Sooner or later, most businesses need financing. Whether you're starting up, looking to expand, or need a line of credit to help with cashflow, financing is a part of life for small business. Getting it can be challenging though, especially when you work in the farm and wood sectors. Financial institutions often see these companies as riskier investments. That means if you want financing, you'll have to work extra hard to convince lenders to take you seriously. This workshop will help you learn what financial institutions look for in loan applications. It will also include a forum period where you can ask questions of lenders, share your experiences seeking loans, and hear from other business owners about how they have approached financing challenges.
Who should come: This workshop is targeted at farmers, food businesses, and wood products companies such as loggers, sawmills, and manufacturers, but any business owner will find the information useful. Speakers include Sam Kandel of the Small Business Development Center, Barbara Puglisi of the Catskill Watershed Corporation, and Ryan Hrobuchak and Robert Yurkewecz from Farm Credit East. For loggers, the workshop has been approved for ½ TLC continuing education credit.
Where and when: The same workshop will be offered twice -
Otsego County
July 11th, 4:30 - 8 PM
Brooks House of BBQ
5560 State Route 7
Oneonta, NY 13820
Cost: $20 per person, which includes dinner (yes, a Brooks BBQ dinner for those attending that one!)
To register: Register online using our Event Brite electronic sign-up for Oneonta or Liberty or call Columbia/Greene County CCE at 518-622-9820.
Questions? Email Josh VanBrakle or call 607-865-7790x112. Event directions are available on the Event Brite pages.
We look forward to seeing you there!
*In addition to the Council's funders - the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Forest Service - this workshop is funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. We would also like to thank Brooks House of BBQ and the Sullivan County Soil and Water Conservation District for allowing us to use their facilities.