Take a Look!
November 2013
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Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) brings together individuals from all backgrounds and all walks of life to advance efforts to end cycles of humiliation and bring greater dignity into the lives of all people.

Education is one of the most important aspects of our shared efforts. This edition of "Take a Look" offers a sample of the educational initiatives that are moving forward thanks to you and the creative energy of our collaborative community!
You're Invited to Join Us!
The 2013 Annual Workshop in New York City!

Participants and contributors to last
year's 2012 HumanDHS Workshop

Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict


December 5-6, 2013
Teacher's College
Columbia University

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our annual workshop in New York City.


We are delighted to be celebrating the 10th year of this workshop series! In honor of this milestone, we have chosen a special theme: Beyond Humiliation and Violence: The Urgency of Educating for Dignity. While cultivating a context of mutually dignifying dialogue, we will explore how education may be the most important approach to ending cycles of humiliation.


This workshop offers a unique opportunity to share ideas and connect with others working around the world. It is designed to maximize the

Inga Bostad
Inga Bostad

benefits of collaboration and to stimulate ongoing conversations about creating constructive change.


In addition to the two-day workshop, we are looking forward to a markable Public Event, Thursday, December 5, 5:00 - 7:00 PM, in Milbank Chapel. This event will include contributions by Associate Professor Dr. Inga Bostad, the incoming Director of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights at the University of Oslo, Norway; and Maggie O'NeillPrincipal and Professor of Criminology at Ustinov College at Durham University, England. Our Public Event is free and open to all.


If you would like to participate in the workshop, please kindly send your message along with your CV or other introductory information to: [email protected]


Click here for additional details about the workshop.


News from Dignity Press


Dignity Press
Three New

As an offspring of HumanDHS, Dignity Press (DP) is a global endeavor. We acknowledge the need of all people to communicate in their native language. However, there are practical limitations to this. Because we are a small team, we publish only in languages we know well. So far, most of our books are in English, yet we also have a publication in French and one in German. We hope it will be possible to publish in other languages as DP continues to grow into a larger transnational team of volunteer readers and coeditors.


We are happy to note that some DP books are currently translated to other languages and are available for publishing in China and Iran. The book entitled Chinese Communicating Interculturally, from the well-known Chinese publisher Higher Education Press, will soon be published globally by DP. In addition, we are preparing to distribute a small selection of human dignity-related books published by other authors but are not widely available. Watch for more news coming soon.

Francisco Gomes de Matos
Francisco Gomes de Matos


We are delighted to announce our latest publications!

  • Dignity: A Multidimensional View: Over the years, Peace Linguist Francisco Gomes de Matos has enriched the work of the HumanDHS community by composing hundreds of rhymed reflections on dignity education and many other aspects of the experience of humiliation. We have published a selection of these in this new book. This book will be launched globally, both in Recife, at ABA (Associa��o Brasil Am�rica) and at the December HumanDHS Workshop in New York City.
  • Ein liebendes und ruheloses Herz (A Loving and Restless Heart) is our first German book. It is written for people interested in spirituality and religion. The book combines texts from St. Augustine with photos of artwork from historic locations in North Africa where he lived and preached.
More about all of these books, as well as previously published books, can be found at dignitypress.org.

We are currently looking for people to write reviews of Dignity Press books. Please contact Uli Spalthoff if you are interested.


Coming Events!

Promoting Human Rights through Dignity

January 23-24, 2014

Conference of HumanDHS at the University of Oslo, Norway

If you would like to participate, kindly send your message along with your CV or other introductory information to Trine Eklund


23rd Annual HumanDHS Conference in Thailand
March 8-12, 2014

Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Please visit our webpage for all of the details:



If you would like to participate, kindly send your message along with your CV or other introductory information to: [email protected]


World Dignity University Initiative!

A Growing Library of Ideas!

Our World Dignity University initiative has collected over 200 videos for its library of ideas. Below are two of the newest additions to the collection:
Evelin Lindner: Konstruktive Ver??nderungsprozesse
Evelin Lindner, President of HumanDHS, speaking (in German) to the Congress of Psychiatrists and Psychologists in Montreux, Switzerland, September 13, 2013. 
Kevin Lyonette: Togetherness in Development
Based on 35 years of experience in the field, Kevin Lyonette discusses development, dignity, and human rights in this talk, Togetherness in Development. 

With our warmest regards and appreciation, 


Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President

Linda Hartling, PhD, Director

Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration   

Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member  

Richard Slaven, PhD, Business Director  


You're Invited to NYC!
Dignity Press News
Upcoming Events
World Dignity University News
Online Learning
Welcome to HumanDHS


Dignity and Disaster
Online Course
Want to earn graduate or professional credits
studying the dynamics of humiliation and dignity? 

We invite you to join the online course Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Sustainable Post-Disaster Reconstruction, offered by the Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters at the University of Massachusetts in Boston this Spring 2014.

"I consider taking this course as one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life."

Graduate Student 
Fall 2012  


Professionals and graduate students can earn 3 credits.
The Latest Publications from Dignity Press!

Welcome to HumanDHS
The Story of Our Community

Are you new to the work of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies?

We warmly invite you to download this introduction to learn more about how people like you have cocreated this collaborative global community.

Quick Links
Shared Effort
We warmly welcome all who would like to become Sharegivers in support of our global community.


A world without humiliation
 dignifies us all!

