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P.O. Box 919 ~ 1641 Sigman Road ~ Conyers, GA 30012 ~ 770/922-8000 ~ FAX: 770/922-1290
105 S.E. 124th Avenue ~ Vancouver, WA 98684 ~ 360/449-3138 ~ 360/449-3953


May 2013 Issue


Our Mission Statement:
TP provides superior quality assurance programs and services to the forest products industry. This is accomplished by providing timely, cost effective services, thorough and accurate inspections, and exemplary customer service.
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    HT Chamber 




Heat Chamber Review






ALSC identifies a heat chamber in Section 8, Paragraph 2 in their Wood Packaging Material Regulations as "any enclosed equipment used to heat treat lumber or wood packaging material (WPM) and includes kilns, heat boxes, or any other apparatus used to heat treat the product."  When lumber or WPM is treated, a record of this treatment must be maintained for review according to ALSC's Wood Packaging Material Policy which states "For lumber or packing marked HT: the agency shall audit the minimum requirements of the 56�C (with verification study) for 30 minutes core temperature by reviewing the facility records, heat chamber charts and/or other data pertinent to the HT process." It is important that these records be reviewed by someone at the facility after each completed charge to ensure the time and temperature requirements have been met.  If the charge does not conform to the regulations then a facility can re-treat the WPM to conformance in order to comply. If you are heat treating lumber or WPM, please make sure your charges are meeting the regulations and take steps to correct any problems that develop prior to your monthly inspection.

      HT Mark
    How to Identify a Legitimate HT Mark



ALSC Wood Packaging Material Regulation states "The wood being used in the manufacture or repair of wood packaging pallets, crating, boxes, etc. under this program is labeled HT or KD HT under the supervision of an agency accredited by the Board of Review."  A legitimate HT mark is identified by having the following:

  • The auditing agency's trademark.
  • A unique mill ID assigned to the manufacturer of the wood product.
  • The term "Heat Treated" abbreviated "HT".

If any of the above information is missing, a call to TP is in order to make sure the wood you are planning to use to make your WPM conforms to ALSC regulations.

Financial notes:



The initial estimate of first quarter growth from the Bureau of Economic Analysis disappointed some analysts who had expected 3% expansion or better. Personal consumption and inventory accumulation were the prime sources of growth. Personal spending rose 3.2% in the quarter, but real disposable personal income fell 5.3%, which led the personal savings rate to slip to 2.6% from 4.7% in Q4. The big picture? The economic recovery is definite, but still sluggish. Overall durable goods orders dropped 5.7% in March, according to the Commerce Department.1,2



1 - [4/26/13]

2 - [4/26/13]

For more information, Contact:
EST, CST:  Matt McGowan  (770) 922-8000 ext. 156  [email protected]
PST, MST:  Casey Dean      (360) 449-3138 ext. 12    [email protected]