The Yardarm
News and Views from the Yarmouth Port Library www.YarmouthPortLibrary.org

Spring has come with its bright yellow of forsythia, daffodils, and maple flowers; now we are heading for the greens and blues of high summer. The library has seen some changes too. The history collection is now housed in the reading room, as is the Cape Cod collection. If you have a chance, come in and browse in the elegant-and air conditioned-room. We are planning some other small changes to make life easier for our patrons: the Large Print section will move closer to the middle of the library; the DVD's will move into an area where all are in easy reach; and we will use the front shelves to feature our new books and other materials to tempt you.
Since I last wrote we have added many new materials A list of these is included on page 2 of the Yardarm. Here are a few you might enjoy. We have added three non-fiction DVDs, for those days that are not so sunny: two feature the lives of animals: Big Cats/Secret Lives (lions and tigers) and To the Arctic (polar bears). Pina is a two-dvd set for those interested in dance. In addition to the Academy Award winners and nominees, we also have some intriguing films you may not have heard of; here are two titles: The Well-Digger's Daughter from France and Either Way from Iceland.
Non-fiction titles include the latest by Michael Pollan, Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation and Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss; a new Rick Steves' travel guide to Spain; a critically acclaimed biography of Margaret Fuller and a memoir by Edna O'Brien; and Nathaniel Philbrook's Bunker Hill.
We have a standing order for four large print books each month. Two are fiction and two are mysteries; if you have suggestions for titles, please let us know. Recent titles include The Burgess Boys by Elizabeth Strout; Breaking Point by C. J. Box.
New adult fiction includes Life after Life by Kate Atkinson; a new mystery by Katherine Hall Page; Last Friends by Jane Gardam, third in the trilogy that began with Old Filth; and the latest from John Le Carre, A Delicate Truth. Of course, we have many more on the best-seller list for your reading pleasure.
Please come in to read the newspaper, browse the new books, and take advantage of the air-conditioning: we'll welcome the cool very soon.
From the Children's Room | by Lynn Lesperance
Summer is finally upon us! For those of you who have recently returned from sunnier climes, we are wishing you a warm (but not too hot, we hope!) welcome back.
Generations with Denya LeVine, Volunteer Ruth Hockenbury and her great-grandson and Annie & Ella
We had so much fun here this winter. Each month we had "Generations!", Denya LeVine's music and movement program bringing young children and seniors together. I'm alr
eady looking forward to the fall when this starts up again. The Tail Wagging Tutors (aka Therapy Dogs International) stopped by during both school vacations. They do love to be read to. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more - our readers or the animals! And, of course, our lapsit program is always lots of fun. Check us out when we return in September.
And the fun isn't over yet! Summer in the Children's Room means crafts, family activities, and, of course, the annual Summer Reading Program (all in air-conditioned comfort). This year young readers are being asked to choose the charity for which they wish to read. We hope to raise money for the following charities: Feed the animals of Taylor-Bray Farm, Feed families in need through the Yarmouth Food Pantry or give Shelter to mothers and children at risk at Safe Harbor Shelter in Hyannis. Each week that a weekly goal of reading 20 minutes a day for at least 5 days is met, the reader can put a "ticket" in the container matching the good cause of their choice. They will also receive a raffle ticket to win a Surprise Package at the end of the summer.
Our once and future librarians
Sign up will begin on June 12th with recording of minutes starting the day after school is our on June 27th. To register for this program just go to:
Saturdays will be our Drop-In Crafts, and Board Games days this summer. Beginning on July 6th we will have either a drop-in craft or board games with snacks from 10:30 to 12 noon each week through August 17th. There will be no scheduled activity on July 13th because, of course, we want you all to come and enjoy our Annual Book and Plant Sale on that day.
Our family event this summer will feature Trevor the Juggler. This 40 minute program is fun for all ages so bring the whole gang! Trevor will be performing on our back lawn on Wednesday, July 17th at 3 PM. Plan to bring chairs or a blanket for your family. It's free but call for a reservation because if the weather does not cooperate, space inside will be limited.
I'm looking forward to sharing another delightful Cape Cod summer with you so, please, stop in soon!
