August 31, 2015
ISSN 2369-4939
Volume 2 Issue 7
 SLA President's Message - August 2015
Hello Everyone, I hope you had a great summer. The SLA Board and Staff have been hard at work in between holidays, taking the organization forward.
Probably while you read this, the Board is in retreat in Muenster, working intensively with the new strategic plan and making go-forward plans for the SLA committees.
The strategic plan is done and the diversity plan is done, and I understand that work is already underway on budget planning for the next three years. All of these will be foundational to our coming application for a renewal of our three-year Annual Global Funding grant from SaskCulture, which in turn supports the work we do for libraries, library workers, and for the people of Saskatchewan. Things are falling into place.

This article first appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of Canadian Children's Book News and is reprinted with permission of the Canadian Children's Book Centre. David Bouchard, OC, is an author, storyteller, literacy champion and one of the series editors for Turtle Island Voices.
Kokum (Grandma), I Can Read
by David Bouchard, OC
For the first time in history, Canada's Aboriginal people are being invited to the Great Reading Feast. We have been invited and we have accepted the invitation.
If Maria Montessori is right, and I think she is, it takes three things to become a reader, and Aboriginal people have not had, until today, two of the three prerequisites. Until today, Aboriginal people as a whole have been denied the gift of reading. And because of that, they have been denied an education. This might be somewhat oversimplified, but it's not far from the truth.
Board News
SLA members are great! You answered the call for volunteers last spring and the committees are ready to go. Following the upcoming board retreat where the board and staff will connect the strategic plan to the committee work for the coming year, you will receive a notice for an upcoming committee meeting if you haven't already. We are excited to get to work.
 The Education Institute Calendar is loaded with great sessions starting in September. You will find course descriptions in the Fall Calendar, including three sessions from Saskatchewan presenters and a FREE session on Canada 150 grants. Each webinar gives you at least one credit on your Continuing Education Certificate (CEC). Not signed up yet? Read more about the CEC here and consider this an option for tracking your professional development and learning activities.
The Best-Read Province Is -
By Tom Korski
reprinted with permission from Blacklock's Reporter
Saskatchewan has the highest enrollment of any province in a federally-managed reading program for boys and girls, data show. Enrollment in the subsidized TD Summer Reading Club is up to three times the rate in other provinces.
 "Saskatchewan has historically had a very high participation rate," said Lianne Fortin, club program manager for Library & Archives Canada. Of all elementary school-age children, nine percent enrolled in the reading club in Saskatchewan according to a Harris Decima audit commissioned by the national library. "The club is there to promote lifelong reading for boys and girls," Fortin said. "Libraries are changing. It is no longer, 'Shhh - no talking'; libraries are reinventing themselves to become places where new ideas are created." The audit Final Report On Program Statistics found 289,542 children nationwide enrolled in the Summer Reading Club that encourages library visits for recommended novels and non-fiction works. Girls outnumber boys in the program: "I can't guess why," Fortin said. "There is definitely a push to get boys to read more."
- Culture Days September 25, 26, 27 2015 Once again, SLA is partnering with the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild and Regina Public Library to host "Cultural Grooves: Celebrating Diversity in Stories and Dance", Sunday September 27th from 2-4 p.m. at the Central Library Theatre, 2311-12th Avenue. Everyone is welcome.
- Saskatchewan Library Week October 18-24, 2015
- The deadline for the Maureen Woods Education Bursary applications is October 30, 2015
- Saskatchewan Libraries' Happy Hour 2015 - November 5, 2015 - watch for details
- Saskatchewan Libraries Conference May 5-7, 2016
The 2016 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference will be held in Saskatoon from May 5-7, 2016 at the Radisson. We are currently accepting committee volunteers who would enjoy the planning aspect of the conference. Saskatoon people would be very welcomed for the local arrangements, volunteer coordination and such. If you are interested in possible volunteer opportunities, please sign up here. Watch for several announcements in the coming weeks!
A Little History Lesson
Reid-Thompson Public Library - Wapiti Branch - Humboldt SK
by Rose Ward, Librarian
In the spring of 1928 at a meeting with the 21st Anniversary celebration of the town of Humboldt, a committee was appointed to form a free public library. After many years of effort, the Independent Order of Daughters of the Empire (IODE) opened the first library on March 26, 1932. It was housed in the court house building and operated by volunteers. In November 1957 the library moved from the court house to its new location in City Hall. Volunteers continued to service the branch with a grant of $200 for the purchase of books.
In November of 1965 the library joined the North Central Regional Library (now Wapiti Regional Library) and shortly thereafter moved into the newly built Town Hall with 800 square feet to house books. The joining with Wapiti Regional Library increased the book collection to 2796 with a membership of 103. By 1974 the collection increased to 3573 books along with reference materials, magazines, records, and pamphlets to a client membership of 1410.
The Humboldt Library Debate started in 1977 when the library housed 6000 books and more space to accommodate the increased demand in usage, school visits, and programming was necessary. It wasn't until 1984 that the office building of chartered accountants next to the Town Hall went up for sale. The building was purchased for $185,000 and after renovations of an expansion at the rear and a solarium in the front, the new 5350 sq. feet facility was moved into October 1987. It was dedicated the Reid-Thompson Public Library in 1995 after Kay Reid and Madeleine Thompson for their many years of dedication as branch librarians.
