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A Very Warm Final Reminder
Annual Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) Workshop
Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict
December 4 - 5, 2014
Columbia University, Teachers College 

2013 Workshop Participants

This is our very warm, final reminder about our upcoming Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict: December 4 - 5, 2014; Columbia University, Room 150 Horace Mann Hall, Teachers College. 

We would be extremely grateful if you would kindly complete your Appreciative Introductionform and bring it with you. You are also invited to download our workshop program (Please see additional details below). Registration begins at 9:00 AM; the workshop begins at 10:00 AM. 

Also, a few people are planning to meet at the 9/11 Memorial Museum on Saturday, December 6th at 11:30 AM. If you would like to join this group, please kindly purchase your ticket in advance and make your arrangements for transportation as needed.
Morton Deutsch

You will find all of the latest details about the workshop at:


Please join us in thanking our Honorary Convener Morton Deutsch and all of our colleagues at The Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR) for their ongoing support of this annual event!


Our Theme


This year our theme is Work That Dignifies the Lives of All PeopleFor more than a decade, HumanDHS has cultivated innovative ways to work as a global community. In this workshop, we will explore not only the work that we are doing to transform humiliation and violent conflict, but also how we do our work. How do we design our lives for equal dignity as we work for equal dignity? What energizes our efforts? What sustains and replenishes our efforts?


Our Collaborative Approach

Our conferences and workshops are designed to widen space for collaboration, conversation, and mutually energizing connection. Because we have such a richly diverse community of contributors, we have learned that there will never be enough time to say all that needs to be said nor enough time to do all that needs to be done. Consequently, we strive to move beyond the conventional lecture/presentation format to meet in a spirit of sharing in humility and equal dignity.

This year, our afternoons will be highly action oriented and organized around Co-Created Dignilogue Groups. These groups will focus on topics of interest proposed by YOU. Rather than planning a "presentation," we encourage you to come as you are and enjoy the mutual learning experience of engaging in -- or even facilitating -- authentic, creative conversations that lead to new ideas and new opportunities for action. Please join us in thanking Philip Brown for leading us in this new opportunity to work as a creative community.


If you already have an abstract or a paper you wish to share (or you develop a new paper that emerges from the inspiration that our workshop experience brought to you), you are warmly invited to send it to us so we can publish it on our HumanDHS website.

The grand finale of each afternoon will be inviting representatives from each Dignilogue Group to document the highlights of their conversation and insights in a Dignivideo. These videos will be treasured contributions to our World Dignity University initiative that will be shared with the world and will inspire future generations of our community.


Our Public Event


David Yamada
In addition to the workshop, we look forward to having you with us at our Public Event (Thursday, December 4, 5:00 - 7:00 PM; Room 150 Horace Mann Hall. Open to the general public). 


This event includes a special opportunity to celebrate the efforts of two highly esteemed members of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. Please join us in welcoming David Yamadaprofessor of law and director of the New Workplace Institute at Suffolk University Law School in Boston. He will share reflections on Advancing Dignity at Work: Folks, It's Up to Us! David is an internationally recognized authority on workplace bullying and psychological abuse. His blog, Minding the Workplaceis a popular source of information and commentary about work, workers, and workplaces.
James E. Jones


We are also honored to have James (Jimmy) E. Jones contributing to our Public Event. Jimmy is an associate professor of World Religions at Manhattanville College. Over the last three decades, much of his personal and professional work has been focused on conflict resolution within families, communities, and across national and cultural boundaries. We highly recommend his paper, "The Post Victim Ethical Exemption Syndrome: An Outgrowth of Humiliation," which he shared with us at our 2006 workshop.


Our Location
Please Note: This year we are meeting in a new room -- our previous meeting room was unavailable. The workshop will convene in Room 150 of the Horace Mann Hall at Columbia University,Teachers College (525 West 120th Street, NYC, subway 1, exit 116th Street). We will also be using Room 148 for our workshop activities. 

Because of the size of our group, we are counting on all who attend to lovingly support our Careholder Team in their efforts to accommodate and negotiate this new room assignment (which is organized in more of a conventional classroom style). Thank you in advance for your kind care and support!

Our Registration

Many of you have already registered for our workshop, and your name is already listed on the webpage. We welcome you most warmly! You may wish to check whether your biographical sketch is on our website, and, if yes, is it up to date?
For those of you who would still like to join us and have not yet registered, please kindly send a message to: [email protected]. We would be delighted to hear from you by November 25th or sooner.

Again, we are looking forward to warmly welcoming you to our workshop. Your participation will make this an event that strengthens all of our efforts to bring greater dignity into the world!


With admiration and appreciation to all, 


Evelin Lindner, MD, Ph.D.s, Founding President, Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies

Linda Hartling, Ph.D., Director

Tonya Hammer, Ph.D., Conference Coordinator