A message of appreciation!
December 2013

World Dignity University Logo

Contributors to the first day of the 2013
Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict

This year, we celebrated our 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, with the theme, The Urgency of Educating for Dignity!
Linda, Mort, and Evelin
Linda Hartling, Morton Deutsch, and Evelin Lindner celebrating Mort's special contribution to our
annual Public Event.
It took place, as every year, at Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York City, December 5 - 6, 2013. We are extremely thankful to Morton Deutsch for being our honorary convener each year! 

We hope that all of you who participated in the workshop returned home safely! We are deeply touched and profoundly thankful to you! 


We also hope that those of you who were unable to join us -- who were with us in spirit -- will enjoy being kept in the loop through this letter! We would love to see you next year!


Please see our webpage for a complete description of the workshop: 


Creating a Dignicommunity

As you know, this workshop is part of a larger process. It is much more than a stand-alone event. It is part of the overall mission of our global dignity movement, which is to create an atmosphere in which people can meet on a plane of mutual friendship and equality in dignity. It was profoundly touching how all participants created a new culture of cohesion and togetherness and contributed to nurturing a global family of dignity, a family that truly acts like a good family should act, namely, protecting and cherishing its supportive relationships and its unity in diversity.


Workshop Photos and Videos


Evelin has now worked for days to update our workshop page. She uploaded a careful selection of the wonderful pictures that our dear Anna Strout created for us in low resolution as web galleries. Thank you for helping Evelin by checking the links and letting her know if there are any glitches.

In addition, Evelin placed all of Anna Strout's photos in high resolution in
Dropbox. Please download all the photos that you wish to have on your
computer in the coming week. Evelin will remove the photos from Dropbox in about one week's time.

As to the videos, please see the links for the videos that Evelin has edited so far on our workshop webpage. For all the rest of the video material, we need additional help. Please let us know if you would like to help with this process? Thank you!
Fred Ellis and his singers!
Music Educator Fred Ellis
and his singers!


Special Appreciations 


Please join us in thanking Anna Strout for volunteering her gift and unparalleled professional expertise to document our workshop so beautifully with still photography. We also wish to thank Courtney Furlong, Anna McDonald, and Claudia Maffettone for their very special efforts documenting the workshop with video cameras! 


Please kindly let us know if you would rather not have your picture included on our workshop page. We need to be sure that we have your permission to place these pictures on our website. Another warm thank you to all!  


Workshop Newsletter

Have a look also at the newsletter that Evelin created. We would be very grateful if you were to send her your reflections that you would like to share with everybody. Evelin will include them under "messages from you."




Thanks to all of you, we successfully sustained our extreme, lean, green approach to funding our workshop through shared responsibility, what we call dignifunding. We are grateful to all sharegivers who gave according to their ability and to those who contributed more in support of others! We not only covered our workshop expenses, we were able to give Evelin $500 for her expenses!


Evelin wants to personally thank everyone for their kind and generous support! Rick Slaven, our HumanDHS business manager, says "Congratulations to all!"

A Dignilogue Session
A Dignilogue Session


Would You Like to Get More Involved?


Now that you know how much our conferences depend on the nurturing and growth of relationships and on the weaving of webs of connections, it would be great to have your support with organizing our future conferences! Please let us know if you are interested!


Expressing Our Deepest Gratitude!


Again, please allow us to express our deep gratitude to you! We are deeply moved by your care in carrying our shared vision of dignity into the future together.

Thank YOU for making this a workshop of extraordinary sincerity, depth, intellectual insight, and connection!


We are warmly wishing you all the best for the coming New Year!


Tonya Hammer, PhD, Conference Coordinator
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President

Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies



P.S. Coming Events and a Special Celebration


You are warmly invited to join us for our upcoming events. In addition, if you are in Norway in June, perhaps you would like to give Evelin a birthday hug at the summer solstice celebration at The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History on Bygd�y in Oslo, Norway, on the afternoon of June 23, 2014, 17:00. Evelin is celebrating 60 years of her "global pathfinding apprenticeship" and looking forward to another 60 years of applying all that she has learned. Please send a message to Linda Hartling for additional details. 

Communication and Dignity
22nd - 24th January 2014 in Oslo, Norway
A very warm welcome to "Communication and Dignity" a thematic network meeting of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network, 22nd - 24th January 2014, at the Oslo University Campus at Blindern and the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights. 
The focus of this workshop will be on practical tools and methodologies in developing communication habits that promote dignity. Please see http://www.educationforpeace.com  and please register with Trine Eklund: [email protected]
The conference begins on the 22nd of January, 10:15 - 12.00, with "Dignity or Humiliation/Verdighet og ydmykelse," Evelin Lindner's annual lecture (this year in Norwegian) at the Psychology Department at the University of Oslo, in Auditorium 3, Psykologisk institutt, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3. For this lecture, no registration is needed, just come!
Please see the annual Oslo lectures in English (2009 to 2013) at this link: http://www.sv.uio.no/tjenester/kunnskap/podkast/index.html
(search for "Lindner")

Looking Ahead!
2015 HumanDHS Conference in Rwanda
Emmanuel Ndahimana
In May/June 2015 we are looking forward to welcoming you to our 25th Annual HumanDHS Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, with Emmanuel Ndahimana as our esteemed host. 


Please check our annual meetings list on our website for the latest information about this conference.

23rd Annual
HumanDHS Conference 
in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Kjell Skyllstad 

Please join us also for our 23rd Annual HumanDHS Conference in Chiang Mai, North Thailand,
8th - 12th March 2014! 


We thank  Kjell Skyllstad very much for being our local host! 


Please see our conference webpage for the latest
information about this wonderful event.

Please Mark

Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict

December 4 - 5, 2014
Teachers College
Columbia University
New York
Please let us know if you will be joining us as soon as you can, particularly if you would like to contribute to one of our Dignilogues (Dignity + Dialogue). We rotate contributors, and we often find our Dignilogue seats are filled by May. 
You can always participate as a supporter or observer, for instance, by sharing reflections, abstracts, and papers with everyone throughout the workshop and on the website. 
We usually recommend that newcomers be with us as supporters and observers first, so that they can familiarize themselves with the collaborative format of the workshop, and then consider being part of a Dignilogue in subsequent workshops.  
We hope you will be able to join us next year! For the latest information on this workshop as it unfolds, please kindly visit our 2014 workshop webpage



Launching a 
New Dignity
Press Book

Dignity Book

A Multidimensional View

Dignity: A Multidimensional View Book Launch
A video introduction 
by the author:
Francisco Gomes deMatos

For more about this and other publications, please visit Dignity Press.

Quick Links
Shared Effort
We warmly welcome all who would like to become Sharegivers in support of our global community.


A world without humiliation
 dignifies us all!

