You are invited to WILU 2015! We are delighted to invite you to the 44th annual WILU (Workshop for Instruction in Library Use) conference, taking place in St. John's, Newfoundland from June 15-17, 2015! Registration is now open: Registration is now open! Hope to see you at WILU 2015 in St. John's, NL in June!
Please visit Video link:
Changes to Feliciter
Feliciter Council and Communications Standing Committee Chair have had lengthy discussions on the alternatives going forward and plan to introduce a new online platform that will continue to provide our membership and others in the community a means to learn, be informed and engage each other. Moving forward we will continue to solicit articles and news worthy items from the community. We appreciate your patience as we go through this transition. The best is yet to come...a new platform and format for Feliciter and Digest is an article within
This will be the final issue of Feliciter in this format. The CLA Executive this issue that further explains our intent.
As such, we hope that you enjoy perusing this issue and thank you to all the contributors
as well as our guest editors, Norene James, Katherine Koch and Lisa Shamchuk as well as our liaison, Jim Bennett.
The Feliciter is currently available in pdf format for your convenience;
Volume 61 Issue 1 PDF ( 2MB )
News from the Saskatchewan Archives Board:
Annual Conference Association of Canadian Archivists 2015: Perspectives on the Archival Horizon Regina, Saskatchewan June 11-13, 2015
The Association of Canadian Archivists invites you to the 40th Annual Conference "Perspectives on the Archival Horizon" June 11-13, 2015 in Regina, Saskatchewan. Under the prairie's big sky, archivists from around the world will cast a critical eye over the wide-open archival horizon. Like the intersection of earth and sky, our horizons are where hopes, expectations, and archival dreams meet the realities of archives in the digital world.
Visit the ACA website and view the Conference at a Glance for a 4-page conference schedule. Click on the "Program" in the navigation bar at right for full descriptions of all conference sessions or the "Social" for descriptions of these activities.
Regina extends a warm welcome to all archivists, national and international.

OLA Super Conference 2016
January 27 to 30, 2016
The 2016 theme is Library Lab: The Idea Incubator
New ideas and theories are everywhere. In the right conditions, they percolate, bubble, germinate, coalesce and congeal. They get tested, shaped, molded and evaluated until they flourish into existence.
This year's theme explores the unique position of libraries to harness creative energy and incubate ideas. Our communities are brimming with fresh ideas, entrepreneurial start-ups, and experimental partnerships. Libraries serve as environments that catalyze exploration, breed experimentation and encourage curiosity.
Submit your proposal here. The submission deadline is Tue May 19 2015

CLA Responds to Federal Budget 2015 - Please click on the News Release for more information of interest to the library community.
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