A message of appreciation for the new year!
January 2015

World Dignity University Logo

Contributors to the first day of the
2014 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict

Happy New Year to all!

We are delighted to start the year by celebrating all of you who contributed -- in person and in spirit -- to our 11th Annual Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, December 5th - 6th, 2014, Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York City.


We hope you know how deeply thankful we are for your kind collaboration in support of this annual event! For those of you who were unable to join us, we hope you will enjoy reading about some of the highlights below. Please see our workshop webpage for a complete description of the workshop.

Highlights of Our Collaboration
  • Exciting news! Morton Deutsch, a founding father of the field of conflict resolution, agreed to be our first (and only) Honorary Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors! His work has been at the core of our efforts. We are thrilled to be able to honor his countless intellectual and inspirational contributions by recognizing him as an official member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors.
    Morton Deutsch
    Morton Deutsch, Honorary Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors
  • Our workshop theme, Work that Dignifies the Lives of All, challenged us to consider how to design all aspects of our lives for equal dignity. We were especially grateful to our distinguished contributors David Yamada and James E. Jones who shared powerful stories of living and working in dignity at our annual Public Event. This memorable evening also included musical contributions from Fred Ellis and his students and concluded with the music of George Wolfe and Eric Edberg.
  • This year we had two remarkable preplanned Dignilogues (Dignity+Dialogue) Sessions. Please see Dignilogue 1: "How are human dignity and humiliation relevant to destructive conflict?" and Dignilogue 2: "How can we cultivate dignity?"
    A Dignilogue
    A Dignilogue Session
  • In addition, we launched a new way of "digniloguing." Phil Brown (with the support of Safa Heuer and Tonya Hammer) introduced the opportunity for participants to co-create Dignilogue Sessions. Contributors formed groups to generate conversations around important topics of interest or concern.

    We were especially grateful to all the volunteers from each group who shared their ideas by recording short videos for the World Dignity University initiative. Please see Co-Created Dignilogues: Session #1 and Session #2.
  • On the final day of the workshop, we celebrated the 60th birthday year of our Founding President Evelin Lindner and the 70th birthday year of our Director of Dignifunding Richard Slaven. Both enjoyed being lovingly and playfully honored with a HumanDHS "Half-a-Lifetime" Achievement Award!

Creating a Dignicommunity

Christine de Michele
Christine de Michele
brings people together!


As you know, this workshop is part of a larger process. It is much more than a stand-alone event. It is part of the overall mission of our global dignity movement, which is to create an atmosphere in which people can meet on a plane of mutual friendship and equality in dignity. 


It was profoundly touching how all participants worked together to build supportive relationships, striving to compassionately create unity and authentic connection enriched by diversity.


Workshop Photos and Videos


Following the workshop, Evelin worked for days to update our workshop page. She uploaded a careful selection of the pictures and videos.

Thank you for helping Evelin by checking the links and letting her know if there are any glitches. Also, we need to be sure that we have your permission to place the pictures and the links to the videos on our website. 


All website pictures are available in high resolution in Dropbox for everybody to download (Evelin will remove the photos soon). Another warm thank you to all!

A gathering of Careholders!


Special Appreciations


We wish to thank all of our friends at the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution and Liz Hernandez for the ongoing support of this event. We also wish to thank our collaborative team of "Conference Careholders" under the leadership of our Conference Coordinator Tonya Hammer. Their kind care makes this workshop possible.

Please join us in thanking our moderators Beth Fisher-Yoshida, Phil Brown, David Yamada, and Tonya Hammer for their leadership facilitating our preplanned Dignilogue groups. Also, please join us in thanking Anna Strout, Hua-Chu Yen, and Christine de Michele for their valuable efforts documenting the workshop in photos and videos!


In addition, if you didn't get a chance to pick up your Certificate of Appreciation at the end of the workshop, you can download and print the certificate to document your contribution to this event.


Workshop Newsletter

Have a look also at the newsletter that Evelin created. We would be very grateful if you were to send her your reflections on the workshop that you would like to share with everybody. Evelin will include them under "messages from you."




Again this year we successfully sustained our extreme, lean, green approach to funding our workshop through shared responsibility, what we call dignifunding. We are grateful to all Sharegivers who gave according to their ability and to those who contributed more in support of others! We not only covered our workshop expenses, we were able to make a significant contribution to Evelin's expenses!


Evelin wants to personally thank everyone for their kind and generous support! Rick Slaven, our Director of Dignifunding, says "Congratulations to all!"


