The Newsletter of the Saskatchewan Library Association
July 2014

In This Issue:
  • A Letter From the SLA President
  • Conference review 
  • Welcome new board members
  • For Your Information
  • Program News
  • Do You Know About CASL?
  • Contact Us 

Message from the SLA President



Hello SLA Members,


It was great to see many of you again at the recent SLA Conference in Moose Jaw, or to meet you for the first time.  I am happy to step into the role of President this year, because I value the Conference and the role SLA plays in connecting members, continuing education for library workers, and in recognizing the achievements of library people in our Province.


I also believe in the new Board Governance vision that we implemented a few years ago.  Under that vision, members with Board experience would step up to take on the role of President.  So here I am.  I look forward to serving you, and to working alongside of all of you to support the furthering of excellent, collaborative library services across Saskatchewan.


Thank you to Robert Thomas and the outgoing SLA Board members for your contributions to our organization during a time of change.  You faced the challenges with spirit, thoughtfulness, and humour, and we appreciate that.  We are now set up with strong Staff in the Office, and with a strong new Board Governance vision, giving us the tools we need to go forward and accomplish big things.


You will have heard that Tara Wong is moving to Ontario for a new position, and needed to step down from her position as Member at Large (MAL) on the Board.  Thanks for your work during the past year, Tara, and good luck in your new endeavours.  We are currently running a by-election for that one-year MAL position, which will give members a chance to consider a Board experience and may also give us a chance to try out our new electronicprocess.


Thank you also to Judy Nicholson and Anne Pennylegion in the SLA Office.  It has been a wild ride for the last number of years, and you guys are really helping to get us on the right track.  Your hard work, creativity, and dedication really impress me every day.


As a Board, we are getting to know each other and working to determine goals and priorities for the year.  My main goals as President are these:
* To dust off and strengthen the Continuing Education Grant that SLA started years ago, but that we have not been using to its full advantage
* To support Judy and Anne in the SLA Office, as they build further expertise in their jobs and update the corporate knowledge materials in the office to reflect our current governance
* To guide the organization further down the path with our new Governance model, so we all understand it and make the most of it
* To encourage and support further diversity programming in libraries across the Province, to reflect the multicultural fabric of our communities
* To connect with members like you for collaboration and continuing education, to celebrate our successes, and to tell our stories


Did you know that when we look at the SLA membership as a whole, that the majority of the members are one to ten years into their career in libraries?  We have a lot of fresh, new members, looking for opportunities to meet other people and to build their skills.  SLA Members want to get involved in the Association and to make a difference in Saskatchewan.


We will be putting out a call very soon for volunteers for SLA Committees.  The committees have defined roles and manageable tasks, and good support from the SLA Office.  There is room for you to get involved in something that turns you on.  Please think about how you can get involved, and call me if you want to know more about what a particular commitment would look like (306.975.7606).  I would love to talk to you.


I look forward to working with all of you this year.  And after some good work, I look forward to having a drink with you and a good laugh.  Because that is what SLA is all about.


Respectfully submitted,
Gwen Schmidt, SLA President  


2014 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference  


Now that the sun has set on the 2014 conference, your Conference Committee and SLA staff have met to review the highs and lows of a very successful conference.

Barbara Arrowsmith-Young delivering the Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture

Firstly, the numbers. Attendance was up this year over last, with 142 delegates, 36 presenters, 46 sessions and 25 exhibitors. Profits generated from the conference will be directed into the Mary Donaldson Trust Fund (30%) with the remaining amount used for future conference planning.Shortly after the conference concluded, we asked you to

complete an evaluation, and we thank the many of you who did. Overall, your comments were very favourable with high

praise for the Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture ("Wonderful and fascinating!" "Very informative and interesting." "Speaker well chosen.") and the Conference location ("Nice to sometimes have conference in loctions outside of Regina and Saskatoon." "Enjoyed that everything was walkable." "Loved being in MooseJaw!"). The Mary Donaldson Lecture drew about 100 people, with a good cross section of library workers and the general public forming the bulk of the audience. If you enjoyed it the first time you can listen to it again by clicking here. ThePresident's Reception that followed was well attended, and the opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones resulted in an evening that was a great start to the conference.



