www.MyNCWWI.org                                                                   November 2015  |  Issue 13
In case you missed them, here are the most popular news and content shared over the last month on our social media channels - Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn - as well as a listing of free national webinars coming to you this month.

Register Now: NCWWI Learning Exchange on Technology and Data Analytics to be held on November 17, 2015 at 3pm ET

Upcoming Webinars from Around the Nation

for the most up-to-date listing of webinars.
MyNCWWI Resource Library
Click here to access a list of the most recently added child welfare workforce development resources.

Child Welfare News and Information  
Incentives and Work Conditions

Leadership and Management
Organizational Environment
Professional Development and Training
Recruitment, Screening, Selection & Retention


Child Welfare and Social Work Practice


If you like the posts above, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter  and LinkedIn.
We would also love to hear from you if you have ideas for content to share through these channels. 