July 2016 

Recommend Generation Next 


Generation Next provides ongoing professional development opportunities to its members - employees of NTEA member companies who have less than 10 years' work truck industry experience.

If you would like to recommend a colleague for membership, complete and return the application.

The Cross Border Compliance Guide highlights the nuances of trade between U.S. and Canada. Learn more. 
Welcome to our new member, Rick Grumman

Rick is a fleet project manager for Smyrna Truck & Cargo (Smyrna, Georgia).

Contact information for all Generation Next members is available in the NTEA Networking Directory. 
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View past articles featured in Generation Next Edition.
You decide: to be ill or to be legendary

By Steven S. Lopez
Generation Next Governor at Large 
Hissong Group, Inc.

Although you and I may have never met, it is likely we have something in common: at some point in time, both of us have probably experienced similar symptoms due to an office illness that primarily afflicts people at all levels, in organizations of all sizes. This "illness" has been known to generate high levels of stress, anger, frustration, paranoia, sweaty palms, increased heart rate, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness in the wrists and soreness of the fingertips. In fact, in some extreme cases it has even threatened the job security of successful employees. 
Despite its evolution through the years, this phenomenon still exists for one reason. Perhaps you have already guessed what I'm talking about. If not, then let me spell it out for you: I am referring to CRM, also known as Customer Relationship Management software.
Of course, referring to CRM as an illness was just a metaphorical exaggeration to capture your attention - a novice writer's attempt to sensationalize an introduction (as one might expect of a person with 20+ years' sales experience). As for the symptoms noted earlier, I have personally experienced and witnessed them in fellow sales managers and even among my own sales staff. Just to clarify, I have never been dismissed by an employer nor had to dismiss anyone for negligence in the use (or non-use) of CRM.

 Registration is open. ntea.com/executivesummit
Moment in time

Each Thursday, an NTEA member company is featured on social media. Share your company's story by sending photo and caption to laura@ntea.com.     

950 Ford F-1 with WeldBuilt 6CHD body. Able WeldBuilt Industries Inc. still builds their 6HCD body for the NYC Sanitation Department. 
The Generation Next LinkedIn group is a platform solely for the purposes of sharing professional development ideas (e.g., articles) and discussing themes common to work truck industry professionals. 
Share your professional development ideas and articles, ask questions, collaborate on solutions . . . join the Generation Next LinkedIn group and get the conversation started.