Volunteers are the backbone of the conference and Tasha Maddison did a terrific job finding and organizing these individuals and keeping them on track. Tasha will again be our volunteer coordinator in 2015, and it's never too early to let her know that you are interested in helping. You can contact her at [email protected].


Pre-Conference and Conference sessions were rated as good to excellent by the majority of survey respondents. Comments included: "Everything I went to was interesting, relevant and well presented." "Lots of sessions I wanted to go to and I took away information I could implement."As conference planning has begun for next year, be sure and send us any suggestions for sessions that you would like to attend.

Outgoing Board members (L-R) Robert Thomas, Blanche Bird and Colleen Murphy



The Awards Banquet was very well attended, with more than 125 in attendance. One of the high points of the evening was the presentation of the 2014 Frances Morrison Award of Merit to Joylene Campbell, whose 30 year commitment to Saskatchewan libraries has included the development of the Multitype Library Board, establishing the funding mechanism for the Multitype Database Licensing Program, spearheading the effort to exempt library electronic resources from the Provincial Sales Tax (a first for Canada), and establishing the Single Integrated Library System (SILS) for Saskatchewan Public Libraries.


Interspersed throughout the evening was a game called "Know Your Colleagues" that involved all the guests at a single table finding commonalities amongst themselves and provided a lot of laughter for everyone in the room.Thanks to Elaina St. Onge and Kimberley Hintz (who was also responsible for the table centrepieces) for their creativity in creating this and the SLINGO game.


We hope that you will join us next year in Regina at the Doubletree Hotel for a weekend of fun, learning and social activity. Mark your calendars for May 7-9 2015! Remember, this is YOUR conference, and we would love for you to get involved. Volunteer, present, attend!



Welcome New Board Members


Welcome to New and Returning Board Members


Please welcome our newest Board Members and say welcome back to those board members who are returning: Gillian Nowlan, Deborah McConkey, and Kimberley Hintz.


President:  Gwen Schmidt

Gwen's contributions to the Saskatchewan Library Association have been extensive and have prepared her well for the role of President of the SLA Board. She has been Director for Fundraising, Director for Public Libraries, and most recently, Treasurer. She has held a variety of positions at Saskatoon Public Library and is currently the Outreach and Access Services Coordinator. Gwen is a big fan of SLA's programs and the important role the SLA plays in continued education for library staff in the province. She can be contacted by email at [email protected].


Vice-President of Membership and Publications: Michael Shires (New Role) 

Michael holds the position of Collection Development and Liaison Librarian at the University of Regina Library. His background is in public services, providing reference service, teaching and collection development. He has worked at post-secondary institutions in Washington State, Florida and the United Arab Emirates. Michael has been a member of SLA since moving to Saskatchewan in 2010. He is the association's representative to the Multitype Library Board (2011-2015) and has been an integral member of the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference Planning Committees. Michael strongly believes in supporting local and regional library associations and is interested in conducting an environmental scan of library workers in Saskatchewan in order to develop strategies for strengthening association membership. He can be reached at [email protected].




Eleanor Crumblehulme

Eleanor Crumblehulme is a graduate of UBC's SLAIS and has studied English literature and Medieval Studies.  She is currently the Regional Librarian/Assistant Director for Lakeland Library Region. With over a decade of experience working in public and academic libraries, Eleanor will be a perfect addition to the SLA Board. Eleanor is looking forward to working with the SLA board to provide professional development opportunities for library staff and advocate for libraries and patrons. She can be contacted by email at [email protected].



Brad Doerksen


Brad is the director of the Archibald Library at Briercrest College and Seminary. He has served at BCS in a variety of roles but found his calling in the library. His involvement in libraries began in 2001, and he has served two terms on the Multitype Library Board. Brad has a strong interest in seeing what librarians can accomplish when they work together, and thinks that SLA has an important role to play in connecting librarians with each other and helping each other achieve more than they could on our own. He spends his free time moonlighting as a history instructor and exploring the back roads of Saskatchewan on his bicycle. There are unsubstantiated rumours that he once played drums in a rock band called Dewey and the Decimals. You can contact Brad at [email protected]




For Your Information
  • Register for School Library Journal's Summer Teen online conference Read more 
  • Edmonton Public Library wins Library Journal's 2014 Library of the Year Award. Read the whole story    
  • Watch for these new books for young people Read more  
  • A Summer Treat, Rhubarb and Orange Jam.
  • Print-disabled community need support read more  
  • The newest Multitype Library newsletter is here 


Program News


Saskatchewan Library Week, October 19-25 2014
Libraries Inspire!

