SSLA needs your input!
As a valued member of SSLA, we need your voice to direct the Association's upcoming professional development opportunity. SSLA envisions the provision of a professional learning opportunity in which participants earn self-chosen digital badges through learning about digital tools and skills, and then applying the learnings purposefully to instructional practices. Digital badges offer participants the opportunity to pave their personal learning pathways and leverage the potential for mastering digital age skills embodied in the ISTE Standards and Saskatchewan's Technology in Education.
The survey results will determine which digital skills and technologies the professional development opportunity should be the focus. Please add your voice by completing the short survey. An estimated time of five minutes is required to complete the survey.
To complete the survey online, please click on Digital Skills Survey or the URL (
The survey is now open and will close April 25, 2014. Answers are confidential. Responses will not be individually reported, but rather compiled in a summary format and stripped of identifying information.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this important project. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the Saskatchewan School Library Association at
More information regarding the professional development opportunity will be presented at the SSLA Conference on April 11th.
Carlene Walter President Saskatchewan School Library Association
The Partnership
The Partnership is Canada's national network of provincial and territorial library associations. The Partnership meets twice a year to collaboratively develop services and programs for members of their respective associations. More than 7,000 people who work for or with the library and information management sector belong to the associations of The Partnership. If you're receiving this email, your library association is one of them! The Partnership's initiatives include: The Education Institute, a continuing education program offering webinars and online courses for library information workers; Jobsite, a listing of positions in the library and information sector in Canada; Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research; and recently the national Continuing Education Certificate Program. For more information visit: