of the Month

December 2nd
New Moon in Sagittarius

December 5th

Ambassadors of Light Class  
December 17th
Full Moon in Gemini
December 19th
Ambassadors of Light Class
December 21st
Winter Solstice
December 25th
Happy Christmas

December 26th
Boxing Day
December 31st
New Year's Eve - Welcome 2014!  
    January 1st
New Years Day 
 New Moon in Capricorn
Voice America 
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Airing live at Noon PST,
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Peter Tongue's 

Live Talk Show Schedule


December 4th
Neil Kramer
 "The Journey of Divine Will" 

Neil Kramer will discuss the philosophy of authentic living, examining what's truly important for individual growth and fulfillment, the principle of being self-directed in a polarized "machine culture," the false dichotomy of mind and heart, elaborations on the nature of divine will and why society denies it, the hazards of not exercising will, choosing to become spellbound and subservient, acknowledging the introspective & introverted impulses in man. What happens to a society when divine will is suppressed? Neil speaks more on the contemplative, introverted lifestyle and living between the external and internal worlds. "Have the courage to discriminate. Learn to know when you are hearing dogma. Know when you are hearing the shriek of the ego. Know when there is a humor deficiency."- Neil Kramer



 December 11th
Sherry Anderson

"Ripening Time"

Sherry Anderson opened one door when she co-authored The Feminine Face of God. Now she opens another. With honesty, wealth of experience, and penetrating questions, she leads us again. The issue, she says, is not to know the map of elder hood but to be the map. These writings are a rich and important resource for all who wonder how to reach the true harvest of their lives. Sherry will discuss her latest book Ripening Time: Inside Stories for Aging with Grace which is an indispensable guidebook for growing into the deep places of wisdom as we age. Her book is a harvest of shining wisdom-earthy, funny, lyrical, and very human. Maturity, Anderson says, is as complex and rich as an old-vine wine. And it is hard work-the fruit of a life lived with honesty, soul, and care for others. Stand by and for what you love, she urges, and the miracle will happen!


December 18th
Graham Nicholls
"Avenues of the Spirit" 

Graham Nicholls will discuss his book, Avenues of the Human Spirit, which takes us on a compelling journey through many life-changing experiences towards a greater sense of spiritual fulfillment. Genuine life changing experiences such as perceptions through time, out-of-body experiences and a profound spiritual awakening illustrate how the author reached a philosophy of benevolence and freedom that we too can draw upon in our everyday lives. These Avenues of the Human Spirit are the ecstatic changes we can experience beyond our bodies, in deep meditation or removed from the everyday world in nature, but they are also the everyday choices we make that define our world. The author's spiritual awareness has also grown from an understanding of the spectrum of human experience, from the harsher sides of his childhood in working class London to the joys of spiritual exploration.

December 25th
Peter Tongue
"Ascending Humanity"  
Repeat Broadcast  

A series of outstanding guests have offered us tremendous insights into the world of spirit and what is taking place on the planet today as Mother Earth and the people living upon her go through this exciting ascension and transformation. There are however many challenges along the way and Peter will try to give us an overall perspective of what is taking place within us, the planet and the Cosmos, including information from many of his recent guests as well as his own awareness and experiences. He will include information on what it is we need to do as evolving human beings, how the planet itself is shifting in consciousness and the impact of the star systems and constellations including the Sun which is also going through a major energetic shift at this time.  

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Coaching Program with Peter Tongue and Shari Chase


This program is designed to support

you on your own personal awakening. Join us on our journey


 Landscape Zodiac

Pathway to Enlightenment.



You will receive access to live coaching calls, interviews, webinars, meditations and weekly reflections. You will learn how to identify and release core limiting beliefs and how to set an intention and manifest your desires - processes that will lead you to living your life consciously on purpose.


