World Dignity University Logo
A Very Warm Welcome
Communication and Dignity Workshop
22 - 24 January 2014
Oslo, Norway

Kj�re venner av World Dignity University initiativet!  
(Please see English text below)
En varm velkomst til Workshop "Kommunikasjon og verdighet", i Oslo, 22 til 24 januar 2014! Vi begynner med et foredrag av Evelin Lindner (p� norsk), etterfulgt av en sightseeing tur ledet av fredsaktivisten Trine Eklund p� den f�rste dag. P� den 23 og 24 januar fokuserer vi p� praktiske verkt�y og metoder for � utvikle kommunikasjon som fremmer verdighet i v�re samfunn. 
"Verdens Verdighets Universitet" ble etablert i  Oslo i 2011 etter 10 �r med forskning og erfaring ut fra Globale verdighet- og ydmykelses studier (Human DHS). 
Meld deg p� ved � sende en epost til Trine Eklund ved ([email protected]), og gi oss beskjed hvis du
�nsker � bidra til "Dignity Mosaic" p� fredag med en kort (ti minutters) inlegg. Se og programmet vedlagt for deg.
Dear friends of the World Dignity University initiative!  


A warm welcome to the Workshop "Communication and Dignity," in Oslo, Norway, 22 - 24 January 2014! On the first day there will be a lecture by Evelin Lindner (in Norwegian), followed by an sightseeing outing led by peace activist Trine Eklund. The focus of the sessons on the 23rd and 24th will be on practical tools and methodologies in developing communication habits that promote dignity in our communities and societies. 
The World Dignity University initiative emerged from ten years of work by the global network Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS). It was launched in 2011 at the University of Oslo. 
Please register by sending a mail to Trine Eklund ([email protected]), and let us know if you would like to contribute to the "Dignity Mosaic" on Friday with a short (ten minute) input. See and the programme linked here for you.

Again, we are looking forward to warmly welcoming you to our workshop. Your participation will make this an event that strengthens all of our efforts to bring greater dignity into the world!


With appreciation and admiration, 


Trine Eklund: Kvinne- og fredsaktivist / Peace and women's activist
Barbara Sivertsen: Fredspedagog / Peace educator
Evelin Lindner: Globale verdighet- og ydmykelses studier (Human DHS) / Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, Founding President