Would You Like to Get More Involved?


Now that you know how much our conferences depend on the nurturing and growth of relationships and on the weaving of webs of connections, it would be great to have your support with organizing our future conferences! Please let us know if you are interested!


Expressing Our Deepest Gratitude!


Again, please allow us to express our deep gratitude to you! We are inspired by your care in carrying our shared vision of dignity into the future. Thank YOU for having made this workshop an extraordinary experience that will reverberate in our lives and in our work throughout the year!


We are warmly wishing you all the best with your work for dignity!


Tonya Hammer, PhD, Conference Coordinator
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President

Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies

Evelin Lindner's Upcoming Lectures in
Oslo, Norway

We are pleased to announce Evelin Lindner's upcoming lectures in Oslo: 
University of Oslo
University of Oslo

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

Department of Psychology 

University of Oslo, Auditorium 1

Guest Lecture in Norwegian

1:15 - 3:00 PM

What does cultural and social psychology have to do with dignity? 


Description: What is the role of psychologists and of psychology in society? Who is responsible when psychology is misunderstood or misused? What do you believe as a psychologist? What is your position as a citizen who uses psychological research? This talk will examine these issues from a psycho-geo-historical perspective that makes large-scale historical lines of inquiry useful for personal, academic-related, and societal choices.


Monday, February 16th, 2015

Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo

Talk in English 

12:00 - 1:00 PM

Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict


Description: Conflict has many facets. Conflict can be misunderstood, misrecognized, or instrumentalized for ulterior goals. The most desirable scenario is to replace unforgiving confrontation with mutually enriching diversity so that unity in diversity can flourish, instead of division without unity.


Norway has a cultural heritage of unity (dugnad) and equality in dignity (likeverd), as well as a history of global outreach. This heritage can be regarded as an important resource for addressing conflict, entailing the responsibility -- informed by humility -- to inspire a world citizens' movement as a coordinated global effort. The aim of this effort would be to utilize all dignifying aspects of humanity's cultural heritage to unite in concerted stewardship of cultural and biological diversity and substance, and to give space to the human rights tenet that every human being is born free and equal in dignity and rights, while protecting and replenishing the Earth's limited natural resources.


Important note: This is an internal talk for the staff of the Centre for Human Rights. However, if you are interested in attending, you are warmly welcome to contact Catherine Kullgreen who will kindly let you know if there is space available. 

Join Us!

25th Annual Conference of HumanDHS

June 5th - 8th, 2015 
Kigali, Rwanda

Kigali Independent University
The Kigali Independent University
We look forward to warmly welcoming you to our 25th Annual HumanDHS Conference, June 5th - 8th, 2015, at the Kigali Independent University (UKL) in Rwanda

This conference will be conducted in the spirit of the United Nations agenda toward "A Life of Dignity for All."

Emmanuel Ndahimana
Emmanuel Ndahimana
We are deeply grateful to our local Host and Convener Emmanuel Ndahimana and Professor Dr. Rwigamba Balinda, the Founder and the President of UKL, for making this event possible. 

If you would like to participate in (or help with) this event, please send your message and introductory information to: [email protected]

Also, please kindly see our conference webpage for the latest information about this event.

Please Mark

Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict

December 3rd - 4th, 2015
Teachers College
Columbia University
New York City
Please let us know if you would like to join us at this workshop as early as you can, particularly if you would like to contribute to one of our preplanned Dignilogues. We rotate contributors, and we often find our preplanned Dignilogue Sessions are filled by May.


There are many ways to participate. You can always be a facilitator or contributor in our Co-Created Dignilogues, or, in general, a supporter and observer. In addition, we are delighted to have you share your reflections, abstracts, and papers with everyone throughout the workshop and on the website. 


We hope you will be able to join us next year! For the latest information on this workshop as it unfolds, please kindly visit our 2015 workshop webpage


Looking Ahead!

27th Annual Conference of HumanDHS

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik, Croatia
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Please consider joining us for our 27th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, September 19th - 23rd, 2016, in Dubrovnik, Croatia!

The theme of this event is "Cities at Risk: From Humiliation to Dignity." This conference is embedded into a larger conference titled "Cities at Risk."     


If you would like to join us and/or if you would like to help with this event, please send your message and introductory information to: [email protected]

Quick Links
Shared Effort
We warmly welcome all who would like to become a Sharegiver in support of our global community.


A world without humiliation
 dignifies us all!

