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 The Yardarm
News and Views from the Yarmouth Port Library
Spring 2015

From the Librarians
Leslie Altman

Let it snow! Nothing like a warm fire and a good book to make the winter seem more delightful. We do our best to be open for you to enjoy both books and warmth here at the Library.


If you have an interest in local history, you will be happy to know that the Amos Otis book collection is now downstairs and shelved with the Historic Collection in the Reading Room. Come in and explore this treasure.


In January we hosted an author talk by John Basile, editor of the Register, on his book Legendary Locals of Yarmouth, with many locals, some legendary, in attendance. 

Sally White, daughter of one of Yarmouth's legends and the YPL's longest serving librarian, attended the program. She also brought with her a donation to the YPL. Thanks to Miss White, we now have three original paintings at the library. One is a small oil painting by Marieluise Hutchinson, who later came herself to donate a copy of the Register article reporting her gift to Martha White.


The other two are original watercolors by Tomie dePaola, an award-winning writer and illustrator of children's books. Come see these lovely works of art and borrow the Legendary Locals of Yarmouth to read for yourself.


For those of you who plan ahead, we have lots of new gardening books for you. Think spring!

From the Children's Room
Lynn Lesperance

Has everyone had enough snow yet? February marks my 24th anniversary with the library and in all those years we have never had to take 3 and a half days off in a row. In, fact, if memory serves me well, that is the most days we have ever been closed due to weather in any given year!


But we're back. We're warm and cozy and have plenty to keep you and your family occupied when the weather outside is frightful. Shake off the cabin fever. Come in and sit awhile. Read with your children. Put on a play in the puppet theater. Design something with blocks. Play with the toys. We'd love to have your company.


I am sorry but due to lack of attendance the monthly Lego Quest Club has been canceled. We will return to our weekly format this summer and look forward to seeing all you budding architects then.


Had you ever wondered just what a Therapy Dog is and what their job might be, you missed a chance to find out and to meet some of these loving animals in person. Dogs and their humans from Therapy Dogs International were here on Saturday in February vacation. There was a short presentation where kids and grown ups learned about the dogs and then some interested children read with a dog.


Join us for Lapsit Storytime on Fridays at 10:30. (Remember, though, that Generations! Music and Movement with Denya LeVine is always on the first Friday of the month over at the Congregational Church.) And everyone is welcome.


Stay warm, Everyone.  


For 24 years, the Library, especially the children, have had the pleasure of knowing and being helped by Lynn Lesperance.


Thank you, Lynn

Tom Paquin

The Yarmouth Port Library lost a true friend and supporter with the passing of Tom Paquin in December. Tom and his wife Jean played a huge role in our Library as it exists today. When the town decided to cease funding YPL and tried to close us down, Tom and Jean had a meeting at their home of a small group of Library trustees. Tom convinced us that we could, indeed, remain open as a privately funded library open to the public. With the help of many volunteers in the community, we have managed to do so. It was Tom's calm, lawyerly demeanor that gave us the impetus to give it a try. Thank you, Tom. We will miss you.  

Message from the President
Ann Petrou

The first order of business is to wish all a Happy New Year and to thank all of our patrons for their patience during the snow events that led to a curtailing of Library hours. Hopefully Phil the Groundhog was wrong and spring is just around the corner.


The YPL is the recipient of a generous art donation by Sally White, daughter of our former librarian, Martha White. One of the paintings is of our Library painted by Marieluise Hutchinson that is particularly meaningful because Sally explained that this picture was very dear to her mother. When Martha was ill, this picture was sent to hospice with her and hung by her bedside. 


The other two paintings are watercolors by noted children's author and illustrator Tomie dePaola. The Library has a number of his books in the children's section where his pictures will be hung.


While winter still remains, stop by YPL and pick up some movies or books to keep away the winter blues. Gardening season is around the corner and it is not too early to start planning. Some travel books can transport you to a warmer clime. Or just going in to the building and sitting in front of the fire reading a magazine or newspaper can provide a change. Our staff is friendly and always ready with a smile and some kind words.


Looking forward to spring!

Celebrating the Yarmouth Port Library

Library Interior, late 19th Century

In March of 1866, a committee was formed to start a subscription library in the Town of Yarmouth. Their work was the beginning of the Yarmouth Port Library you know today. The evolution of the Library and the library building is an interesting story. Starting with this issue of The Yardarm we will present various aspects of how the Library came to be what it is and some, we think, interesting tidbits you may not be aware of culminating in a celebration of the Library's 150th anniversary in 2016. 


To start, we present a brief History of the Library here.

2015 Membership Campaign
Les Peat

The Campaign got off to a fast start, with a record number of dollars received by December 31st. Since then, however, contributions have slowed to a trickle, and for the first time, we are in danger of missing our goal of $40,000 - not the best time for this to happen, as we have recently had to deal with a major roof repair, the purchase of new computers, replacement of the alarm system, and huge bills for snow removal. If you have not yet joined or renewed your membership, it is not too late. Click here for a membership coupon. Please fill it out and return it to the Library, and please be as generous as you can - our need has never been greater.


