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Centralia R-VI School District Newsletter 
Vol. 2, Issue #27
March 10, 2014
In This Issue
4th Grade Famous Missourians
College Planning Workshop
CBMS Hosting Book Fair
Senior Service Project Interview
Centralia Talent Show
Dr. Seuss Day at CES
Interest in the CHS Drama Club Grows
CES Students Rewarded for Reading
2014 CCC Art Show
8th Grade Quilt Project
Quiz Bowl Rolls
Nexus Successful at Destination Imagination

The Week Ahead  

Tuesday, March 11
  • 7:15 am - Cub Chorale
  • 5:00 pm - CBMS Track Parent Meeting
  • 7:00 pm - 1st Grade Program  
Wednesday, March 12
  • 7:30 am - Rockin' Recorders
Thursday, March 13
  • 3:30 pm - CBMS Spring Sports Pictures
  • 6:00 pm - CBMS CTA Fun Night/Dance
  • 7:00 pm - 3rd Grade Musical  
Friday, March 14
  • End of 3rd Quarter
  • 9:30 am -PAT Snuggle Up With A Book
Saturday, March 15
  • Band Chili Supper & Pie Auction 
Monday, March 17
  • CBMS Book Fair Starts
  • CIS Book Fair Starts
  • 6:30 pm - Winter Athletic Awards Banquet 

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4th Grade Famous Missourians
This past week 4th grade students disappeared and famous Missourians appeared in their place. From Stan Musial to William Clark to Harry S Truman, students dressed up as their famous Missourian and gave speeches about their Missourians as part of a research project.

Famous Missourian Day
Famous Missourian Day
Molly Brown
Molly Brown
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Helen Stephens
Helen Stephens
Edwin Hubble
Edwin Hubble
College Planning Workshop
The CHS Guidance Department will be hosting a College Planning Workshop for Juniors and their parents who want to learn about:
  • The College Application Process
  • Financing Your Education
  • Comparing Institutions
  • And Much More!
The event will be held on Tuesday, March 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the CHS cafeteria.  For additional information, please contact Tonya Dimmitt at (573)682-3508.
CBMS Hosting Book Fair
It is that time of year again for school book fairs.  Next week, CBMS will be hosting their spring book fair in the CBMS library.  Some books that will be available include Divergent, Bad Unicorn, and Ripley's Believe It or Not! Special Edition 2014. Students can bring their money to school and purchase books, posters, and other items before school. A portion of all proceeds will be donated back to the CBMS Library program.
Senior Service Project Interview
Centralia High School Senior Service Project Interview
Centralia High School Senior Service Project Interview

Centralia Talent Show


Do you have a talent? Do you want to show it off? If so, the Centralia Talent Show is the place you need to be.

The CHS Music and Football Programs will be hosting a Talent Show on Friday, March 28. There will be a dinner from 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. prior to the show.  The show will then begin at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available at the door and cost $7.50/adult, $5/student (children under 5 are free) or $30/family.
Dr. Seuss Day at CES
Dr Seuss
Dr Seuss

Dr Seuss Parade
Dr Seuss Parade

Dr. Seuss Week
Dr. Seuss Week

Interest in the CHS Drama Club Grows
Denver Horn, Contributing Writer


Interest in the CHS drama program is growing. "The Centralia Drama Club department has grown tremendously just in this past year," said Drama Club President Chelsea Wheeler. This is the first year Drama is considered an official club, and the club members are proud to be able to perform skits in the big school events like Homecoming and Courtwarming.


In the past, the Drama Club has hosted an Improv Night. They have also written and performed original plays. Additionally, the members performed published plays for the Intermediate School and hosted a costume dance party for Halloween. Some of their plays were dramatic, and some were comical in the past. Plays in general are almost all practiced and organized, whereas improvs are not organized, and they are usually more comical than serious.


This year the Centralia Drama Club consists of 15 people who dedicate around five to ten hours each week organizing activities and practicing for performances.The sponsors are Kortney Sebben and Kristy Tiesing, CHS language arts teachers. This year's officers include Chelsea Wheeler-President; Kim O'Loughlin-Vice President; Heather Richardson-Secretary; Brady McDowell-Costume and Props; and Amanda O'Loughlin-Advertising. The members meet each Friday after school unless a big performance is coming up, and then they meet every day after school for rehearsal.


Drama is very helpful for students to branch out and use a specific set of skills to entertain. Sebben said, "Drama is a fun and creative art that needs to be shared with the community, and Centralia has many extremely talented actors in the school." So far this year the drama department has performed and hosted many activities including Taylor Richardson performing in a monologue she wrote called "Bonnie and Clyde," and Amanda O'Loughlin and Brady McDowell performing the drama "Midnight of the Soul." The following students performed in a scene entitled "Disney Disclosed" that the Drama Club members wrote together:  Chelsea Wheeler played Fiona, a therapist; Jessica Pendergrast was Rapunzel; Heather Richardson was Pocahontas; Sydney Miller played the part of Mulan; Amanda O'Loughlin was Tinkerbell; Brady McDowell acted the part of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves;  Kim O'Loughlin was Alice; Taylor Richardson was Anastasia; Jessie Melegrito played the role of Sleeping Beauty; and Gabby Kniola was the White Rabbit. Additionally, Heather Richardson and Sydney Miller performed the drama "Gray Matter," and Gabby Kniola performed the monologue "Remember." Shelby Golian was an understudy and assistant director to the performances. Taylor Richardson was the stage manager, and Brady McDowell was head of the costume department. For the performance for the community, the club charged admission to get in and raised money in order to expand their costume closet. The costume choices are slim, which limits the types of plays the drama students can perform.


