Greetings! Thanks to you and our global community, Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) is well on its way to another year of remarkable achievements and new relationships!
We hope you enjoy this review of the latest developments and coming events!
Celebrating New Friends in South Africa!
Stellenbosch, South AfricaApril 24-27th, 2013 "Search for Dignity" was the title of a remarkable conference convened in Stellenbosch, South Africa. This event was an opportunity to realize the ongoing relationship-building work of HumanDHS, which strives to nurture a global community of people who wish to bring more dignity into the world. All who attended turned this special meeting into an artful social sculpture of love and dignity. The diversity of the participants was particularly remarkable. Many identified with more than one region of the world: South Africa, South Africa/Namibia, South Africa/Botswana, Swaziland, Rwanda, Nigeria, UK/Kenya/Australia, India, Northern Ireland/South Africa, Ethiopia/South Africa, Germany, Berber/France/Norway/global, and Silesia/global.  |
Hélène Lewis
The entire network celebrates the special efforts of the host, organizer, and convener of this conference, Hélène Lewis. Thanks to her extraordinary leadership, the conference enjoyed the kind support of the administration at the University of Stellenbosch. It was a powerful time to be in the homeland of one of the greatest leaders of dignity in the world: Nelson Mandela! His courageous search for dignity inspires and energizes every step of our work. You're invited to read more... |
News from Dignity Press
 Three New Publications!
In the first months of 2013, Dignity Press published three new books! Howard Richards and Joanna Swanger authored Gandhi and the Future of Economics, edited by Ivo Coelho. "[This] is a book that gently, persistently and...solidly makes a case for incorporating Gandhi's insights into mainstream economics" states Coelho, "[It] breathes new life into a known theme, and, in doing so, brings out its implications for praxis." Howard Richards is an active member of our Global Advisory Board and an emeritus research professor of philosophy at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. He's teaching in Chile and in South Africa. Deepak Tripathi, a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, is a British historian of the Middle East and South Asia with a particular emphasis on the Cold War and the United States in the post-Soviet world. The essays in his book, A Journey Through Turbulence, cover the conflicts in South Asia and the Middle East, the Arab Awakening, and the power shift from west to east. Finally, Finding Cross-Cultural Common Ground was jointly written and edited by one of the early researchers in the field of intercultural communication, Michael Prosser from the United States, collaborating with Mansoureh Sharifzadeh from Iran and Zhang Shengyong from China. They have compiled a diverse collection of essays, travel reports, personal stories, and book reviews demonstrating how we can enrich intercultural understanding across continents and cultures. More about all of these books, as well as previously published books, can be found at We are currently looking for people to write reviews of Dignity Press books. Please contact Linda Hartling or Uli Spalthoff ( if you are interested.
You're Invited to Join Us!
The 2013 Annual Workshop in New York City! |
 | 2012 Workshop at Columbia University |
Thursday-Friday, December 5-6, 2013 Teacher's College Columbia University
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our annual workshop in New York City!
This unique workshop is a collaboration that allows participants to learn from each other and discuss ideas at the forefront of study. It stimulates conversation, or what HumanDHS calls dignilogue (dignity + dialogue). In addition to the two-day workshop, everyone is warmly invited to a Public Event on Thursday evening. On Friday, we will honor this year's recipient of the HumanDHS Lifetime Achievement Award!
If you would like to participate, kindly send your request along with your CV or other introductory information to:
Coming Events! |
Dignity and Humiliation - January 22, 2014
Evelin Lindner's Annual Lecture Department of Psychology University of Oslo
10.00-12.00, Auditorium 4
Forskningsveien 3 A
0373 Oslo, Norway
Promoting Human Rights through Dignity - January 23-24, 2014
Conference of HumanDHS at the University of Oslo, Norway
Please visit: Please also visit: 23rd Annual Conference of HumanDHS - March 8-12, 2014 Chiang Mai University, Thailand Please visit: If you would like to participate, kindly send your request along with your CV or other introductory information to: |
World Dignity University Initiative!
A Growing Library of Ideas!
Thanks to many of you, we continue to collect amazing video interviews for our World Dignity University initiative. These videos are a small sample of the many ways our members and supporters have contributed to ending cycles of humiliation by working for equal dignity in the world. Please see some of the latest additions to our collection below:
 | Rutendo Ngara, research coordinator, shares her experience with the SARChI Chair, Pretoria/Tshwane, South Africa
 | Joy Ndwandwe speaks on Ubuntu, Open Space Dignilogue Session, 21st HumanDHS Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa |
 | Catherine Odora Hoppers invites her former student, Cebisa Nkhumeleni, to share her experience with "immersion," with Evelin Lindner and Howard Richards, Pretoria/Tshwane, South Africa |
 | Howard Richards shares what he thinks are his most important insights after a long life of study and reflection, insights that he offers as crucial messages to the world. Pretoria, South Africa |
With our warmest regards and appreciation,
Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration
Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member
Richard Slaven, PhD, Business Director
Dignity and Disaster Online Course
Enrollment Begins
"I consider taking this course as one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life."Graduate student from Afghanistan, Fall 2012
Professionals and graduate students can earn 3 credits.
The Latest Publications from Dignity Press!
New Article
Humiliation: A Nuclear Bomb of Emotions?
This is an overview of recent developments in the study of humiliation. It outlines the conditions of today's world that bring the dynamics of humiliation to the forefront.
Welcome to HumanDHS
The Story of Our Community
Are you new to the work of Human  Dignity and Humiliation Studies?
We warmly invite you to download this introduction to learn more about how people like you have co-created this collaborative global community.
|  | We warmly welcome all who would like to become Sharegivers in support of our global community.
A world without humiliation dignifies us all!