Hi Everybody,
I am back from my holiday, tanned and refreshed, and with pleasure I note that the days are already getting longer here. We will be wearing linen suits and open-toed sandals before we know it.
This week was jam-packed in Canadian library land, with the OLA Conference, a meeting of The Partnership, and the big CLA vote on the future of that national organization. SLA was well-represented in Toronto by SLA Vice-President Michael Shires and our Executive Director Judy Nicholson.
Nominations are underway for the 2016-2017 SLA Board, and we have some expressions of interest already, but need more. Please think about what you can bring to our organization in the coming year. It is an exciting time of change, and we have some great things getting off the ground. We need thoughtful, dedicated, and funny people like you, to help us meet our goals and to remind us why libraries and library folk are really and truly wonderful. If you can't give of your time in the coming year, please take a moment to phone a colleague and encourage them to participate. I have been very pleased to find that every time we ask a member for help, they do their best to step up. You guys are awesome, and I'm proud to be part of such a great group.
 Board of Directors Nominations deadline is approaching
It seems that we barely have time to orientate the new Directors when we need to start looking for the next nominations. It is time to consider if you are interested in this challenging and rewarding work. Many directors claim that serving on the SLA Board provides excellent opportunities for personal and professional development and improves knowledge of the issues that are important to all libraries across the province. For more information please visit the website. The deadline is February 19. If you are interested contact President Gwen Schmidt gwen.m.schmidt@gmail.com |
  Education Institute (EI) and Continuing Education Certificate (CEC)
The winter session of EI has begun.Have a look at the catalogue for options. Four free sessions are included, two in February. BRIGHT YOUNG MINDS is a new program, encouraging more student presentations. Sessions will be free to attend. Three sessions are scheduled for the winter semester. The goal is to offer one per month , and Partnership board members are encouraged to promote this to students in their respective associations. These sessions as well as any other professional learning that you undertake can be entered into your CEC online. If you haven't enrolled yet, consider it as an effective way to acknowledge your learning and share this with employers, colleagues, and others. Find out more about CECContinuing Education Grant Proposals are due February 15, 2016. - Planning a continuing education opportunity? There is up to $1000 available for guest speaker, room rental and typical expenses.
- If you have never attended an SLA conference, consider applying for a First Timer Grant of up to $750.
- Considering one of the Partnership Education Institute courses? Continuing education grants of $500 are available to individual members to attend workshops and conferences.
The Continuing Education Committee will consider awarding multiple awards in February 2016 due to a surplus in the Education fund.
The January issue of SLAte outlined the institutional pricing structures for EI Subscriptions. If you are interested contact Judy at the SLA Office. Partnership Journal Turns 10: It's About Time! In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Partnership Journal, we invite your submissions to Volume 11.1 (2016) to be published in summer 2016. Read more
Cooperation Saskatchewan Style: 20 Years of Success
Conference details are being finalized and should be announced later in February. Presenters will be confirming their participation over the next few weeks, and delegate registration will be opened in late February. Watch for it.
- Coordinator and volunteers to gather local door prizes and items of interest for the conference bags, and a local photographer to be contracted for conference photos. Please contact Judy at the SLA office at (306) 780-9413 or slaexdir@sasktel.net
- More volunteer opportunities to come
March 1, 2016: SLA Frances Morrison Award and Honourary Life Membership Nominations
 Ten Freedom to Read Week Grants have been awarded. Information on the winning projects is available here. Congratulations to the participating libraries. Please contact Anne at the SLA office if you would like to receive more posters: (306) 780-9409 or slaprograms@sasktel.net
SLW Theme contest!
Use your imagination and suggest a theme for Saskatchewan Library Week (October 16-22, 2016). Make it:
* short, * catchy, * appealing, and * representative of all library types in Saskatchewan. The successful entry will be used on all of our promotional materials,posters, bookmarks and advertising. SLA Board, staff, and committee members are eligible to submit entries, but are not eligible to win the prize (a $50 Chapters gift certificate). Deadline for submissions is 4:30 p.m. February 29th, 2016 Please email your entry or questions to Anne Pennylegion, Program Coordinator at slaprograms@sasktel.net or contact by phone at (306) 780-9409
Harris Decima National Report for TD Summer Reading Club 2015 is available. Unfortunately, the file is too large to link, but please contact Anne at SLA if you would like an electronic copy slaprograms@sasktel.net or (306) 780-9409
- Literacy Organization Profile: Regina Public Library.
- Help SLTA with their letter writing campaign.
- The Saskatchewan School Library Association offers a range of learning events for its membership. Find out about past Learning Event webinar that are now archived and available to paid registrants. As well there are two exciting workshop opportunities available in each of Regina and Saskatoon. Find out more.
- Celebrating Heritage Week in Saskatchewan: check out the Heritage Saskatchewan Newsletter and Heritage Week events.
- CA Community Investment Program - Application deadline: March 4, 2016. Registered charities, non-profits and academics and researchers affiliated with a Canadian University are eligible to apply for funding that supports the development or enhancement of the Internet for the benefit of all Canadians.
- The Saskatchewan Book Awards announce their
2016 Shortlist in Saskatoon & Regina. - Call for papers for the IFLA Library Buildings & Equipment Satellite Meeting in Chicago. Read more
- The SLA office will be closed February 15, 2016 in observance of Family Day.
Name: Diane Zerr
Title: Librarian  Born and lived: I was born in Regina but lived on a farm near Balgonie, SK until I finished high school. Other than Regina, I've lived in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Seoul, South Korea.
Early Life: I lived on the farm until I turned 18. It's difficult to summarize all those years but here's my attempt. Summers were spent exploring the pasture, riding bikes or camping with my family. Winters were spent skating on the dugout, digging forts, tobogganing or snowmobiling.
Professional career and activities: I completed my Master's in 2010 and moved back to Saskatchewan. I worked for 3 years at the Regina Public Library's Bothwell branch as the Assistant Branch Head. I started at Saskatchewan Polytechnic in June 2014 and I've been having a lot of fun because there is such a variety of tasks and projects.
Family:These days I guess I should start with Jeff. Let's call him my partner in crime. I have a brother and a couple of parents. After that it gets ridiculous with plenty of aunts, uncles, cousins, cousin-in-laws and their kids.
In my spare time: In my spare time, I'm doing at least one of these (sometimes two or three at a time): cycling, dancing, curling, reading, travelling, listening to country music or attending a music concert. Read more |