We have just recently returned from the Seven Sacred Seals Retreat with Richard Rudd held at Hollyhock on beautiful Cortes Island. It is right in the middle of Georgia Strait off Campbell River on Vancouver Island and Desolation Sound on the north end of the Sunshine Coast of the Vancouver mainland. Desolation Sound is a boater's paradise with spectacular Norwegian-style Fjords, majestic mountains, abundant wildlife and virtually no civilization. The ocean in this area is the warmest there is in the Pacific North West as the cold currents from north and south bump up against each other, leaving the local waters to bob up and down rather than flow in and out. The warm summer sunshine creates this beautiful warm upper layer at about 75 degrees for us to swim in and enjoy. This is true around Cortes Island as well as Desolation Sound. A real bonus to enjoy swimming in the ocean embraced by the wonderful vistas of the mountains after some very intense "work outs' at the Retreat.
We had fifteen of us from Victoria creating a very powerful local vortex included in the 130 participants from around the World, as far away as New Zealand and Australia with a strong contingency from Europe- including the UK, Denmark, Bulgaria and Romania.
This was to be a Mystical transmission, quite different from the more structured Gene Key sequences, which I was delighted to hear, and excited to see how Richard was going to present the material. The Seven Sacred Seals are related to the Seven Seals in the Revelation of the Apostle John the Divine who received this Omniscient Transmission while in seclusion in a cave on the Island of Patmos in Greece. It is an allegorical and at times quite scary prophecy about future end times, but we came to realize that these seven seals were actually the core wounds that we each carry in the World on behalf of the collective of Humanity. As we allow, accept and embrace these wounds, so we can shift into a higher frequency individually and collectively. It is a process in which we can ultimately create Heaven on Earth.
The Seventh Seal is beyond our comprehension and is the over-lighting frequency which is a gathering point for all of the seals. Perhaps surprisingly we descend down through the seals beginning with the seventh, just as life itself has evolved on the planet.
It is overseen by the Archangel Zaphkiel and the star Sirius. The Great Mother and the Sacred Feminine. The opening of this Seal begins the journey which we did through an Invocation on the first evening.
Each of the other six seals carry within them the six core wounds of humanity and the group acted as individual and collective archetypes to clear these core wounds. The six seals correspond to the six lines in the Hologenetic Gene Key Profile in the sphere of your vocation or core wound. We spent about three hours on each seal, including an evocation explanation of each seal, an invocation of the Archangel, Star, inner light qualities and Divine Essence which lifts us out of the wound, and an Initiation into that core wound and seal. This last activity was the most challenging and intense as it took us down into each core wound which had huge impacts on the people carrying that wound. The intention being to bring these low frequency vibrations out into the open to be embraced, healed and released. There were many profound moments as we each viscerally experienced the pain and anguish of ancient deep wounds that have been impacting humanity over aeons of time. Not for the faint of heart.
These activities required deep trust in the group as often other members of the group would act as mirrors to our own suffering- to help bring out wounds which were previously hidden, for us to see, acknowledge and embrace. I was particularly impressed by the emotional and spiritual maturity of this wonderful group of people to stand up and be counted on behalf of the collective of humanity in this way. All of the activities were overseen by Divine Grace and we came to see the power of the insight,
All Suffering is Grace!
Grace gives us the thing we NEED most, not what we WANT most. These experiences are Portals to Grace and our own higher frequencies. Grace is the surrounding halo as we step down in frequency and let the blockages flow out. All of this through our wish to serve a higher purpose through selflessness.
You can probably sense this was a very intense and concentrated three day experience working with the seven sacred seals and six lines of core wounds which are Isolation, Guilt, Rejection, Shame, Denial and Repression. Each wound corresponding to a chakra centre in the body moving down from the head to the base of the body in the first chakra.
The final and first seal was my core wound overseen by Archangel Michael with whom I have had a personal relationship for many years which was neat. The Star was Arcturus, the Essence Divine Will, and Inner Light, Incandescence. Probably the most powerful moment for me during the Retreat was when Richard invoked Archangel Michael. I was flooded by this powerful emanation of Grace, reminding me of home and my mission and reason for being here on the planet at this time.
The Inner Light refers to the light that is beginning to shine inside us and shimmer out as we clear these wounds. It is the Transfiguration of Christ in the Bible when he began to glow. This glow comes from the inside out. It is our inner light beginning to shine and perhaps the best image is phosphorescence which is the Inner light of the second seal of Omniscience. Many will have seen the glow under the surface of the ocean as the moon shines on these minute sea creatures that give off this magnificent inner light. Fireflies would be another wonderful example of the Inner light shining out.
Our final morning was to begin the integration of these powerful higher frequencies, dancing and weaving a tapestry of new light into the collective for the greater good of all. It was such an intense experience that it will take some time for full integration to take place and for residual challenges to reach the surface, but I have no doubt wonderful outcomes will result.
Zia and I were invited to remain on Cortes at beautiful Tai Li Lodge with 20 members of the core Gene Key Group. There is no doubt in my being that there is going to be an explosion of the Gene Keys on the International scene and it is a wonderful opportunity for all of us who are already connected into the Core Fractal before it spreads. Richard has many more Transmissions waiting to arise. He mentioned during the Retreat the Dream Arc which embraces the Shamanic Path. Each Gene Key shadow having a creepy crawly totem like spiders, snakes and reptiles, the gift a totem from the animal kingdom like deer, panther and elk while the siddhis are all birds like the hummingbird, eagle and hawk. There is also a Crystal Alphabet where again each frequency level has a crystal associated with it. This means that in your contemplations you can work with these totems and crystals to assist you in your transformation.
There is an infinite amount of material to be forthcoming and it is going to be magical. Richard is indeed a Genius connected at the deepest and most refined levels of awareness and we are so blessed to have this direct and personal connection with him.
Closely related to the work we did last week is a rare alignment between Sirius and Pluto. It is a precise opposition on the USA Independence weekend of July 4th & 5th. Sirius is the Star of the Seventh Seal and is the brightest Star in the night sky representing the Light. Pluto is the most distant planet, rules over Scorpio, taking us into the unknown, giving rise to uncertainty. Pluto represents the darkest place that we can go. So this opposition sets them poles apart and exaggerates the separation between light and dark. It is our job as human beings positioned exactly in the middle of the Polar Axis to bridge the gap, embrace and integrate the energies together so that we can become one with all that is and create Heaven on Earth. It is an incredible opportunity!
Amazingly and synchronistically, we humans launched a space probe to Pluto several years ago and it is due to arrive on July 14th. For the first time humanity will actually see Pluto as we shine the light upon it. It is the last and most secretive planet for us to investigate and bring home the essence into our consciousness to heal the wounds of our entire Solar System. The Space Probe is called New Horizons!