print disabilities. Read more   
  • LAC has also announced new templates and branding guidelines Read more

Southeast Regional Library System encompasses the southeastern area of Saskatchewan, which is unique in its diversity, economy and people. Our 47 library branches reflect this distinctiveness with over 150 passionate staff members, an emphasis on community involvement, a focus on innovation, and the core belief that literacy and education are a right, not a privilege. Serving a population close to 100,000 people, including 145 municipalities and 14 First Nation reserves, is an interconnected web of librarians, staff, trustees and volunteers all with the primary focus of retaining the library as part of the core of our ever-changing communities.
Read more
  • Elaina St. Onge, Library Coordinator at Campion College will be taking family leave starting May 24. Angela Carnall will be assuming the role as a term position and she has been the Library Assistant there for the past two years.  Donna Soder, will start duties as interim Library Assistant.  She has experience working within the Campion College community as well as a background that includes both IT and library work.
  • Susan Wilkinson retired as Library User Services Manager at the University of Regina Library on April 30.  She had been an employee for 28 years.  Dean Mulhall accepted the position of Library User Services Manager on May 2.  Dean was previously a Library User Services Assistant for 10 years.  Dean recently completed a Master's Certificate in Public Policy Analysis and is currently pursuing a Master's of Public Administration degree.
  • Peter Resch, Associate University Librarian, Planning and Assessment, is retiring in June from the University of Regina.  He started his career there as Science Librarian in 1982 and subsequently held various titles.  Peter also held many board and executive positions in SLA between 1986 and 2003 including President in 1990-91.  He was also a participant in the Echo Valley Forum in 1988. The Forum was a series of meetings of library workers and other stakeholders who examined the future of libraries and library services in Saskatchewan. It led to a document, Independent But Together, A Vision for a Multitype Library System for Saskatchewan, (published in 1992) and, ultimately, to the formation of the province-wide Multitype Library Board.  Peter also co-edited a book titled Survival of the Imagination: The Mary Donaldson Memorial Lectures. It contains the full-text of lectures delivered between 1968 and 1992. 

Saskatchewan Library Association
15-2010 7th Ave.
Regina, SK S4R 1C2
Phone: 306-780-9413 or 306-780-9409
Fax: 306-780-9447
SLA reserves the right to change or edit any submission or to refuse publication in its entirety.
The deadline for receipt of submissions for SLAte is the25th of each month.

Everyone, Including Culture, Wins When You Buy Lottery Tickets

 The core funding that SLA receives through SaskCulture is part of the Lottery Trust where a percentage of every lottery ticket sold goes to support sport, culture and recreation groups within Saskatchewan. It appears that recent lottery sales are not meeting expectations, which will not have an immediate effect on SLA. However we encourage you to remind audiences and arts council members that buying lottery tickets benefits the entire community.  Saskatchewan Lotteries has also launched an app that you can download  in the App Store or Google Play. More information is available on the Saskatchewan Lotteries website.

Saskatchewan Library Association | 15-2010 7th Ave. | Regina | Saskatchewan | S4R 1C2 | Canada