The Yardarm
News and Views from the Yarmouth Port Library www.YarmouthPortLibrary.org
Even for those who love summer, the waning of the daylight hours is a signal that the traffic will soon be more manageable, the beaches will again welcome dog owners, and there might even be an empty parking space at the Cape Cod Mall. For those of us, like me, who love autumn, excitement is rising. The garden no longer demands so much energy, the guests have returned to their own spaces, and it's time to READ!
Come in to the Reading Room to examine biographies, Cape Cod books, and historic volumes. Browse the DVDs in their new space, brightly lit and more accessible. New books and recommended readings are near the circulation desk, where the DVDs used to be. A list of new materials is included in this newsletter.
We are featuring non-fiction in September, with recommendations from Trustees, Corporators, Staff, and Volunteers, to encourage you to try something new. October will be mystery month; maybe you will discover a writer you haven't met before. If you have recommendations of "best book I read this summer," please let us know at the desk. We are eager to hear from you.
September and October will be busy months for programs, as well. The library book group is starting again; we always welcome new members. Our book for September is "Swimming at Suppertime: Seasons of Delight on the Wrong Side of Buzzards Bay," by Carol Wasserman. Join the discussion on September 18 at 3:00 pm. We are also having a speaker from the VNA to talk about hospice. October will feature a genealogy workshop, a wine-tasting , and our traditional spaghetti supper at Jack's. Look for details elsewhere in the Yardarm.
Leslie Altman
From the Children's Room
| Lynn Lesperance
Well that was a fast - and busy - summer! I don't know about you but I am looking forward to the fall with its cooler temperatures and less hectic pace.
Before we move on, I want to congratulate our two top Summer Reading Program readers: Andrew Juan and Bella Porter. They did a great job of reading for the Yarmouth Food Pantry, Safe Harbor Shelter and the Bray Farm Animals. Congratulations!
 | Generations! |
Beinning in September, we will be welcoming back Denya LeVine as for another season of the Generations! music and movement program for young children and seniors. This lively program will be held on the first Friday of the month through November. We meet at the First Congregational Church at 10:30 AM. The first program is on September 6th. Children 5 and under, along with a caregiver, and interested seniors (no caregiver necessary) are cordially invited to join us for an hour of songs and fun.
So many of our "Lapsit" children have "graduated" and moved on to three day a week pre-school, we thought it might be time to shake things up a little bit. Instead of our long-standing Friday time slot, we are going to try out a new day and time - Saturday morning at 10:15 AM. The hope is that working parents who are home on the weekend might enjoy bringing their children up to age 5 to the library for stories, activities and crafts. This trial program will begin on September 14th and continue through October 12th at which time we will re-evaluate and decide how we want to proceed. As always, parents, your input is invaluable. Please, feel free to stop in to see me and discuss what day of the week, time, activities etc. would work for your family. We want to be your neighborhood resource, but we need your help to get it right.
Hope to see you all soon.
Yarmouth Library Association
As many of you know, the Yarmouth Port Library is not an ordinary town library. Though it is open to everyone and we encourage members and non-members alike to use the library, it is operated by a private non-profit organization, the Yarmouth Library Association. The Association is comprised of a group of corporators and governed by a board of trustees and officers. For this fiscal year, the officers, trustees and members of the corporation are the following.
My name is Ann Petrou and I am back for a second round as President of the Yarmouth Port Library. I was president back when the town withdrew funding to the Yarmouth Port Library. After the decision to keep the Library open as a privately funded facility open to the public, I took a break from the Presidency though I did remain active on the Board of Trustees.
I consider myself very fortunate to have been asked to be a Corporator and later a Trustee of the Yarmouth Port Library. After moving to the Cape, it gave me an opportunity to give back to my community but, moreover, to become involved with a group of wonderful people who love libraries as much as I. I would suggest to all that volunteering at our Library for one of our many events or attending any of our great programs is a wonderful way to get involved and meet all of the folks that work so hard at keeping our Library an active part of the community.
We also thank all of you who have so generously supported our Library this last year and we look forward to another great year of reading and fun at the Yarmouth Port Library.
Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Ann Petrou
Jean Paquin
Tom Paquin
Les Peat
Susan Bonnell
Carolyn Gale
Charles Gale
Dorothy Halmstad
Trenor Godell
Elaine Liatsos
Sean Sheehan
Charyn Tietge
Karen Alexander
Leslie Altman
Virginia Gibbons
Trenor Goodell
Jack Graham
Lynn Lesperance
Judith O'Brien
Carol Oliver
Duncan Oliver
Ted Oxholm
Stephanie Rodricks
Peter Savage
John Shea
Peggy Shea
Charles Spooner
Henry Teuwen
Cindy Watson
Ruth Weissberger
Ted Weissberger
Dinah Wolff
Yarmouth Port Library Book Group | Leslie Altman
The Library Book Group reconvenes after its summer hiatus Wednesday, September 18 at 3 PM. The book for September is Swimming at Suppertime by Carol Wasserman. The next meeting at will be October 16 at 3 PM. The book for October will be Old Filth by Jane Gardam. Lest you are wondering, Filth stands for "Failed in London, try Hong Kong".
