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From the Office
From the Development Office
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Sacred Heart CYO News
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Key Dates     
  • Aug 29 - School/Parish Retreat; SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED
  • Aug 30 - 6th Grade Locker Distribution 1-2pm.
  • Sep 03 - First Day of School; 11:35am Kindergarten dismissal and
  •                                                    11:45am Grades 1-8 dismissal 

  • Sep 03 - Opening Day Prayer Service; 8:45am - Sacred Heart Parish
  • Sep 04 - Back to School Night grades 6-8, 6:30-8pm
  • Sep 05 - Back to School Night grades Pre-K-5, 6:30-8pm
  • Sep 10 - Fall Ice Cream Social
  • Sep 11 - Safe Environment "Called to Protect for Ministries", Moore Theater, 6:30-9:30pm.
  • Sep 15 - Parish Festival
  • Sep 18-19  - 8th grade retreat at Camp Hamilton
  • Sep 20 - No School - Archdiocesan In-Service


From the Office

School Office Hours

The school office is open during the summer from 9am - 2pm each weekday. If you need to drop something off at the school outside of these times, you may deposit it into the secure mail drop box to the left of the main doors. The school will be closed on August 29 for an all staff retreat. Regular school hours begin on September 3rd.


Important Information before your child can start school.

Please read the information posted at this link from the health room regarding both immunizations and student medication requirements that must be completed before the start of school.  Also provided are the requirements, deadlines and procedure to have student medications available at school. - Mr. Burroughs


ESS - First Day of School, September 3rd

ESS will be available on the first day of school from 7am - 8:20am & 11:45am - 3:15pm. Regular hours will begin the second day of school.


Pre-K Start of School Information

Hours on the first day are 8:30-11:30am. Please note, students may enter school at 8:20am.

Parents, please bring your student directly to the Pre-K classroom. Parents are encouraged to come in on the first day to take pictures and see the classroom.

After saying goodbye to your Pre-K student, please join our other families in the gym for the Back to School Coffee immediately following the Opening Day Prayer Service until 10:30. Pre-K students are walked to the main door at 11:30am and are released to parents from there.


Kindergarten Start of School Information

Hours on the first day are 8:30-11:35am. Please note, students may enter school at 8:20am.

Parents, please bring your child directly to their Kindergarten classroom. The kindergarten students will join the rest of the school in our Opening Day Prayer Service which will begin at 8:45am in the church and last until about 9:00am Students will line up with their teacher and walk into church together; all parents are invited to join their students.  After the Prayer Service, you can follow your child back to their kindergarten classroom to take pictures and look around. After saying goodbye to your kindergartener, please join the other families in the gym for the Back to School Coffee which will run until approximately 10:30am. Kindergarteners are gradually brought into the full day program over the course of the first week and a half. Schedule is as follows:

Sept 3rd-6th: 8:30-11:45am

Sept 9th-Sept 13th: 8:30-12:20pm, students stay for lunch.



Start of School Information for First - Eighth Grades

As with Pre-K and Kindergarten, the hours on the first day are 8:30-11:45am; students may enter school at 8:20am. Each teacher will walk their class to our Opening Day Prayer Service which begins at 8:45am in the church and lasts until about 9:00am; all parents are invited to join to us at the prayer service.  After the prayer service, please join other school families in the gym for the Back to School Coffee which will run until approximately 10:30am.

 If for some reason you arrive after your child's class has left for church, please do not worry. School staff will be in the church narthex to direct anyone who needs help.


Class assignments will be sent out via email on Wednesday, August 28th.


Safe Environment Training "Called to Protect for Ministries"

The Safe Environment "Called to Protect for Ministries" class will be offered here at Sacred Heart Parish on Wednesday, September 11, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Moore Theater. All parents who volunteer at the school and have contact with children must take this class within 90 days of beginning their service.  All volunteers who have previously taken this class must complete an annual online update. To register for this class or complete an online annual update, click here.   


Summer Math, Reading, and Spanish

Don't forget to keep up with your summer math, reading, and Spanish (incoming 6th-8th grade only). The requirements and resources can be found here .


Sacred Heart School Sweatshirts

  • EMBROIDERY - When ordering your school sweatshirts online, please note that if you want to have the sweatshirt embroidered with your child's name (which is a great idea), you must call customer service at 800-469-2222 to assist you. Our school number for ordering uniforms is 900085846. 
  • SCHOOL LOGOS - When ordering apparel that needs a school logo (sweatshirt, all of the fleece items) from Lands' End, please allow up to 12 business days, plus shipping time, for delivery.

Additions to the Uniform Policy

Lands' End added some items to their school uniform line, so we updated our uniform policy to reflect those additions.  For K-5 Girls, additional options are:  Hunter/Classic Navy Plaid Pleated Side-Buckle Jumper and Hunter/Classic Navy Plaid A-line Skirt


2013-2014 Tuition - Payment In Full

If your family chose Option A which is payment in full, tuition is due on or before Tuesday, September 3rd (our 1st day of school.)  Payment must be made by check written to Sacred Heart School and either mailed to SHS or dropped off at the school accordingly.  Thank you!

Actual Cost to Educate

Contributing Parishioner Tuition*

Out of Parish

Pre-K (per child)




One Child




Two Children




Three or more Children





Asbestos Compliance

Once a year, federal law mandates school administrators to inform parents and employees about local school compliance with the Asbestos Hazardous Materials Response Act (AHERA). Please click here to view the memo confirming our school's compliance of this law.


From the Development Office



 We Need Your Help!


Your vote will make a big difference to our school - you can help us receive up to $10,000 from Target!

Simply go to this link, find Sacred Heart School and vote. Once we receive 25 votes, they will send us $25. Every vote after that is worth $1. We can receive up to $10,000! Vote for our school once every week until September 21st - so vote often and send to your friends - https://apps.facebook.com/givewithtarget/


From Parents Club



Sign in or register your family for Scripware and start buying today!  Great fundraising percentages for retailers like Land's End (16%), Champs (8%), Gap (14%) and much, much more!



Sacred Heart CYO News


Kindergarten soccer registration is open mow until August 30th.   The Kindergarten program is a great tradition to introduce our children to team sports and the great Sacred Heart community.   The fee is $30 per child and you can register online.  If you are interested in coaching, please state that during registration or feel free to email Brian Jacobsen stating this or with any other questions you have regarding the Kindergarten Soccer program.


From the Heart is published weekly during the school year on Thursdays.  If you have content to include in future newsletters please obtain administration permission, and then send to Tracy Takeuchi, by Tuesday night.

Mission Statement: Sacred Heart School is a Catholic community which provides an excellent academic education in an environment of faith and virtue for families of Sacred Heart Parish and the surrounding community.