Victoria, BC

 Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

165 Cook Street
through lattice gates around back


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April 2015  �  Vol. 8  Issue 16
New Website Launch!! 

The new Website is launched and I have had fantastic feedback. Please take the time to look it over and enjoy the new look and content! 


My new Gene Key counseling sessions are going extremely well in addition to the regular one-on-one counseling, and energy healing with Zia.  All sessions are available at a distance or in person if you live in Victoria.


Gift certificates will also be available, in case you would like to gift sessions to your friends and family!

If you are interested in any one of these sessions or would like to purchase gift certificates, please contact me through 

Sacred Site Pilgrimage to the Canadian Rockies





James Tyberron has predicted that there is going to be an "upshift" activation of the entire Rocky Mountain range in 2015, starting at the time of the Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse. The Kundalini of the Rockies will upgrade from magnetic to pure crystalline energies from Northern Canada all the way down to New Mexico. Two of the key areas in this shift are the Rio Grande Rift in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and the ridge of the Canadian Rockies around Lake Louise, Golden and Jasper. As a result of this information and our own insights, Zia and I are going to take a group to the Canadian Rockies in September.


The energies begin building through a partial Solar Eclipse on the New Moon on September 13th through the Fall Equinox on September 23rd. The 4th Blood Moon is the Total Lunar Eclipse on September 27th, the day Matt Kahn predicted as the First Wave of Ascension, and September concludes with Michaelmas Day on September 29th. It seems really important to do sacred ceremony in the Canadian Rockies at this critical time in our planetary evolution. There is a magnificent crystalline grid Temple of the Archangel Michael over this part of the Rockies with the western Gate being anchored in Golden, BC. We plan to do Ceremony in Golden on the Equinox on September 22nd and spend three days in the area connecting to Emerald Lake, Lake O'Hara, Lake Louise and Moraine Lake. We will then drive the magnificent Banff/Jasper Highway stopping off at power spots of incredible beauty along the way. We will stay in Jasper for three days visiting Mt. Edith Cavell, Mt. Robson and other local hot spots. We will return to Lake Louise to be in the centre of the force field of the Archangel Michael Temple near Temple Mountain on Michaelmas Day, September 29th for our final ceremony.


Approximate Itinerary:


Monday September 21st. Leave Victoria 11.00am Ferry. Overnight in Kamloops


Tuesday- 22nd Arrive in Golden for Sacred Ceremony for the Equinox


Wednesday- 23rd Yoho National Park


Thursday- 24th Lake Louise, Moraine Lake


Friday- 25th Lake O'Hara


Saturday- 26th Drive Banff/Jasper Highway


Sunday-27th Mt. Robson


Monday- 28th Mt. Edith Cavell


Tuesday- 29th Return to Lake Louise area for Ceremony


Wednesday September 30th Return to Victoria for an evening ferry.

It may well be that people will want to join the trip in Golden when we arrive there until we return to Golden, or just be involved in the opening ceremony there.


We will try to be accommodating of all requests, so long as the request does not interfere with the group dynamic.


There will be an initial meeting for those interested on Monday April 20th-details to follow


Detailed Info:


Total Cost - $1400 Canadian


Price includes:


*All transportation costs from Victoria to Canadian Rockies and return


*Main and communal meals


*9 nights accommodation - double or group occupancy


*All ceremonies, meditations, and guided sacred site tours


Please send an e-mail to if you are interested in joining us on this adventure and/or wish to attend the first meeting.


A deposit of $300 is required by May 11th to guarantee your spot. (Cash or Cheques made out to Peter Tongue)


Space is limited - please register as early as possible!





Presentation in Victoria! 
Friday April 10th Fernwood Community Centre. 7.00pm


Bridging Heaven and Earth - Co-creating with Sacred Sites, Ley Lines, and Landscape Temples


With Peter Tongue and Zia Cole


Peter and Zia guide groups to different sacred sites on Vancouver Island and around the Globe. A combination of hiking, meditation, and sacred ceremony helps participants to align deeply with Nature and Mother Earth. Peter gives explanations as to how this particular sacred site fits in with the local and global landscape features, including energy vortices, landscape zodiacs, ley lines, and energy grids. Zia guides us in ceremony to open our hearts and connect deeply with Pachamama and Great Spirit. A deep and profound experience results as we return to the lost art of Pilgrimage and our connection between the Heavens (Celestial Realms) and the Earth. 


As Mother Earth rapidly shifts to a new vibratory consciousness, the sacred landscape has more to teach us than it ever has, and it is calling us all into co-creation. Peter will explain the nature of ley lines, sacred sites, and landscape zodiacs, as well as the energy grid patterns in which they fit together globally. Zia will address the importance of doing ceremony in these places. Together, they will share experiences from sites they've worked with over the past four years, including those in Victoria, England, Scotland, France, California, and New Mexico.


