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P.O. Box 919 ~ 1641 Sigman Road ~ Conyers, GA 30012 ~ 770/922-8000 ~ FAX: 770/922-1290
105 S.E. 124th Avenue ~ Vancouver, WA 98684 ~ 360/449-3138 ~ 360/449-3953


November 2013 Issue


Our Mission Statement:
TP provides superior quality assurance programs and services to the forest products industry. This is accomplished by providing timely, cost effective services, thorough and accurate inspections, and exemplary customer service.
Quick Links:

Export Certification Specialist 


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Happy Thanksgiving!






We are very thankful to have the opportunity to serve you.  Please never hesitate to contact us with any WPM questions or concerns you may have. It is our goal to provide the best service possible and to be a strong partner with you in the ISPM 15 program.  Please note that our offices will be closed November 28th and 29th so our employees can spend this holiday with their families.  We will be back in our office and in the field again on Monday December 2nd.  

Protecting Your Mark is Important


It is important that you always maintain control of your ISPM 15 marks. Theft of unsecured marks and forgeries are on the rise and every facility should be vigilant about making sure to keep their marks out of the hands of those who would abuse them.  TP has been partnering with ALSC and the USDA in stepping up the enforcement and prosecution of mark abuse.  We recently participated in a raid in Laredo, TX where a fraudulent stamp was confiscated.  Since the mark was an active number, the facility was notified of the situation and given the option to change their number. Protecting the ISPM 15 program in the U.S. is important to all of us.  If you see or suspect an ISPM 15 mark is being used illegally please contact our office and report the issue.  All sources are kept strictly confidential and are greatly appreciated.  


Upcoming Events:


Pallet Design SystemTM with LoadSync Training Course
November 13-15, Memphis, TN


Indiana Hardwood Lumberman's Convention

February 4-6, 2014, Indianapolis, IN


NWPCA Annual Leadership Conference

March 1-3, 2014, Ft. Lauderdale, FL


For more information, Contact:
EST, CST:  Matt McGowan  (770) 922-8000 ext. 156
PST, MST:  Casey Dean      (360) 449-3138 ext. 12