Subsequent meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Newcomers are welcome!
Annual Book and Plant Sale
Susan Bonnell
The annual book and plant sale is one of our major fundraisers for the year. Once again it was a wonderful success. We raised about $3200 with the plant sale earning $800 of that total. The sale would not be possible without the help of our many volunteers.
Thank you to all of you who donated books and plants and helped on that day. A special thanks to the campers from Camp Wingate - Kirkland and Boy Scout Troop 50 of Yarmouth Port who helped us bring all of the books out of the cellar. Thanks also to Station Ave. Dunkin' Donuts, Station Ave. Stop & Shop, and White's Path Subway for their generous food donations; and to the Barnstable County Sheriff's Office for the tent loan and set-up. It was a great effort by everyone.
Book Donations
We will begin accepting books in September for next year's Winter and Summer Book Sales. We would appreciate your donations of clean, resalable books. We accept fiction and nonfiction titles' cookbooks, travel books, children's books, etc. We can not accept textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias or videotapes. We also resell CD's and DVD's. Books need to be in good resalable condition with no sign of dust or mold. If you have older books, the Got Books bin is a good drop-off alternative. If you have large numbers of books to donate, please call ahead to the library.
Your donations of recent titles can also be put into library circulation or right on to our used bookshelf for sale.
Library Members Thanked with Reception | Les Peat, Chairman of the Library Membership Committee
YPL President, Ann Petrou, with Mary Herberich
The Library celebrated the second year of its membership program with a Members' Reception on August 5th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. About 80 of our 360-odd members, including about two dozen Board members, attended the reception, at which they enjoyed fine hors d'oeuvres and a selection of California red and white wines; a sparkling dessert wine was also served with a selection of bite-sized dessert items.Frank Manoli of Yarmouth Wine & Spirits generously loaned us wine glasses, which made for a much better wine experience than the usual plastic cups.
The program was well worth celebrating, as we met our budgeted goal of $40,000 for the fiscal year ending on June 30th. These funds are used, along with endowment revenue, proceeds of special events (the annual book sales and spaghetti supper), and miscellaneous income (p rimarily fines and copier charges) to provide nearly 1/3 of our operating costs. We are extremely grateful for our members' generous support, which allows us to keep the doors open and the lights on.
Planning and arrangements for the reception were handled by a committee consisting of Elaine Liatsos, Judy O'Brien, Jean Paquin, Ann Petrou, and Dinah Wolff; many other members also contributed to a very successful event that we hope will become an annual fixture on the Library calendar.
Annual Spaghetti Supper
The annual spaghetti supper to benefit the Yarmouth Port Library
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2013 - 5:00 PM. and 6:30 PM
161 Route 6A, Yarmouth Port, MA
Get your tickets at the Library - $12 If you would like to bake for this event or serve dinner,
signup at the circulation desk at the library in October.
Events at YPL
Genealogical Research on the Internet
Are you interested in finding out how to use the Internet for your family-history research? If so, mark your calendar for Saturday, October 5 at 2 PM at the Library. This free workshop will cover some of the best sources for internet genealogy. There will be ample time for questions at the workshop. It would be helpful to bring your own laptop computer if you have one. The Library has excellent Wi-Fi access.
The workshop will be conducted by David Martin, President of the Cape Cod Genealogical Society. Should you have questions, Mr. Martin can be reached at davidchina_2000@yahoo.com.
Reservations are necessary for this workshop. To reserve a space in the workshop, call the Library at 508-362-3717 or send an email to laltman@clamsnet.org.
Calling all knitters!
The Library's Knitting Group will resume its first and third Mondays of the month meetings on September 16th, from 9:30-11. In months with five Mondays, we do not meet on that fifth Monday unless by special arrangement.
We welcome knitters of all abilities - we will even teach you to knit! Some us do charity knitting, some knit on their own personal projects. A suggestion has been made that we create a "Mitten Tree" for the holiday season (see below). If you decide to join us on a Monday, the Library is closed so enter the east side "Staff Entrance" door.
Calling all knitters(2)!