For More Information







Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and rules over Sagittarius. It is associated with good fortune, expansion, advanced studies and a philosophical outlook. Some positive qualities associated with Jupiter are; optimistic, generous, loyal, jovial, kind natured, just and compassionate. On the other side Jupiter can be; blindly optimistic, extremist, wasteful, self-indulgent, clumsy imbalanced in beliefs and outspoken



 Gem Stone




Cassiterite is a gem stone of Tin in its Oxide form. Tin is the metal associated with Jupiter and therefore Sagittarius. Cassiterite has a strong spiritual grounding energy, and has a good mix of balancing your energy and energizing you, depending on what you may require. It can be very useful to use it if you have any long held deep childhood issues of rejection that you have not already dealt with and will assist you to release energetic blockages that are holding you back on your life's journey. Cassiterite has a specific energy that aids at the time of birth, when the spirit enters this world and also when it is time to pass through the doorway and go to the other side again. This is the energy that pulls your spirit to the earth plane to be present here in your current form in this incarnation. It may be a helpful stone to have nearby newly born children to help to ground them into this life. This crystal helps to bring Divine light into your body from the source of all that is and is a powerful stone to use in meditation.
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December 2013  �  Vol. 5  Issue 12
Welcome to inSIGHTS with Peter Tongue    
I plan to give you updates on what is happening in the World of Spirit each month as well as brief introductions into articles that I have found useful with references to the full article for those who would like to pursue that topic further.
The Big Squeeze!
by Peter Tongue



As I write this, we have survived the big squeeze of November and Scorpio. If you are still standing, congratulations! I think this month will be looked back on as a turning point for many people. The energies have been such that there has been no hiding place for anyone who has been following the wrong path and out of their own integrity. It is absolutely amazing how everything has been squeezed out to the surface for acknowledgement, acceptance and healing. If we can ride the emotional roller coaster and truly accept what is happening, then glorious futures are available for us all. The month began with the New Moon Solar Eclipse on November 3rd in Scorpio which was the day of our Temple of the Stars alchemical journey which I believe reflected precisely what we are going through as a collective at this time. If we are prepared to do our inner work, be brutally honest with ourselves, not blaming anyone from outside of us for our life circumstances, then we can step through the gateway to a happy and fulfilling life. I believe the most important realization that we need to have is that absolutely everything that has happened to us in this lifetime and previous lifetimes has been a preparation for what is to come now. Absolutely everything has played a role in bringing us to this moment. So why would we have any anger, resentment, bitterness or regret at what has happened? We have built resilience, understanding, experience and wisdom, which we want to work with now, while letting go of any pain or suffering incurred along the way. This is what the Scorpio energy has just been about-squeezing out the last droplets of dross that prevent us from seeing the glorious  Golden light of this future age. Many people expected to see the miraculous happen almost a year ago now on December 21st, 2012, and have been disappointed, but it is happening, just not in the way people were expecting. It takes time and in a 26,000 year cycle, one year is nothing. The changes are also subtle and so we have to pay close attention to perceive the miracles. The 11:11 was another gateway opportunity for us to step through to a higher level of consciousness as another occasion was made available to clear the collective sadness, anger and bitterness of war through all of the ages. Awakening is taking place on a massive scale and so don't believe for a second that your own awakening is unimportant. Every single person plays a hugely significant role in the collective unfolding of humanities greater awareness and connection to source. I sincerely believe that we need to come together in intentional communities of people from pre-conception to post-death. To act consciously across all generations and serve the needs of all with the Elders holding sacred space for the younger generations to take over as the new children emerge with their special gifts. The place for us to gain solace and a real connection to these powerful energies emerging on the planet is out in nature. Mother Earth is clearly indicating to us the love that she has for us through the wonderful offerings she makes to us and the incredible synchronicities that emerge when we are following our true path. Allow her  to inform you! Spend time outdoors, listening in silence and stillness to the wind and the sounds of nature. Allow yourself to be informed through all of your senses as you sit in reverence for all forms of life. Take heart, everything is unfolding exactly as it should. We are so blessed to be alive at this time and to be active participants in this magnificent shift in human consciousness and the ascension of the planet.


I have been encouraged to make our weekly meditations available for anyone around the Globe who is unable to attend in person. People also want to experience the energy of a live meditation and so from now on we will be using to make our Thursday morning meditation available live or archived for a $5 donation. Please feel free to forward this information to anyone who may be interested. Every Thursday, beginning at 11.30am pacific. Simply go to the link below to make your donation and we will send you the information you need for the meditation.


