Education Institute, Continuing Education, and the Job Board The EI Winter Calendar is now available with the winter term webinars starting on January 19 with "Developing
Partnerships for Teen Programming". The winter sessions run until the end of April with many interesting sessions for every type of library. EI Webinar subscriptions are available for one calendar year and run January to December.
Subscribers will have access to all Education Institute webinars and the archive for the period of one calendar year beyond their subscription.
EI Subscriptions are available at two levels: Individual (one connection point) and Group (2- 10 connection points) and are available to any organization within
Rates are as follows:
* Individual Access Point - $1250 +tax
* Group Access Point - $1825 +tax
If you are interested in a subscription, contact the
Remember, if you are taking webinars and other professional development opportunities you may want to register for a
Continuing Education Certificate CEC institutional (group) discounts are:
* 6 registrations = $40 (partnership association members) $50 (non-members)
* 6 - 25 registrations = 25% off
* 25 registrations = 50% off
Another membership benefit from The Partnership is the
Job Board a listing for employers and job-seekers to find each other for opportunities across Canada. The website was redeveloped in the fall and requires you to re-register.