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Ascension Products: Enriching Materials for Mind, Body and Spirit.

Providing services, resources and products for a New Age: crystals, new and used books, oracle decks, CDs/DVDs, herbs, teas, calendars, meditation tools and more....

Please visit
Hi Everyone, I have been involved in supporting Matt Kahn's work for many years, ever since we met at a Conference early on in his career. Now I am delighted to support the launch of his new book
What Ever Arises Love That
 A Love Revolution That Begins with YOU!
Join with me and more than 4.5 million worldwide YouTube viewers who have been uplifted, inspired, and expanded by Matt Kahn's profound healing wisdom.
Click here to join the celebration of the release of Whatever Arises, Love That  - a book that will radically change the way you view the world and relate to others.
If you're new to his work, Matt Kahn has the unique intuitive ability to pinpoint what blocks your heart from fully opening. Matt says, "The deepest invitation in any moment is to heal the root of human suffering and to celebrate the Spirit in all by opening your heart to its absolute potential. In a Universe of endless questions, love is the only answer."
In this new book, he shares groundbreaking teachings that inspire you to discover love as the remover of every obstacle and the most powerful transformer for all stages of personal growth and spiritual evolution.
Matt Kahn invites you to awaken your highest potential when loving your heart becomes an ongoing spiritual practice that you take with you into your daily encounters.
He also reveals how "loving what arises" is the cornerstone of a heart-centered spiritual journey and the foundational teaching for a new spiritual paradigm.
As part of this exciting book release, I am happy to share with you with a free 20-minute video that brings this revolutionary approach to life throughout all aspects of your reality.
As a way of expanding this Love Revolution to all hearts around the globe, you will also have an opportunity to receive many rare and life-changing gifts when you pre-order this book.
From my heart to yours, I highly recommend this book and encourage you to enjoy the special pre-order gifts.
P.S. When you pre-order just one book, you'll get access to the book launch livestream event with Matt Kahn in Boulder, CO. If you buy more books, you could find yourself on retreat in Hawaii! Click here for all the details

December 2015  �  Vol. 9  Issue 169
New Ventures!! Gene Key Workshops
I am planning to go on the road in the New Year presenting different workshops on the different aspects of the Gene Keys with the full support and blessings of Richard Rudd and the Gene Key team. I will present whatever members of your local community require whether it be an Introduction to the Gene Keys, Activation Sequence, Venus Sequence or even the Seven Sacred Seals. I am looking to partner with individuals in their own community in a free flowing exchange of energy. If you are interested in hosting such an event in your area, please make contact through and we can discuss the arrangements. 

My daughter Angela has just opened a new Ascension Product on-line gift store and I am including her information in this newsletter. She has access to some wonderful materials to assist us on our ascension journey, 
including: crystals, books, meditation tools, oracle decks, and much more, all in the spirit of heart-centered integrity. Check it out through the link in the sidebar below! 
My Gene Key counseling sessions are going extremely well in addition to the regular one-on-one counseling and energy attunements with Zia.  All sessions are available at a distance or in person if you live in Victoria BC. Please visit my Services page for more info

Gift certificates will also be available, in case you would like to gift sessions to your friends and family!

If you are interested in any one of these sessions or would like to purchase gift certificates, please contact me through 
The Agitation of Humanity!
by Peter Tongue

After the wonderful adventures of September and October, it's been back to Earth with a jolt during the month of November. The first of the month, my birthday, is also Samhain, the cross-quarter day midway between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice heralding the beginning of winter and the dark six months of the year up to Beltane, May 1st when the light takes over again. More and more as we journey through the landscape and re-connect with the natural rhythms and cycles of life, we become finely tuned to Mother Nature and these cycles. This is a time to go within, reflect and shine our inner light in the darkness. It's not a coincidence that this month is in the sign of Scorpio which invites us to dig deep within ourselves and eke out any remaining blockages and barriers to our inner happiness. It's also a time when many can become gloomy and depressed as a result of the dark days and rainy season here in the pacific north-west.

We have also just experienced the horrors of the events in Paris and subsequent fears and false alarms that have been promulgated since. In this newsletter, I would like to put my own perspective on those events and also suggest a way in which we might choose to respond. I don't think it's important for us to try and work out who is responsible and apportion blame. All that does is takes us down into the game of fear which is being played out. I would like to suggest that we are not playing in that game at all and we can leave those that are to their own agenda.

For those working with the Gene Keys, the shadow we are experiencing through this horror is #51, the shadow of Agitation. If you read that particular Gene Key shadow you will read EXACTLY what has just taken place. Whoever is responsible for these atrocities is simply trying to lower the frequency of the collective through triggering any previous trauma you have experienced in this and previous lifetimes, particularly when you were a child. From the very first moment you suffered any form of trauma a fear was imprinted in your system which gets triggered when you learn of any major event when people suffer. Instead of feeling a sense of love and compassion for those involved, we IDENTIFY with the events as if they happened to us or will happen to us next. This is the way shock and horror are used to draw us down into fear and low frequency. It is the way humanity has been controlled throughout History.

The wonderful news is that it is no longer working. The Dark Side wanting to maintain control have escalated the violence in an attempt to keep humanity under control, but what is happening instead, as a result of the massive awakening that is taking place on the planet, is each time a new act of violence is instigated, more and more people wake up. Their own game is working against them as millions and millions of people are stepping up to the higher frequencies of Love, Peace, Compassion and Harmony. It is only a matter of time before the old world patriarchal systems crumble and fall like dominos so that we can all make the shift into a new reality of living in peace and harmony on the planet.

So now this is where we come in! Instead of fixating on the violence and conflict in the world, it is our role to transform the old world into the new. So given a blank canvas on which to paint your most magnificent mural of the future. What would it look like? What would it feel like? This is where we are. Not so much what your daily activities will be. I don't think any of us can predict that, but how will you feel as you move through your day with ease and grace with love, compassion and reverence for all life in your heart. In this way we raise our individual frequency by living in the heart, free from pain, suffering and fear, such that all of humanity benefits from our commitment to our loving hearts. It's a bit like Sleeping Beauty. As each of us kiss those who are asleep so the world wakes up to a new and beautiful world and we are already in it.

So take heart and know that the most difficult times are behind us as we come to the end of this year, the three year completion after December 21st 2012. The trial is over and I believe we have been successful and can look forward to 2016 as a year of magical transformation.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season with many adventures to come in the New Year!

Photos courtesy of Zia Cole