 Live Meditations with Peter Tongue, every Thursday at 11.30am, Pacific.

Listen live or archived!

 Go to

to register and receive further information.

   $5 donation/meditation.









Scorpio Workshop

A Magical Mystery Transformation!




 We made the decision this year to begin the Victoria Temple of the Stars Scorpio journey where we concluded last year at the sting in the Scorpion's tail at Government House. We opened space in a sacred grove of trees, centred ourselves and then moved to the pond behind the House. Here we sat in quiet reflection listening to the sounds of the babbling stream as the waters flowed gently down. We were reminded of the Scorpio sting in the tail as a lashing out at others or ourselves in reaction to something that triggered a defensive reaction in us. These emotional triggers come from deep within us, often hidden from our awareness. Our goal was to reach far below the surface into the unconscious to access this program running inside of us, that is so destructive to ourselves and those we sting. We then consciously transmuted the very powerful destructive force from a toxic poison into the magnificent golden healing elixir of life. Our next job was to raise this energy along the spine as a kundalini energy rising experience both inside and out as we drove the length of the body of the Scorpion, passing through the heart and out beyond the head at the Totem Poles on Songhees Point. This spot overlooks the heart shaped Inner Harbour in the eighth chakra above the head of the Scorpion in the landscape and the connection between the Universal heart in the Inner Harbour waters and our own hearts. This spot is sacred to the Indigenous peoples of the Songhees and was called the "Place of the Cradle" as they placed the cradles on the rocks here once the children started to walk to represent a symbolic positive talisman of long and healthy life as the children walked the Earth.

 We then took a stroll into the downtown core. Scorpio is strongly connected to the dark side and much of Victoria's early history revolved around Gold rush times and all that went with it. Previously, we had cleared many of these darker spaces and so this year we decided to connect with the lighter side. I discovered through one of my radio interviews that one of the major great circle Ley Lines running across the planet flowing through Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, also actually runs through an object called the Bright Pearl in Centennial Square in downtown Victoria. It separates the East from the West and is seen to be a link between them. It is a silver globe which spins on water outlining many of the major cities across the world. What a great place to connect to all of the sacred sites across the planet which we did in a simple ceremony.

  One of the main intentions of this day in Scorpio is to resolve our deepest, darkest fears which can be worked out using Scorpio's courage and the connection to its landscape. Close by is a mighty Red Chinese Dragon holding a golden sphere aloft. I indicated to the group that this Dragon is symbolic of the Guardian of our inner demons and when we can connect and befriend these fearsome aspects of our self through the dragon, then we can retrieve the Golden Treasures buried deep within us. So we befriended our Red Dragon and then made our way through Chinatown and down the infamous Fan Tan Alley, where the Opium dens used to be!

 We then went to a private home close to the Dallas waterfront, where we enjoyed our shared potluck lunch and discussion around the current energies and significant characteristics of the Scorpio energy. As well as the Sun being in Scorpio on a powerful Solar Eclipse day, there were many other intense astrological aspects including the presence of Saturn in Scorpio and Mercury being in retrograde motion. The main focus, without doubt, was to dig down as deep as we can, to clear and transmute all stuck and blocked energies. This is the month and this day in particular to do this inner work.

  As we left our lunch venue, we saw two bald eagles fly overhead reminding us of the importance of the Eagle in our work with Scorpio. They remind us not to get bogged down in the effluent of the mud puddle, but to transmute the energy and soar like the Eagle, the highest expression of Scorpio.

 We then took a gentle stroll along the waterfront, in front of the Laurel Point Inn and along to Fisherman's Wharf where five playful seals awaited us. They remind us of the ability Scorpio offers us to navigate through the murky waters and emerge sleek, happy and playful.