The collection in 1995 was 16,387 books, reference materials, records, magazines and pamphlet files with a circulation of 41,116. Collection in 2014 was 26,559 with 2508 registered City of Humboldt clients, 300 RM of Humboldt clients, and circulation of 39,795 which does not include circulation of ebooks through Library2go. Current population is: City of Humboldt - 5678 and RM of Humboldt - 885 as per the 2011 Stats Canada Census. In 2010 Wapiti Regional Library joined the Saskatchewan Information & Library Services Consortium (SILS) allowing clients the benefit of a One Card, One Province ease of borrowing.
Humboldt is situated between the Wheatland Regional Library System to the west and south of the city and Parkland Regional Library System to the east. We are open 49 hours a week, have one Branch Librarian and 3 staff persons. Serves offered are public access computers, photocopying, faxing, microfilm reading/printer, genealogy section, LCD project, and program/board room.
For more information about the library, please visit their website
Congratulations to the following libraries who were recently awarded Culture Days grants by SLA:
Saskatoon Public Library Regina Public Library Rosthern Public Library Moose Jaw Public Library Meadow Lake Public Library Horizon College & Seminary Estevan Public Library. Swift Current Public Library Gravelbourg Public Library Herbert Public Library
Saskatchewan Library Week-October 18-24, 2015 Posters, bookmarks and Book Spine Poetry Contest instructions will start shipping during the first week of September. The Book Spine Poetry website will go live September 18.
For mor information, please contact Anne at the SLA office at (306) 780-9409 or by email at
TD Summer Reading Club 2015
Library and Archives Canada has announced the deadline and amount of the 2015 TDSRC Library Awards. For more information please click here
Some photos from the recent Wheatland Regional Library Tour
| Danica Lorer at Martensville Public Library |
| Danica Lorer at Dalmeny Library
Friends of Canadian Libraries is pleased once again to partner with Counting Opinions Inc. to conduct a national survey of Friends of Library groups in Canada. They are asking for your help in notifying public libraries of this opportunity to be included in our survey.
Links to the survey and a report on the 2010 survey are included:
PDF file containing survey questions - link
2010 survey report - link
Links to this survey are found on our website at The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete. Some may prefer to work from a paper copy, and can use the PDF file to work from a printed copy. Please contact FOCAL Treasurer Jami van Haaften if you have any questions.
Jami van Haaften
Telephone: 705-575-5668
Registration for the C-EBLIP Fall Symposium 2015: Librarians as Researchers is now open! The Centre for Evidence Based Library & Information Practice Fall Symposium is a one-day conference coming up on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 (with complimentary registration) open to any interested librarian. It is designed to facilitate sharing, collaboration, and networking with the focus on librarians in their researcher roles. New this year, a pre-symposium research workshop, entitled Transforming Ideas into Well-Designed Research Questions, will be presented by the University Library's Researcher in Residence, Selinda Berg, on October 13, 2015.
University of Regina librarian and researcher Cara Bradley will be giving the opening keynote address entitled Let's Give Them Something to Talk About: Sharing Librarians' Research beyond Professional Boundaries. You can find the rest of the schedule at a glance here:
You can access the online registration form here:
Save your space now and plan to join us at the Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, University Library, U of S in Saskatoon this fall.
*News from ABC Literacy is available here . Also ahead of the 2015 federal election, ABC Life Literacy Canada and Elections Canada have partnered to create A Guide to Voting: A Literacy Practitioner Workbook for Voting in the 2015 Federal Election. Learn more * Budget pressures on Canadian university libraries force them to leave many Canadian-published books out of their collections. Read more *Sign up to learn more about the Fair EBook Pricing campaign Read more *SLTA is holding a Summer Letter Writing Campaign Learn more*The catalogue of the Western Development Library (The George Shepherd Library) is now online Learn more*The new Japanese Library Hotel is here. Read more *A new funding possibility that might be of interest Read more *SLA wants you to follow us on Facebook (Saskatchewan Library Association) and Twitter (@sklibrary)!
News from the National Network for Equitable Library Service:
*Introducing access to BC Campus Open Textbooks through NNELS Read more *Eighty-Five popular BC audiobooks released in accessible formats for free Read more
Comings and Goings SLAte will publish news of new staff, staff changes or retirements in this section. Please submit your notices prior to the 25th of the month. The University Library at the University of Saskatchewan is pleased to announce the following two appointments:
*Kristin Bogdan has been appointed as Science & Engineering Librarian, effective August 10. Kristin was previously at Yale University Library as the Science and Social Science Data Librarian *Elizabeth Stregger has been appointed as a term Collection Services Librarian, effective August 31. Elizabeth was previously at the University of Manitoba as the Basic Medical Sciences Liaison & E-Resources Librarian
Saskatchewan Library Association
15-2010 7th Ave.
Regina, SK S4R 1C2
Phone: 306-780-9413 or 306-780-9409
Fax: 306-780-9447
SLA reserves the right to change or edit any submission or to refuse publication in its' entirety.
The deadline for receipt of submissions for SLAte is 25th of each month
Everyone, Including Culture, Wins When You Buy Lottery Tickets
As most, if not all, of you know the core funding that SLA receives through SaskCulture is part of the Lottery Trust where a percentage of every lottery ticket sold goes to support sport, culture and recreation groups within Saskatchewan. It appears that recent lottery sales are not meeting expectations, which will not have an immediate effect on SLA, however I would encourage all of you to remind audiences and arts council members that buying lottery tickets benefits the entire community. You can find more information about the lottery system here.
Sask Lotteries has also just launched an app that can help remind you to buy those tickets, among other things. You can download the app on the App Store or get it on Google play. More information is available on the Saskatchewan Lotteries website.