www.MyNCWWI.org                                                                         April 2016  |  Issue 18
In case you missed them, here are the most popular news and content shared over the last month on our social media channels - Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn - as well as a listing of free national webinars that are available this month.
A Selection of March Webinars from Around the Nation


Accommodations for Addressing Safety in the Workplace 


Working with Men Sexually Abused in Childhood 

Rethinking Neighborhood Violence in Chicago 


The Five Question Leader: The Secret to Having More Impact

Being Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time


Global Trafficking Issues and Male Victims of Exploitation 

April 2016 Strengthening Families Webinar 

Grooming: Making You See and Believe What I Want You to See and Believe 


Build Trust Today or Lose Talent Tomorrow


Discovering the Components of Strong Family Functioning 


Supporting Positive Discipline Practices in Your Community 


Exploring the Intersection of Violence and Disability in "Indian Country": A Panel Discussion 

Supporting LGBT Youth in the Sex Trades

Your Own Terms: Taking Charge of Any Negotiation

Building Practical Learning and Development Frameworks for Real World Performance: Strategies for Success


Child Witnesses 2016: Update on Research and Practice

 Debt in the Context of Safety: Coerced Debt and Debt Defense for Survivors 


What Advocates Need To Know About Batterer Intervention Programs

for the most up-to-date listing of webinars.
MyNCWWI Resource Library
Click here to access the most recently added child welfare workforce development resources.

Child Welfare News & Information
Change Implementation
Leadership & Management
Child Welfare and Social Work Practice
If you like the posts above, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter  and LinkedIn.
We would also love to hear from you if you have ideas for content to share through these channels. 