Milford Exempted Village School District
Eagle eNews
April 2015
In This Issue
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District Calendar


10District Art Show
6-8:30 p.m.
11District Art Show
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
16Board Meeting
Mulberry Elementary
7 p.m.
25/26Prom/After Prom

22Last Day of School
Cintas Center
4 p.m.

Thank you for subscribing to the Eagle eNews. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to submit news items to   
Milford Exempted Village School District Art Show will be held on Friday, April 10, from 6- 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 11, from 10 a.m.-3p.m.  The show will be on display in the Milford High School cafeteria and will feature a wide range of selected student artwork from all six elementary schools, the junior high school, and the high school.


Pictured is the official 2015 MEVSD Art Exhibition Poster designed by Milford High School senior Lauren Moeller, a student in Mr. Luessen's Graphic Design I class.  Lauren is planning to study Art & Graphic Design at the Ohio State University starting in autumn of 2015.

Treasurer Receives Auditor of State Award

For the second straight year, Mrs. Deborah Caudle, Milford EVSD Treasurer, has received the Auditor of State Award for exemplary financial reporting. The award is presented by Dave Yost, State Auditor, to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a successful financial audit with clean and accurate record-keeping, timely financial reports, and no findings for recovery.


"This award demonstrates the exceptional level of care Mrs. Caudle and her staff take with all aspects of managing the District's finances," said Milford Board President, Andrea Brady. "Mrs. Caudle brings not only a tremendous amount of expertise, but also a commitment to ensuring the Milford School District looks to tomorrow when making financial decisions today."

Milford Student Earns DAR Honors

Milford Junior High School 8th

grader Pakse Sneed was named Mariemont Chapter winner of the DAR American History Contest. She was honored at the "Focus on Youth" meeting of the Mariemont Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution held on March 21 where she received a certificate, a copy of the constitution, and a monetary award.


The American History Essay Contest is open to students in in grades 5-8 to encourage young people to think about our nation's history and relate to it on a more personal and creative level. Each year a selected topic is published by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and contests are conducted throughout the United States. First place winners in each DAR chapter are submitted to district, state and ultimately the national level.


Milford Junior High American History teachers Mrs. Sherri Smithson and Mrs. Katleyn Issler submitted essays completed by 8th graders for judging at the chapter level. Mrs. Smithson coordinated the topic with common core requirements and with classroom emphasis on connection to the U.S. Constitution and to genealogical research. Out of the 49 students who participated in the contest, the top 10 were submitted to the chapter for judging with Parkse Sneed's chosen to proceed onto the district level.  


Pictured: Mrs. Sherri Smithson, Pakse Sneed and Mrs. Judy Shaekley, Mariemont Chapter Chairman of the American History Contest.

MHS Artist Work on Display in Columbus
Congratulations to Milford senior Will Taylor who had his artwork chosen for the 2015 Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition. More than 12,000 works of art are judged across the state and only 300 are chosen for the actual show. The exhibition opens at the James A. Rhodes State Office Tower, across from the State Capitol, in April and closes at the end of May.


Will created his work in Graphic Design I, which was offered for the first time last year by art teacher, Christopher Luessen. Will is now a student in Graphic Design II, and is looking into pursuing art in college.


In addition, kudos to the following five Milford High School students who had their artwork selected from the Southwest Region to move on to the qualifying round: Cassi Smith, Rebecca Kinslow, Isabelle Kolik, Noah Frye, and China Martin. Only 10% of the artwork submitted from the Cincinnati region makes it to this level in the statewide competition!

After Prom is the place to be once Prom is over. Milford High School will host the 27th annual After Prom lock-in event for students that provides a safe and substance-free venue packed full of activities, food, and memories waiting to be made. 

After Prom Preview is a chance for the community to get a preview of this great event before the students arrive. The doors of Milford High School will open to the public and we invite you to stop in to experience Prom-apalooza for yourself! Bring the kids and be sure to bring some extra cash to try your luck at winning some raffles!

After Prom Preview
Saturday, April 25
Milford High School
Doors open at 8 p.m.

Milford Music Program Excels at OMEAs
On Saturday, March 14, Milford High School's music program had outstanding ratings for their performances at the OMEA District 14 Large Group Contest.
MHS Chamber Singers

The MHS Concert Choir and Chamber Singers, under the direction of Mrs. Tracy Carpenter, earned some of the highest ratings of the weekend. Chamber Singers earned a 1 overall (the highest rating possible) in class AA (the highest difficulty level); and Concert Choir earned a 2 overall in class B, with a 1 in sight singing.This was the first time Milford has sent two choirs to contest, and the highest ratings Milford choirs have ever received! It was also the first AA choir Milford has ever sent to this competition.


