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P.O. Box 919 ~ 1641 Sigman Road ~ Conyers, GA 30012 ~ 770/922-8000 ~ FAX: 770/922-1290
105 S.E. 124th Avenue ~ Vancouver, WA 98684 ~ 360/449-3138 ~ 360/449-3953


August 2013 Issue


Our Mission Statement:
TP provides superior quality assurance programs and services to the forest products industry. This is accomplished by providing timely, cost effective services, thorough and accurate inspections, and exemplary customer service.
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     Softwood Lumber   




Clarification on Canada's 122 Plant Taxa Additions to its NAPPRA List





On July 29, 2013, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) added 122 plant taxa to its "Not Authorized Pending Plant Risk Analysis" (NAPPRA) list.  The list of plant taxa are considered "host plants of quarantined pests" or "plants as pests" and are not allowed to be imported into Canada from specific countries until a plant risk analysis is completed by the CFIA.  There are some wood species on this list which has created some confusion on how this applies to WPM.


To clarify, WPM made from wood natural to the U.S. is exempt from the NAPPRA requirement and ISPM 15 at this time.  However if you are importing wood from other countries to make WPM, this material needs to be heat treated before attempting to export to Canada.  Lumber (which includes wood components) is a different commodity and it is best to check with your USDA export certification specialist to make sure there are no additional requirements regarding the shipment of these products into Canada.


       Moldy Lumber  
Dealing with Mold







With all the wet weather this year, mold has definitely become a concern at facilities.  All molds have four basic re­quirements for growth; suitable temperature (70-80� F), oxygen, food and moisture. Eliminat­ing one of these elements can prevent mold development. The most practical strategy for mold pre­vention is to eliminate the mois­ture factor. Nineteen percent or less moisture content on any component will not facilitate the growth of mold. Unfortunately, wooden components can be exposed to weather conditions prior to or during shipping that increase moisture content. There­fore, it is recommended that the following steps be taken to limit exposure to moisture which can result in the development of mold.


* Have lumber shipped wrapped in paper and/or under tarp.

* Open or walled storage sheds are preferable to outside storage.

* Store pallet components away from standing water.

* Ensure the storage area has good drainage.

* Elevate the wooden compo­nents to allow cool, moist air to move downward and away from the pallet components.

* When stored outside, wooden components should be stacked so they are not touching. This will enable sufficient airflow.

* Require forklift operators to inspect wooden components pri­or to loading. If mold is observed, these wooden components should be removed from ship­ment and cleaned in accordance with facility mold growth clean up and control procedures.

* Make certain your supplier understands your needs related to mold on any wood products you purchase from them.


We realize that many of you utilize components with moisture content exceeding 19%, but following the above guidelines can greatly diminish your exposure to issues related to mold.


Financial notes:



In 12 months, the University of Michigan's index of consumer sentiment has gained almost 13 points. At 85.1, July's final edition of the index was up 1.0 points from the final June reading. Two notable details: the percentage of respondents saying their home values had increased hit a six-year peak, and more respondents expected their inflation-adjusted incomes to rise in the coming year than at any time since 2007.1



1 - [7/26/13] 


For more information, Contact:
EST, CST:  Matt McGowan  (770) 922-8000 ext. 156  [email protected]
PST, MST:  Casey Dean      (360) 449-3138 ext. 12    [email protected]