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Robin Lowey

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Who Is Epochalips?
We are the out and proud  
lesbians and allies who cleared the way for queer/bi/transgender youth. 

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A few our contributors: 

     Meredith Baxter
     Vicki Randle           
     Jewelle Gomez

     Robin Lowey
     Monica Palacios
     Marga Gomez
     Eleanor Palacios
     Kim Powell
     Jody Cole
     Margie Adam
     Rachel Wahba
     Echo Brooks
     Page Hodel 

     Kate Clinton  

     Chantal Carrere  

     Lee Lynch 

     Wallis Stern  

     Nicole Conn        

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Jessica is Lilith in True Blood
Robin Lowey �2013 All rights Reserved
Nicole Conn, Lilith's Merkin & the Next Big Thing   

...Jessica Clark (Lilith in HBO's True Blood) is incredibly personable and lovely in person...I failed to ask her the details about Lilith's famous MERKIN and have regretted it ever since!

Here is the SHOCKER: Jessica won the role of Paris after connecting with Nicole on Facebook!  Nicole wants to repeat the process of giving new actresses a shot at success in her new movie....
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Dr. Glenda Corwin �2013 All rights reserved

Lesbian Dating: Why You  

Need to Love Someone   

...I realized that what really mattered the most, what would last forever with me, was that I'd let myself love her. Regardless of how our relationship evolved (and it didn't), I had that almost physical sense of my heart expanding. I knew this was a gift that would always be part of me... Read More 
surferchola Monica Palacios  �2013 All rights reserved

Mistresses - Trashy TV Joy     

...Alyssa (Milano) is Italian, (but) she looks and acts like a bossy Chicana. She makes people jump at work. I fantasize about being her secretary begging her to spank me while sharpening her pencils and emptying her trash. I'd want her to threaten me with, "You better clean up my office or La Llorona will come and get you." Turns out Alyssa was breast feeding her real life baby while filming this series - yeah I'd like to see her in nursing bra and big underwear. Hold me back... Read More
Rachel Wahba  No DOMA �2013 All rights reserved

The First Lesbian Divorce Case     

In most of my 31 years with my "partner" we longed for this day...I am the first lesbian divorce case for my lawyer...My "partner," now legal "wife", would not contest it, I insisted. My soon to be ex-wife is decent, she knows even if the court doesn't, that we were always married. My lawyer explained, "The law doesn't recognize you as a married couple... Read More  

Mary Owen
Mary Owens � 2013 All rights reserved  

The 'LOOK' & Other Matters

Stop fighting the truth that we all, in our own way, are biased. Stop saying ...'What does the color of your skin have anything to do with this?' It has EVERYTHING to do with it. Look at
Trayvon Martin. Look at Leonard Peltier. It's all a set of experiences, whether historical in nature such as my native community has faced, or what the African American experience is, it all contextual... Read More 

K and A
Katie Shannon �2013 All rights reserved

New Lesbian Web Series  

One of my favorite shows is Sex In The City because to me it is honest and truthful about women today and their friendships.  Their story lines were funny and outrageous, but at the same time relate-able. My best friend from college lives around the corner from me. I'm gay and she is straight...Read More
Janis Ian
Karen Wolfer/Dog Ear Audio � 2013 All rights reserved  

Janis Ian Reads 'Women Warriors' 

Janis Ian, legendary singer, songwriter, author, and narrator of her own "Society's Child: My Autobiography" has just signed with Dog Ear Audio to record Book 1 of Catherine M. Wilson's trilogy, "When Women Were Warriors"... Read More
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