ISSN 2369-4939
Volume 2 Issue 12
January 6, 2016

In This Issue
Hi Everybody,
I am writing this in 2015, but you won't see it until the New Year. I hope your holiday season was rejuvenating and a time to ponder and celebrate the past year's
successes.Things are humming along in the office and on the committees. Momentum keeps building on the 2016 Saskatchewan Libraries conference celebrating 20 years of the Multitype Library Board. Many quality session ideas were submitted from across the country, and the Program Committee is hard at work deciding which ones to choose. Did we mention yet that Joseph Boyden is  the keynote speaker?!? It's going to be amazing!Keep your schedule clear for May 5-7, 2016. You won't want to miss this! Read more
Board of Directors Nominations
It seems that we barely have time to orientate the new Directors when we need to start looking for the next nominations. It is time to consider if you are interested
in this challenging and rewarding work.  Many directors claim that serving on the SLA Board provides excellent opportunities for personal and professional development
and improves knowledge of the issues that are important to all libraries across the province.   For more information please visit the website.If you are interested contact President Gwen Schmidt [email protected]
Education Institute, Continuing Education, and the Job Board
 The EI Winter Calendar is now available with the winter term webinars starting on January 19 with  "Developing
Partnerships for Teen Programming".  The winter sessions run until the end of April with many interesting sessions for every type of library. EI Webinar subscriptions are available for one calendar year and run January to December.

Subscribers will have access to all Education Institute webinars and the archive for the period of one calendar year beyond their subscription.
EI Subscriptions are available at two levels: Individual (one connection point) and Group (2- 10 connection points) and are available to any organization within
Rates are as follows:
* Individual Access Point - $1250 +tax
* Group Access Point - $1825 +tax
If you are interested in a subscription, contact the [email protected]
Remember, if you are taking webinars and other professional development opportunities you may want to register for a Continuing Education Certificate
CEC institutional (group) discounts are:
*  6 registrations = $40 (partnership association members) $50 (non-members)
* 6 - 25 registrations = 25% off
* 25 registrations = 50% off
Another membership benefit from The Partnership is the  Job Board a listing for employers and job-seekers to find each other  for opportunities across Canada.  The website was redeveloped in the fall and requires you to re-register.


Cooperation Saskatchewan Style: 20 Years of Success
Conference 2016 Update: The conference is shaping up to be a fantastic experience. Here is a review by the
49 presenter submissions: the committee is still sorting this out and will be notifying all presenters in the next couple of weeks.
5 pre-conference sessions: watch for details for the Thursday May 5 choices!
1 Keynote speaker: Joseph Boyden will be speaking on Friday May 6 at 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
1 Mary Donaldson Lecture: Lindsay Knight (aka eekwohl) presenting on Thursday May 5 at 7:00 p.m. Location: TBA
7 Exhibitors: already registered

Saturday morning Makerspaces Displays are planned. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in participating.
7 more weeks and you can register for the conference!   Watch for the announcement.

January 11: 2016: Freedom to Read Applications  are
due.Promotional materials may be obtained from the FTRW  website Please contact Anne at the SLA office if you have any questions: (306) 780-9409 or [email protected] .
January 13, 2016: SCAA Copyright Workshop at U of  R .Register by January 11, 2016. More information  is available here
January 14, 2016: Raffle for Apple Watch closes Enter here  ]
January 15, 2016: CAPAL16 proposals are due.  Read more here
January 25, 2016: SLAte submission deadline. Please send your news, photos or information to Anne at [email protected]
January 27, 2016: Special General Meeting of CLA at the OLA Superconference Check the website for more updates.
January 27-30, 2016:OLA Super-Conference in Toronto.
January 29,2016: Deadline for proposal submissions to the ABQLA Conference
February 15, 2016: Continuing Education Grant Proposals are due. (including First Timer Grants for the Saskatchewan Libraries Conference)
March 1, 2016:SLA Frances Morrison Award and Honourary Life Membership Nominations due

Preparations have begun for the 2016 TD Summer Reading Club For information about the 2016 Club materials, please click here 


  • Culture Days Ten Top Towns can be seen here 
  • Heritage Saskatchewan is conducting a membership drive
  • Saskatchewan Geneological Society newsletter is here
  • Regina Public Library is seeking a Writer in Residence

Name : Tasha Maddison
Title: Copyright Consultant Librarian, Saskatchewan
Photo by Shannon Lucky

Born and lived: I was born in Saskatoon.  I have lived in Winnipeg, Calgary, Red  Deer, Banff and Toronto.
Early Life: I started my career as a Wardrobe Manager and a Costume Designer, which is incredibly important as I would not have met my husband otherwise.  Working in the theatre, inspired my love of research and also my curiousity.
Professional career and activities:  I worked at ProQuest for nine years as a trainer for the K12 market.  I traveled across Canada and the United States and I now resent
having to pay for my own Starbucks at the airport.  I worked at the University of Saskatchewan for five years.  I started at Saskatchewan Polytechnic this past August.
I immensely enjoy working with adult learners and in academia - I love research, working as a librarian and scholarly pursuits.  Since my days in the theatre, I
 have always taught.  That is the thread that is woven throughout my career.  It is also what I am most passionate about and where I find the greatest joy.
Family: Husband, two daughters and a dog.
In my spare time:  Reading with my kids is my favourite pastime.  I am also a Girl Guide leader.  As for hobbies, I enjoy cross stitching, scrapbooking, Christmas baking and making Christmas decorations.
Favorite books: Every book that I finish.  But a couple of special ones stand out:
The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen by Susin Nielsen-Fernlund for its poignant portrayal of the family of a bullied teen. Love Story by Erich Segal, because it
 has the best opening of any book that I have ever read.  As for authors: everything by Miriam Toews, Ami MacKay, Rainbow Rowell, Anita Shreve, Marian Keyes and the
brilliant John Green (thank you Mr. Green for your body of work which I love more than words can express).
I'm currently listening to: Why Not Me? By Mindy Kaling and The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters.  I am reading Love May Fail by Matthew Quick
Pet peeves: I am extremely 'solutions oriented' so I tend to struggle with people who can only focus on the problem at hand.  This is where I have learned patience
in my life, and the ability to listen.
Philosophy: In the recent movie adaptation of Cinderella, her mother instructs her to "have courage and be kind".  I think those are words to live by.  Simple and
to the point.  Have courage to stand up for what you believe in and the knowledge to back up your opinion.  Be kind to yourself and to others - always.  Also, that
being a good citizen of the world is a life long journey.  Travel that path.
Most memorable career achievement: When someone approaches me with a question because they remember me from a class.  Or they identify afterwards that something I said helped them in some way.
Long-term career goals: Keynote speaker or at the very least, a known expert in my field.
How/where do I see the library industry in five years: Libraries continually evolve and adapt to the world around them.  Libraries help to equalize by providing information universally to a community.  They also record our past.  I believe that libraries will continue to play an important role in the future by helping individuals navigate the vast amounts of information that haunts us daily.  We will teach the skills  of evaluation, we will help to minimize prejudice and bias by providing multiple
 points of view, we will seek clarity, accuracy and authority.