Being a part of Drama Club has many benefits for students. Students can learn and practice skills that will help them in the future, whether it be in school or in everyday life. Sebben said, "Acting in front of others, especially when improvising, helps people come out of their shells." Drama works on speaking skills and a person's confidence. She also said in the classroom the drama students are more comfortable and participate more. Chelsea Wheeler, Drama Club president, said, "Drama Club is spectacular motivation to keep my grades up and continue to work my hardest." Wheeler also believes that their club takes theatrics seriously, and she loves to see progression in performances and in the members' personal growth.  Wheeler is expected to set a good example and to inspire the other members to be all that they can be because she is the president of the club. She plans fundraisers and both educational and fun- filled trips. Wheeler also spreads awareness of the club's existence, selects performances, and helps direct performances. Wheeler plans to participate in theater at the University of Missouri-Kansas City in the fall.

For the future, Drama Club has big plans to entertain the community and the school and also organize a fundraiser for the club. Drama Club plans to perform a spring play, host another Improv Night, perform readings of Creative Writing students' original poems, and attend Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream on the MU campus. They are always open to growth in size and in number of performances. Sebben said, "Anyone is welcome to join."

CES Students Rewarded for Reading
CES Students Rewarded for Reading Minutes
CES Students Rewarded for Reading Minutes

2014 CCC Art Show


Recently several CHS students participated in the Clarence Cannon Conference Art Show. Thank you to all our students for representing the district well and congratulations to the following students for placing.

Kayla Wilkerson - 3rd place - Watercolor
Katie Parker - 1st place - Printmaking, 3rd place - Charcoal
Brett Fuller - 2nd place - Printmaking
Anna Parker - Honorable Mention
Colin Yager - 2nd place - Graphics, 3rd place - Photography
Skylar Taylor - 2nd place - Mixed Media
Austin Haskell - 2nd place and Honorable Mention Photography

CCC Art Show 2014
CCC Art Show 2014

8th Grade Quilt Project 
Alicia Hancock, Contributing Writer
The  8th grade language arts class read and analyzed the poem "My Mother Pieced Quilts" by Teresa Paloma Acosta. In the analysis of the poem, students learned about the writer's use of figurative language to create a unique writing style. Students identified the use of recycled material to create something new in the quilt.  They also learned about the author's family history.  Later students picked out fabric that represented themselves, just like the quilt in the poem had represented the author's family. Students wrote a short piece about how the fabric represented them and why they 
picked what they picked.  Then they worked together to create a class quilt to show their unique personalities.  The idea is that we are all unique, but also part of a community in the same way the author was part of her family.  

Eighth Grade Poetry Project
Eighth Grade Poetry Project

Quiz Bowl Rolls


The Quiz Bowl team had a good night against Macon this past Thursday night. The JV match started out close, tied after a quarter, but a big third quarter gave the Panthers a 180-100 lead. Behind Tyler Spurling's game-high seven toss-ups, the JV won 230-120.

The varsity team picked up where they left off last week, jumping out to a big first quarter lead, 110-10. That was as close as the match would be, the final score being 560-110. Aonghus Dollens and Kate Ray combined for 25 toss-ups as the sophomore duo continues to impress.

Next Thursday, the Quiz Bowl team will travel to South Shelby.
Nexus Successful at Destination Imagination 
Ann Seider, Contributing Writer
Destination Imagination (DI) is a creative problem solving contest that concludes each year with the Global Finals held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in late May.  For nine years, the middle school Nexus students have participated in various levels of DI. Nexus is the gifted program for Centralia Schools. All the Nexus teams compete in the first tournament held in early March. This North/Central regional tournament was held this year in Concordia, MO.  There were 40 teams represented, ranging in location from the Kansas City area to Wright City and down to Jefferson City.  The top three teams in each challenge area move on to the state tournament held in Joplin every year in April. This year, all four CBMS Nexus teams scored well enough to move on to the state competition. 

Destination Imagination melds creativity, imagination and teamwork. Each of the six Team Challenges offer students the opportunity to practice problem solving skills while creating a performance for the judges. Another interesting facet to the tournament is the Instant Challenge in which teams are given 4-6 minutes to solve and creatively present their solution to a task. Most students grow to love the fast paced thinking of Instant Challenges and the independence that they have in creating their very own  solution to the Team Challenge. Our Nexus classes work on that team solution every class day during 3rd quarter. Now that they've completed their first tournament, some teams will make a few changes to their solution, fix broken prop pieces, or rehearse their skit prior to traveling to Joplin on April 12th. 

This time of year, Mrs. Seider's classroom is full of large boxes, lots of PVC pipe, storage bins, posters, tools and several rolls of duct tape. She only asks that the students "put the tools back in the toolbox and wash the brushes." Because the students all want to earn the opportunity to travel to the Global Finals, they
usually work hard, although she does need to rein in their silliness at times. Time management is always a tough lesson to learn. This year the numerous snow
days were a bit of challenge; but a few after school work sessions caught the teams up to full preparation. 

Nexus 2014
Nexus 2014