This year the Yarmouth Port Library is going to feature a "Mitten Tree" at the Christmas Stroll. We are asking all knitters to look through their "stash" (and we know you have one) for odds and ends of yarn that you can knit into mittens, hats, scarves, gloves, or socks. Once you have transformed the scraps into an accessory just drop them off at the Library. The only thing we ask is that you put a note in as to how to care for the item. For example, "machine wash, dry flat" or "machine wash and dry". Also please add an idea of the size of the garment if applicable. They will then be hung on the holiday tree at the Library and will be available for purchase at the Stroll for an extremely affordable price. If you need help with your project, be sure to check out the knitting group that meets the first and third Monday each month at the Library. Help is only a stitch away!
Check the YPL News & Events page for details.
All events are at the Library except as noted.
Business Sponsor Appreciation
The Yarmouth Port Library has a number of area business sponsors. With each issue of The Yardarm, to show our appreciation for their support, we will be offering a profile of one or two of them. Please patronize them and when you do, thank them for their support of the YPL.
* * * * *
In this issue of The Yardarm, not only do we want to express our appreciation to Seaside Gas Services, Inc., but also offer special thanks .
On August 14th during a hot and busy time for the Library, one of the zones of the YPL air conditioning stopped working. To repair the problem, the Library's Building & Grounds Committee called Kevin Saunders, Yarmouth Port resident and o
wner of Seaside Gas Services, who had replaced the oil-fired boiler in the Library last year. Kevin diagnosed the problem as a faulty thermostat and replaced it. Much to the Library's surprise and great pleasure, Seaside Gas has donated both the new programmable thermostat and Kevin's time in diagnosing it as the source of the system's failure; a gift of over $350.

The Yarmouth Library Association is most grateful for the Seaside contribution and sees it as an excellent example of community support for the Library. Seaside Gas Service has been servicing Cape Cod's heating and cooling needs since 2000.
Excellence in service and customer relations are the company's highest priorities. Owner Kevin Saunders has more than 20 years experience in the field of HVAC. Kevin prides himself on his reputation for superior service in all areas of heating and cooling, including troubleshooting, maintaining and installing a variety of systems. As a Cape Cod native, Kevin has a strong commitment to the community and works hard to provide his customers with the quality workmanship and care that they deserve.
New Library Acquisitions
Bad Blood by Arne Dahl
Dark Waters byRobinBlake
Death Angel by Linda Fairstein
Heirs and Graces by Rhys Bowen
Holy Orders by Benjamin Black
Is This Tomorrow by Caroline Leavitt
Last Car Over the Sagamore Bridge by Peter Orner
Letters from Skye by Jessica Brockmole
Necessary Errors by Caleb Crain
Queen's Gambit by Elizabeth Fremantle
Sandrine's Case by Thomas H. Cook
Shoot the Dog by Brad Smith
Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld
The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith
The Daughters of Mars by Thomas Keneally
The Dying Hours by Mark Billingham
The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes
The Good Lord Bird by James McBride
The Good Thief's Guide to Berlin by Chris Ewan
The Heist by Janet Evanovich
The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty
The Last Kiss Goodbye by Karen Robards
The Last Witness by W. E. B. Griffin.
The Mysterious Death of Miss Jane Austen by
Lindsay Ashford
The Night of the Comet by George Bishop
The Silver Star by Jeanette Walls
The Sound of Things Falling by Juan Gabriel
The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by
Emily Croy Barker
True Love by Jude Deveraux
Wake the Dawn by Lauraine Snelling
A Tale of Two Rivers by Ronald F. Lasko
Best Lunch Box Ever: Ideas and Recipes for
School Lunches Kids Will Love by Katie
Sullivan Morford
Get Inside Your Doctor's Head: 10 Commonsense
Rules for Making Better Decisions about Medical
Careby Phillip K. Peterson
Going Deep: How Wide Receivers Became the Most
Compelling Figures in Pro Sports by Cris Carter
Heavenly Hydrangeas: A Practical Guide for the
Home Gardener by Joan Harrison
Shot All to Hell: Jesse James, the Northfield Raid,
and the Wild West's Greatest Escape by Mark Lee
Spying on Democracy: Government Surveillance,
Corporate Power, and Public Resistance by Heidi
The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and
Family Relationships in the Digital Age by
Catherine Steiner-Adair
This Town: Two Parties and a Funeral-Plus, Plenty of
Valet Parking in America's Gilded Capital by
Mark Leibovich
Yarmouth Port Library
Library HoursClosed Sunday and MondayTuesday 1 - 5 PMWednesday 1 - 7 PMThursday 1 - 5PMFriday 10 AM - 4 PMSaturday 10 AM - 2 PM
Leslie Altman
Associate Librarian Children's Services: Lynn LesperanceTelephone: 508-362-3717Fax: 508-382-6739email: yarp_mail@clamsnet.org