This presentation will be of wonderful assistance in putting Maria Wheatley's upcoming dowsing workshop into perspective. Maria and Peter dowsed together in Avebury, Glastonbury, and Stonehenge in 2011.


Sign up for the event at: 



Solar Eclipse/Equinox Ceremony

by Peter Tongue




The powerful and intense energies of March 16th-22nd have moved through us and moved on and so how has it left you feeling? I was sitting reflecting on what had taken place on Monday morning March 23rd and felt this bubbling excitement deep in my gut just below the surface of those nagging doubts that overtake us at some point, often when we are at our most relaxed. It felt as though the negative uncertainty was a thin crumbly veneer soon to be exploded through in joy, bliss and peace at any moment!


I took the vision of the magnificent Venus/crescent Moon conjunction in Taurus, visible in the early evening of Sunday March 22nd, as a wonderful sign of completion; warm, cozy, sensual and sensitive, all the qualities of this alignment!

We chose to have our sacred ceremony at Harry's place on Saturday March 21st as it was still within the force field of the total Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox. At this time the Earth's magnetic field falls to a minimum, providing the opportunity to connect deeply with spirit with little interference.

Zia decided to do a meditative chakra walk in the sacred geometry of the garden to reflect the final Pluto/Uranus square that had taken place on Monday March 16th. These 7 precise squares had taken place at intervals since June 2012 and we felt reflected the work we needed to do through each of the chakras to release any encumbrances to our moving forward on our path freely. This was the final opportunity and culmination of these energies to assist us on our personal grail quest. As we moved up the path, we paused at each chakra point and reflected upon a final release of old energies no longer serving us.


We each spent time lighting our own candle in the heart centre in the 8-pointed star geometry to ignite our own spiritual flame within and then climbed up to the top of the property where all were gathering at the Crown chakra of the Sanctuary connecting to our own Crown chakra. Harry had recently purchased a new angel for the property and we anointed her as well as ourselves with Frankincense as a symbolic recognition of the support the angelic and invisible realms are offering us here and in our daily lives. The warmth of the sun and the light at the crown were amazing and really felt as though we had ascended to heaven. It would have been easy to stay there forever, but we had a very important aspect of our journey to complete. Let me explain a really important realization that we need to have on this journey.




Most of us began this life focusing entirely on the physical, tangible and material existence. At some point we had an awakening through many different methods including crisis, illness, loss and extraordinary moments. This took us on the search for higher meaning and we have all done our own exploration looking into all sorts of different spiritual teachings, experiences and amazing events.


Once we have acknowledged that there is a greater power and that we have an expanded self that resides outside our physical vehicle we have had a tendency to pursue that insight like a hungry seeker with an insatiable spiritual apetite for more revelation. Instead what we need to do is plunge deep down into our bodies and work closely with our shadow while remembering our connection to our expanded self. This marriage of the spiritual self and the physical body integrated inside the physical body is the next stage in our evolution towards enlightenment-embodying spirit into the physical. This process of purification is the Alchemical Marriage which will lead to the birth of the new Divine Human being. So somewhat reluctantly we all had to come down from the top of the property bringing with us all the inspirational energies we had just experienced and bring them down to earth both within ourselves and Mother Earth herself.


The equinox is the balance point between the extreme polarities and on this occasion we were realizing that there is now a new balance point of polarity which arises when we totally accept absolutely everything in our lives; pain, sorrow, loss, joy, and laughter and then peace and love will reign in our hearts at all times forever.  The polarity transcends itself and then our role is to live and be the self-realized person walking Mother Earth fully grounded in her. Remember She is going through this process with us and we are so closely aligned with her vibration that we can assist each other by consciously resonating with her as we walk on her belly. This has been the missing piece taking us out of balance as we have forgotten our connection to nature and the beauty that surrounds us.

As we move further into spring please do take the time to spend time outdoors in nature, breathing deeply and slowly with our Beloved Mother and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.


Easter weekend will be another powerful time as we move into the Total Lunar Eclipse, Blood Moon, on Saturday April 4th which is also Passover. The Moon will be in Libra and so this reflects the health of our key relationships in our lives. This is the third of four consecutive total lunar eclipses which are therefore blood moons and according to Matt Kahn this moon carries the quality of humility.



Live Meditations with Peter Tongue, 
every Thursday on MP3 - tune in wherever you are in the world and listen as often as you like! 

We're offering a live recording of Thursday's meditation via MP3 each week in exchange for a $5 donation. Simply go to on the new website to register and we'll send you the week's recording as soon as it's available. 


Please forward this info to anyone you feel might be interested.