All three bands (Concert Red and Concert White and Symphonic Band) received "Superior" (top) ratings from all judges at the OMEA Large Group Assessment. Both concert bands were performing in Class C and the Symphonic Band performed in class AA (the highest classification). The Symphonic and Concert Red bands are under the direction of Mr. Brian Brown and the Concert White band is under the direction of Mr. John Espy.

2015-16 Sports Physicals Held in May


Milford Athletic Department in collaboration with Mercy Health will be offering Sports Physicals at Milford High School in May.


Where: Milford High School-Cafeteria
When: Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Time: 6-7:30 pm (Sign up in the Athletic Office, 576-2208)
Who: Anyone in grades 7-12 for the 2015-2016 school year
Cost: $20 (Make checks payable to Mercy Health)
Attire: Shorts and T-shirt
Parents: Portions of the physical form must be filled out by the parent or guardian prior to the actual physical (see link below).


Sports Physicals Flyer (pdf)

2015 Milford High School Conditioning Camp

The Milford High School Conditioning Camp is being offered once again to students that are currently in grades first through seventh. The purpose of the camp is to provide an atmosphere of physical challenges through team and individual activities. Participants will be supervised by varsity and junior high football staff members to promote a fun and rewarding experience. 


Camp will be conducted on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Camp begins Tuesday. May 26, lasting 22 sessions through Tuesday, July 14. Participants will meet at Eagle Stadium. 

If you have any questions please contact Mike Robinson at or Shane Elkin at

Summer Physical Education and Health 

This summer, MIilford High School students will have an opportunity to complete a portion of Physical Education (P.E.) requirement for graduation from high school. Each student must earn .5 credits (2 semesters) of physical education. Taking P.E. during the summer will free up more time for students to take other requirements and/or electives during the school year. Summer P.E. provides students the opportunity to be active during the summer and meet new friends through participation in supervised activities.

Additionally, students may take the required health credit via the Apex curriculum for an additional $75. Health coursework must be completed outside of summer school hours by the final summer school date of June 19.

Please click here for the Summer PE and Health Registration form. Please be sure to complete the Emergency Medical Form and attach to the registration form.

Athletes in the News...
Senior boys basketball players
Ryan Gallimore and
Will Hannah will represent Milford High School at the annual District 16 Senior All-Star Game scheduled for April 10. The event, which will be hosted by St. Bernard High School, will consist of two games, the Division I contest at 7 p.m., followed by the Division II-IV battle at 8:30 p.m.

Milford High School senior Meghan Swearingen helped the East Team to a 53-50 victory in the annual District 16 Senior All-Star Game, held March 25 at Purcell Marian High School. Swearingen scored six points in the win for the East, including a buzzer beating half court shot at the conclusion of the first quarter.


Milford High School junior Arija Walsh was recently selected to take part in the USA National Team Selection Camp after her performance in the Olympic Development Program National Championship. In mid-March, Arija represented the Great Lakes Zone at the National Championship in Riverside, California where she was ultimately tabbed one of the nation's top-48 youth players! The National Team Selection Camp will take place from May 1-4, with the top players earning a spot on one of several national teams. Local water polo coaches believe that Arija Walsh is the first high schooler from Ohio to be invited to the camp!

Extended Day Registration for 2015-16
Milford School District has an extended day program with before and after school child care for students in 1st-6th grade at each elementary school. Extended day for students in preschool and kindergarten is held at the Milford Preschool/Extended Day Center at 1039  Route 28. 1039 St. Rt. 28. The program operates from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday - Friday

Click here for more information and registration forms for the 2015-16 school year.

Registration for Milford Preschool 

Milford School District is holding open registration for its preschool program for the 2015-2016 school year. Registration can be done by appointment on school days from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.  

Milford Preschool is located at 1039 State Route 28. Children must turn age 3 by September 30, 2015, be toilet-trained and current on immunizations to be eligible for enrollment. 


Currently, there are openings for the 3-year-old program and a waiting list for 4 year olds. Milford's Preschool offers a 3-year old 4-day integrated program and a 4-year old 5-day integrated program.  This program is a mix of eight special needs students and eight typically developing students to serve as role models.  


To find out more and register, go to the preschool webpage at

Adult Lap/Open Swim Schedule

The Spring session of adult lap/open swim will be held every Tuesday and Thursday morning at Milford High School, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., through Thursday, May 21, 2015. 


Residents of the district have free access to the pool, but must register once they arrive. For more information, contact Lois Leavens, Community Swim Coordinator, at

Community Flyers Posted 

Check out our Community Flyers section on the district website at for upcoming school and community events.

The Board has a policy that allows for the distribution of flyers or materials in the schools. The flyer(s) must be pre-approved by the Superintendent. If appropriate, we will also post flyers on this page. 

Click on the following link to go to the Flyer Distribution Request forms: Flyer Distribution Request Form 


Current Flyers...
Milford Band Boosters Fundraiser (Buy it in Milford FUNd books)