HumanDHS World Dignity University Logo

"Search for Dignity" 

Invitation to the  
21st Annual Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Conference
Stellenbosch, South Africa

April 24 - 27th, 2013
Stellenbosch University Student Rally
Photo by Fmalan

It is our great pleasure to personally invite you to the upcoming annual conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS). We are sending you this special invitation because you expressed an interest in this important event. If you would still like to attend, we would be honoured to welcome you to our conference.   


About the Conference 

The HumanDHS network hosts two conferences each year: one at Columbia University in New York City; and one at a different location around the globe. Since 2003 our network has gathered together in Paris, Berlin, Oslo, Costa Rica, New Zealand, China, and more locations. These global conferences allow us to bring together a diverse community of remarkable people working for dignity in the world!


This year we are thrilled to be meeting in South Africa on the campus of Stellenbosch University. The title of this year's conference is "Search for Dignity." For the latest details, please visit: 

About Our Approach

For those of you who have never joined us for one of our global conferences, please kindly allow us to describe our unique approach. Rather than using a traditional lecture/presentation format, we join together to co-create a program that emphasizes conversations and collaboration.

Over the years, we have adapted the "Open Space Technology" format to create a mutually dignifying experience for all involved. Open Space begins with inviting people to propose ideas for dialogue, selecting shared topics of interest, scheduling dialogue sessions, and finally sharing the important highlights of these dialogues. We invite you to bring your idea for an Open Space dialogue led by you. This collaborative format allows us to define and design the entire conference experience as a community, beginning on the first day.


Outline of the Agenda

  • Wednesday, 24th April, Day One (9-4pm): Introductory greetings and planning of Open Space sessions. Location - the auditorium at the Gericke Library.    
  • Thursday, 25th April, Day Two (9-4pm): Open Space sessions and Public Event in the afternoon. Location - the auditorium at the Gericke Library.  
  • Friday, 26th April, Day Three (11-5pm): Open Space sessions continued. Location - the auditorium at the Gericke Library.    
  • Saturday, 27th April, Day Four (TBA): Concluding Open Space sessions. Location - to be announced.  
  • Sunday, 28th April: Post-conference activities, possibly joint excursions.  
  • Monday, 29th April: Post-conference activities, Robben Island.   

Our Public Event          

In addition to the closed conference, we will also be hosting a Public Event, Thursday, 25th April, in the afternoon. The title of this event is: "Can There Be Too Little Shame? The Link Between Dignity, Shame, Humiliation, and Humility." It is open to all. Please feel free to invite your friends, family, and colleagues.   

Conference Arrangements

We are grateful to all participants for taking full responsibility for their own visa, travel, transportation, and accommodation arrangements. 

There is no registration fee for this conference. To cover our expenses, we will summarize the costs during the conference and invite participants to contribute according to their ability. This collaborative approach to financing allows us to keep the conference affordable for all. If you would like to contribute in advance of the conference, we welcome your special contribution!

Again, please accept our warmest welcome to this exciting conference! If you have not yet done so, please kindly confirm that you will be joining us by sending a message to:


We will be looking forward to see you soon!


With kind regards, welcoming you most warmly, 
H�l�ne Lewis, MSc (Clin Psych)
Conference Host, Organiser, and Convener


Evelin Lindner, MD, PhD, PhD
Founding President of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies

Linda Hartling, PhD
Director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
Human Dignity & Humiliation Studies

A world without humiliation dignifies us all!