If you are in doubt as to whether you have already joined or renewed, please check the preliminary list of 2015 members here, and if after that you are still in doubt, please call Treasurer Les Peat at (508) 362-7660 to verify your status before you write the check. If you are already a member but wish to make an additional contribution, please make that clear as well. We will be most grateful, not only for the contribution, but also for not having to contact you as to your intent.


Once again, on behalf of the Trustees, staff, and volunteers, thank you for your generous support of the Library through the membership program. It is absolutely essential to our financial well-being and to the continuation of the Library's programs and services.


Click here for the complete list of 2015 members.

Business Sponsor Appreciation

The Yarmouth Port Library has a number of area business sponsors.

With each issue of The Yardarm, we profile one to show our appreciation for their support.

The House Company

30 Perseverance Way, Suite 2,Hyannis, MA 02601

Phone: 508-771-0303  FAX: 508-771-0384


Whether new construction, additions, renovations, remodeling or restoration, our team brings years of experience and professionalism to your project. We are committed to doing our work in a responsive and ethical manner and we treat our clients the way we like to be treated.


The House Company began in 1982 with the simple belief that if we returned phone calls to our customers and communicated with them consistently, we would never run out of work. That principal proved to be true and all these many years later our reputation as a successful design-build & remodeling business continues to grow.

We invite you to visit our web site at thehouseco.com for a closer look at our work.


Yarmouth Port Library Business Sponsors


Barnstable Restaurant and Tavern

Bass River Pediatric Associates

Colonial House Inn

John A. Grant, Esq.

Just Picked Gifts

Royal II Restaurant & Grill

Seaside Gas , Inc.

Talin Bookbindery


Please patronize our business sponsors. When you do, be sure

to thank them for their support of the Yarmouth Port Library.


YPL Book Group News

The Yarmouth Port Library Book Club meets on the third Thursday of the month at 3:00 PM in the Reading Room. Books are chosen by the group and a discussion takes place for about one hour with refreshments. This is a lively group with many varied opinions and reading interests. 

Join us; newcomers are always welcome.

March 19 selection:

Pearl Buck, The Eternal Wonder


Lost for forty years, The Eternal Wonder tells the coming-of-age story of Randolph (Rann) Colfax,  an extraordinarily gifted young man whose search for meaning and purpose leads him to New York, England, Paris, a mission patrolling the DMZ in Korea that will change his life forever-and ultimately, to love. 

April 16 selection 

Sue Monk Kidd, The Invention of Wings


The Invention of Wings begins, fittingly, with an image of flight: Hetty "Handful", who has grown up as a slave in early nineteenth century Charleston, recalls the night her mother told her that her ancestors in Africa could fly over trees and clouds. That day, Handful's mother, Charlotte, gave her daughter a gift of hope. The novel is inspired by the historical figure Sarah Grimke. 

Commonwealth eBook Collections (beta)
There's something new in the CLAMS online catalog.

The Commonwealth eBook Collections are now available to patrons who have a device that is able to access the internet (computer, smart phone, some ereaders).   You can see what is available by checking the CLAMS catalog and clicking on "Commonwealth eBook Collections."


This system supplements OverDrive and makes new and popular e-books more readily available.   There are three vendors, with different areas of specialization.  Baker and Taylor offers new and popular fiction and non-fiction.  Biblioboard is excellent for teaching and learning, with many primary sources in all media.  EBL is best for academic research. Those of you who like electronic media, please explore.  Lynn and Leslie both attended training sessions on the MLS e-book project.  We can help if you need assistance on your devices.

Book Sales
Remember the book sale we usually schedule in February?
You didn't miss it! Due to snow storms, we had to rescheduled it.
The Winter Book Sale will be Saturday, March 21st.


We have a large selection of gently used books at bargain 

prices that can't be beat. And ... we have baked goods, too! 




Looking for a new title or a favorite author?

Visit the book sale nook "Around the Corner" in the Reading Room.

Many 2011-2014 hardcovers, paperbacks and trade fiction at

BARGAIN PRICES - $1.00 - $3.00

Stock up for cold, winter days or your trip South.

Support the Yarmouth Port Library!




Please DONATE your used books to the library for our next annual book sale and our ongoing book sale shelf. Some new titles may also go into our library collection. We accept fiction and nonfiction, children's books, cookbooks, travel guides, etc. We also resell CD's and DVD's. We can not accept textbooks, encyclopedias or videotapes.


Drop off items in good, clean, salable condition during regular library hours.


The Library is in need of a four-drawer file cabinet for pendaflex folders. If you are downsizing, or otherwise clearing out, we'd appreciate the donation.

We will gladly pick it up. Call Dinah Wolff at 508-362-7660.

Events at YPL

Check the YPL News & Events page for details.

All events are at the Library except as noted.  

New YPL and CLAMS Acquisitions
New books, audio books, DVDs and CDs are always being added at the Yarmouth Port Library and other libraries in the CLAMS network. 

Yarmouth Port Library

Library Hours

Closed Sunday and Monday
Tuesday 1 - 5 PM
Wednesday 1 - 7 PM
Thursday 1 - 5PM
Friday 10 AM - 4 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 2 PM

  Leslie Altman and 
Tiffany Turner

Associate Librarian Children's Services:

Lynn Lesperance

Telephone: 508-362-3717
Fax: 508-362-6739
email: yarp_mail@clamsnet.org