Book & Plant Sale |
Book & Plant Sale
July 13th - 8 AM to 1 PM - 297 Main St. (Rte 6A)
Come choose from thousands of Book, CDs, DVDs
One of our major yearly fundraisers
This is a HAPPENING on 6A - DON'T MISS IT!
Stock up on reading for the beach or - perish the thought - long winter nights to come!
More than 4000 hardcover, paperback and tradebooks
Best sellers, cookbooks, children's books, and teachers' books
Plus CD's, Tapes and DVD's
All available at reasonable and bargain prices.
Plants are needed for our annual Library Plant Sale July 13th.
Plants - named and labeled sun or shade should be
delivered to the library July 11th or 12th.
We need your help!!
Volunteers are needed prior to, during and after the book sale for setup, cashiers, helping customers, and cleanup. Sign-up sheets will be available at the library.
We especially need many helpers on Friday afternoon and early Saturday morning to help carry books up from the cellar.
Coffee and donuts on us!
Volunteers Needed at the Library
| The library is looking for a few good people to help us out. We need friendly folks who can help us for two hours at a time once a week. Free candy and conversation will be available. We also need people who can come in to help with special projects. Call the library at 508-362-3717 for more information or drop in to pick up an application.
OverDrive Advantage
The Yarmouth Port Library has joined two new programs to help you use our electronic media and your electronic devices. OverDrive has been the source for electronic media, but we now belong to OverDrive Advantage, so that we can purchase electronic books and music and allow our patrons priority access to them. Wait times for popular books should be reduced.
In addition, we have joined OverDrive Frontline Technical Support. If you log on to <clamsnet.lib.overdrive.com> then click on "?" (for help) at the top of the page and then "support" at the bottom of the page, you should be able to get help directly from OverDrive.
Thank You, Dudley Scott |
Martha U. White Bench
Perhaps you have noticed the teak bench in front of the library. Perhaps you don't know that the bench is dedicated to Martha U. White, Librarian at Yarmouth Port from 1936 to 1990. Thanks to a generous offer by our patron, Dudley Scott, owner of Dip 'n' Strip in Hyannis, the bench has been refinished in time for your summer sitting pleasure. We thank Dudley Scott and his team for giving our bench a needed refinishing.
Events at YPL
Check the YPL News & Events page for details.
All events are at the Library except as noted.
Membership Block
Since the May 20, 2013, the following have become members of the YPL family:
(* New Members)
Business Sponsors
Barnstable Restaurant & Tavern Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Camp Wingate*Kirkland Morris, O'Connor & Blute
*Seaside Gas Service, Inc.
Members' Appreciation Reception
Hold the Date: Monday, August 5th
A Reception will be hosted by the Trustees & Corporators of Yarmouth
Port Library to honor and thank those of you who support the Library.
The event will feature West Coast Wines
and hors d'hoeuvres.
The time of the event is yet to be determined.
Look for further information on the Library web site.
Business Sponsor Appreciation | by Les Peat
The Yarmouth Port Library has a number of area business sponsors. In each issue of the Yardarm, we offer a profile of one of them to show our appreciation for their support. Please patronize them, and when you do, thank them for their
Yarmouth Port Interior by Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber, Architects, Inc.
support of the Library.
Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects, Inc., is a diversified architectural practice located at 203 Willow Street in Yarmouth Port (508-362-8382). The firm provides comprehensive architectural, project manageme
nt, and consulting services to a wide range of commercial, civic, and residential clients. Because of their depth of experience and location, they are capable of serving clients on many building types throughout Cape Cod, Southeastern Massachusetts, and the Greater Boston area.
Founded in 1969, the twelve person firm has developed a solid client base in both the private and public sectors by adhering to a commitment to client service. Whether you are seeking a creative design solution, a building with a low environmental impact, or high quality technical assistance, you will find what you need at Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber.
Yarmouth Port Library
Library HoursClosed Sunday and MondayTuesday 1 - 5 PMWednesday 1 - 7 PMThursday 1 - 5PMFriday 10 AM - 4 PMSaturday 10 AM - 2 PM
Leslie Altman
Associate Librarian Children's Services: Lynn LesperanceTelephone: 508-362-3717Fax: 508-382-6739email: yarp_mail@clamsnet.org