The Saskatchewan Library Association is offering twenty four $250 grants  to Saskatchewan member libraries to help celebrate Saskatchewan Library Week 2014


Tell us how you plan to celebrate Saskatchewan Library Week and promote literacy and learning.  


Please apply by August 15, 2014 to be considered by the SLW Committee    

Please contact Anne Pennylegion at [email protected] or (306) 780-9409 if you have any questions


You must launch your program or activity during Saskatchewan Library Week to be eligible for this funding.  Libraries that demonstrate that their proposed activity is specific to the needs of their patrons will be given preference. Please see application for eligibility criteria. All decisions of the SLW Committee are final. Your library will be reimbursed up to $250 by SLA after your program has taken place, and upon receipt of a report listing the event, number of participants, the program costs (with receipts) and the impact on your community.


The grant application can be found here 



News from the TD Summer Reading Club
Please look at the following links for current updates about the program:



Program Statistics -


The TD Summer Reading Club Library Awards - Go! / Bon voyage ! 2013 announcement has been posted on the website.


Performer Tours:

PNLS will be having the Summer Tour on July 21 to 25
at 10 northern community public libraries.Danica Lorer will be doing 2 presentations per day during this week.





Culture Days 2014


SLA is partnering with the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild and Regina Public Library to host Cultural Grooves: Celebrating Diversity in Stories and Dance

Sunday, September 28,  2:00-4:00 pm, at the RPL Theatre,

2311-12th Avenue, 306.777.6120
This event is for all ages 

  Regina Public Library, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Library Association and the   Saskatchewan Writers' Guild celebrates Culture Days with an afternoon of readings, belly dancing and food. Authors Marion Mutala, Vijay Kachru, Dave Margoshes and Larry Warwaruk will read from their works between performances of Tribal Style Belly Dancing (by Belly Dance with Linda). Traditional dress welcolme. Refreshments will be served. For more information please contact Anne Pennylegion by email at [email protected] or by phone at (306) 780-9409

Do You Know About CASL?


Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) Why SHOULD you care??

On July 1, 2014, the new legislation, informally called, CASL comes into an effect and has implications for all business, non-profit, and charitable organizations. There are many concerns with this legislation but it boils down to the question, "Does this electronic email/message I am sending comply with CASL?"   There are several reasons to comply:

  • It regulates email not spam
  • There are 3 federal agencies regulating it.
  • There are significant fines.
  • There will be private prosecutions.

SLA is working hard to ensure that our association is complying with the legislation and able to prove due diligence if challenged.

What are we doing?

  • Requesting permission from all recipients of our regular mailings including: icontact, SLAte Newletter, conference information, membership renewal, and more.
  • Membership renewals will include a CASL permission statement, and photo release attached starting in July. Note: we will have to phone you to get permission to send these out unless you have signed and returned a permission.
  • Reflecting on each message we send out to ensure it is compliant.
  • Auditing our association practices to ensure compliance.

We hope this process is not too rocky. We hope that with your assistance we can ensure that everyone will be able to be included in future mailings from SLA. If you haven't yet sent in your CASL Permission to SLA please fill this form and return to our office by email: [email protected] or fax: 306-780-9447.

For further information you can:

SLA will be creating an electronic consent form and will send it to you in the next few weeks

If you have further questions, do not hesitate to me at the the email address above or by phone at (306) 780-9413.

Judy Nicholson, Executive Director, Saskatchewan Library Association





Contact Us 

Saskatchewan Library Association

15-2010 7th Ave.

Regina, SK S4R 1C2


Phone: 306-780-9413 or 306-780-9409

Fax: 306-780-9447

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]



The Saskatchewan Library Association gratefully acknowledges the support of our funding agencies


1234 Main Street, Awesomeville, MA � 555.555.5555