Lake Tahoe Neighborhoods
South Lake Tahoe has a lot of great neighborhoods to chose from when searching for a home to purchase. I get questions all the time about the South Lake Tahoe neighborhoods on both the California and Nevada sides of the lake. Because of this I created a special page on my website dedicated to neighborhoods. There are descriptions as well as a list of all homes for sale in that neighborhood. Just because these neighborhoods had the most sales doesn't necessarily mean they are the most popular ones to own a home in. A lot of home buyers are interested in the historical Al Tahoe neighborhood because of it's proximity to the lake as well as easy access in winter. Homeowners also enjoy the Tahoe Keys because of the higher quality of homes located there and most with water access from the backyard. There is always interest in Glenbrook because of it's beautiful scenery, higher end homes and small community feel. Skiers are attracted to the Heavenly Valley, Summit Tahoe Village and Kingsbury Grade neighborhoods. Coming soon are narrated video tours of each neighborhood!
Dan's Lake Tahoe Favorite
Businesses for the Month of October
My two businesses of the month are both restaurants. The Lake Tahoe area has a wide selection of places to dine and here are two great local spots.
McP's Pub Tahoe has long been a local's favorite because of the
nightly entertainment. They had a good menu with a wide variety of items from Lettuce Wraps to Irish Stew, but the favorites are the specialty sandwiches and nachos. Always fun with live music 7 nights a week at the upstairs bar or on the covered (and heated) outside patio. McP's also has pool tables and all of the sports action on the televisions spread throughout the pub.
They are located across the street from the Heavenly Village right on Highway 50. Their phone number is 530-542-4435.
We move from Ireland to Germany for my next business of the month, Himmel Haus, which is a new German American restaurant in South Lake Tahoe. It is in a great location next to Heavenly Valley Ski Resort good food and a friendly staff. There is even a cozy fireplace area near the bar which makes it a perfect spot to go after spending a day on the slopes.
Their specialties include Schnitzel von Schwein, Bratwurst, Braided Pretzel Bread with Fondue and Onion Bacon Jam and Black Forest Cupcakes for dessert! Plus, there is a wide selection of German and Belgium bier (beer). Himmel Haus is located at 3819 Saddle Road and their phone number is 530-712-4287. |
Dan's Preview-Review of Tahoe Homes for Sale I am continuing to offer the "Dan's Preview Review" service for my clients. If you find a Tahoe home for sale that you're interested in, contact me and I'll provide a video review with will be like you're there touring the house yourself! Many buyers are looking for a 2nd home and aren't in town to actually view it themselves. They are finding this service quite helpful in their search of real estate in South Lake Tahoe.
Thank you,
Dan Spano, Broker/Owner CA Lic # 1187931 NV LIc # 26236 |