Take a Look!                                                                                                   February 2013 

HumanDHS Logo

World Dignity University Logo




Welcome to "Take a Look," the newsletter of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network.

We hope you enjoy this latest news from our growing global community!
You're Warmly Invited!
HumanDHS Conference in South Africa!


Stellenbosch, South Africa

April 24-27th, 2013


We hope you can join us for another pathbreaking event, the 21st Annual HumanDHS Conference in South Africa!  


We are excited that our network will be gathering in the homeland of one of the greatest leaders of dignity in our time: Nelson Mandela! It will be an opportunity to meet as a collaborative community as well as learn more about Nelson Mandela's lifetime of courageous leadership. 


H�l�ne Lewis
H�l�ne Lewis

In addition to the three-day workshop for members of  HumanDHS, we warmly invite everyone to a special Public Event, Thursday, April 25th, 2013.


We are deeply grateful to H�l�ne Lewis for her leadership that makes it possible for us to realize this once-in-a-lifetime conference in South Africa!  


Please see the latest updates about the conference -- as it unfolds -- by clicking here. If you would like to attend the workshop for members, please kindly email us your CV or other introductory information by clicking here.   


There is a possibility that we will offer a Northern Hemisphere edition of our annual conference online! If you are interested in participating, we invite you to click here to email us your introductory information.


News from Dignity Press


A NewDignity Press
Newsletter from 
Dignity Press 


Dignity Press
(DP) is delighted to announce the publication of a new electronic newsletter that will feature the latest DP publications from distinguished authors who are part of the HumanDHS network!

Dignity Press was created by a team of volunteers who saw the wealth of important ideas and research being developed by our community. Our members have a lot to say about human dignity and related topics. Thanks to the remarkable leadership of Uli Spalthoff, now authors not only have a platform for publishing, they have a newsletter to spread the word about these valuable books!


DP books are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at many bookstores, but we encourage you to purchase books directly from the DP website, which is the best way to support the work of our authors!  


If you would like to add your name to the DP email list, please click here


Thanks to everyone!
A Wonderful Workshop in New York City!
2012 Workshop at Columbia University


Thanks to everyone's contribution to our annual workshop in December at Columbia University!


In addition to intellectually rich roundtable discussions -- inspired by our new term, "dignism" -- this year's workshop included thought-provoking ideas about creating a dignifying economy with Charles Eisenstein, an inspirational Don Klein Memorial Lecture by Michael Britton, and brilliant musical contributions by saxophonist Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi and Fred Ellis and his students!

Fred Ellis Students
Celebrating Music by
Fred Ellis
and His Students


On the second day, we took time to remember the award-winning historian Bertram Wyatt-Brown, who died November 5th at age 80. Bert was an intellectual giant and beloved member of HumanDHS. He graciously served on our board of directors for many years. He and his wife Anne Wyatt-Brown were the recipients of the 2010 HumanDHS Lifetime Achievement Award. We will always remember Bert's remarkable contributions to our community, and we will carry his efforts forward.


Bert and Bert Wyatt-Brown
Anne and Bert Wyatt-Brown
with Evelin Lindner in 2007

We also presented Professor Michael Perlin with the 2012 HumanDHS Lifetime Achievement Award in honor of his stunning 56-year career advocating for the dignity of people impacted by physical disabilities and mental illness. A prolific writer, Michael Perlin's more than 250 articles and numerous books

Michael Perlin
Michael Perlin
2012 Lifetime
Achievement Award

encourage all of us to do more to uphold the dignity of the most vulnerable members of our society. This special celebration also allowed us to enjoy the musical source of Michael's energy and inspiration, the music of Bob Dylan!


Again this year we are deeply thankful to all of our friends at Columbia University's Advanced Consortium on Conflict, Cooperation, and Complexity (AC4) for their ongoing support of this program. We are, furthermore, deeply thankful to Tonya Hammer, our conference coordinator, and her team (Hugh Crethar and Dee Sloan) for their outstanding contributions to this important program. We also invite you to view wonderful pictures of all who participated in our workshop by clicking here.

We are looking forward to next year's workshop! Please mark your calendars for December 5-6th, 2013.

Our "Library of Ideas" Continues to Grow!

The World Dignity University Videos

Thanks to many of you, we continue to collect amazing video interviews for our World Dignity University initiative. These videos are a small sample of the many ways our members and supporters have contributed to ending cycles of humiliation by working for equal dignity in the world. Please see some of the latest additions to our collection below:
Trine Eklund: What Are the Most Important Lessons Future Peace Movements Can Learn from the Past?
Trine Eklund: What Are the Most Important Lessons Future Peace Movements Can Learn
from the Past?
H??lio Hamarana Dias on the Past and the Future of the Amazon in its Global Context (English)
 H�lio Hamarana Dias: The Past and the Future of the Amazon in Its Global Context

With warmest wishes to all!


Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President

Linda Hartling, PhD, Director

Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration   

Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member  

Richard Slaven, PhD, Business Director  


Join Us in South Africa
Dignity Press News
Celebrating the 2012 NYC Workshop
Growing Library of Ideas
HumanDHS Online Learning!


Beautiful New Books from Dignity Press!

Decolonizing Peace

Afghanistan Book
(in French)

Rare Flower Book

Please click here to read more about these and other Dignity Press publications.

Online Learning

It is the only course  completely designed and taught by a team of instructors from the HumanDHS network!

Here is what one student said about the course:

"I consider taking this course as one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. In fact, I wish this course could become a mandatory subject in schools so that younger generations could learn about humanity and 'unity in diversity.'"
Graduate Student from Afghanistan, Fall 2012  


The course was developed for professionals and graduate students working throughout the world. Please contact Linda Hartling if you are interested in participating in this one-of-a-kind course.

Quick Links
Shared Effort
We warmly welcome all who would like to become Sharegivers in support of our global community.


A world without humiliation
 dignifies us all!