 Our final ceremony was to take place at the far end of the Ogden Point Breakwater. Its newly refurbished surface and guard rail offers everyone the opportunity to walk out on the water feeling safe. It was around 4.00pm about 30 minutes before sunset and the lighting was surreal. The one side of the breakwater was dark and forboding with black clouds suggesting a downpour was imminent. The other had the Sun peeping through scattered cloud creating a mystical appearance. As we walked it reminded me of the two extremes of Scorpio, the two massive front pincers, the duality of the dark side and the light. It also became clear that it is not for us to cut off the dark pincer or submerge it back into the depths of the unconscious murky waters, but to embrace it-all aspects of ourselves being brought home and integrated. For the final ceremony, Zia had given each of us a flower to bless which was then to be placed inside a round bread bowl to be offered to Mother Earth through the Ocean. Also in the centre was placed an aquamarine crystal our gem stone offering as a birth stone of Scorpio, strongly connected to the water element. While one of the group was blessing the aquamarine, she suddenly asked  to have a photograph taken. When asked why, she simply said that while doing the blessing, she felt GREEN! When we looked at the photograph it was entirely green! Quite remarkable. We then saw a whole series of remarkable photographs that had been taken as we walked the breakwater, light structures and portals galore. This really was a surreal moment, stepping into the mystery- another realm- and we could feel it! Once the bread bowl and contents were complete, Zia went down to the water's edge and she said it felt as though two great arms came out of the ocean to receive this gift as it gently floated out into the sunset.

 Our work in Scorpio is to deliberately take ourselves down into the darkest place to clear and cleanse and then the real magic can occur at a deeper level. We really felt the magical transformation that had taken place this day, one of the most profound and powerful journey's we have done, as now we move into the final four signs beginning with the fiery and optimistic Sagittarius on Sunday, December 1st.

Monthly Constellation  
Northern Lights





The extreme solar ejections as a result of the Sun's magnetic Pole shift have created some amazing Aurora Borealis viewings recently in places much further south than is typical. Mysterious visitors from the heavens! Comet Ison continues on its journey having just whipped around the Sun at the end of November and now climbing in the sky in December. It will reappear at dusk in the west by December 3rd and ascend into a dark starry sky still in the west by the Winter Solstice on December 21st. Does this motion parallel our own ascending path?



Book Review
The Newgrange Sirius Mystery
by E A James Swagger


This is fascinating, well written, and thoroughly researched. What the Author suggests is that many, if not all, of the passage grave sites in the UK are aligned to various astronomical features. Mainstream archaeology only looks for solar alignments, but James shows that many of these sites are linked to lunar phenomenon, as well as constellations. In particular he draws attention to the connections to the star Sirius. He spends the first part of the book relating the alignments of the different sites, and showing how each is unique. In the second part of the book he discusses the artwork and its connections to astronomical arrangements. The third part, he explores the theories of others who have preceded him in this work. Finally, in the last part, he explores his own connections and what they may mean. Despite being an easy read, it is not a work of speculation, it is based on research and fact, and is presented as such. Only at the very end does Mr. Swagger allow himself to speculate a bit, and even that seems rather reserved. An enjoyable and recommended read.
Astrological Signs  

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and the last fire sign. It is ruled by Jupiter and therefore carries many of the same qualities. It is expansive, optimistic, seeing the bigger picture without getting bogged down in the details. Sagittarius is letting fly the arrow into the heart of the matter, arrows carrying us to the stars. It represents our real purpose here on the planet, cutting through all of the short term obstacles and distractions. They will reject societal values in favour of a higher truth. The energies of Sagittarius transmute the fixed, powerful and controlling energies of Scorpio into aspiring, earthy, pragmatic Capricorn. There is tremendous honesty and purpose of belief.

Monthly Animal Totem  


Freedom and Power!






The horse has a very close association with Sagittarius as the mythical CENTAUR is half man, half horse. In our landscape effigy it is King Arthur on his white horse. The mythological horse sees the essence of a man's soul and enables the shaman to fly through the air and reach heaven. For humans, the horse offers freedom of travel and fleetness of foot. It is therefore a symbol of freedom, travel and power. This power includes wisdom and a balanced medicine shield through humility. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, sharing your gifts, talents and abilities are the gateways to real power.