August 2015
Green Heat News
Issue No. 72

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Price of Oil

July 20, 2015: $50.11

July 20, 2014: $103.80  

In Case You Missed it

Top stories in past issues:  

Office Equipment Needed

Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact: 

AGH Projects and Activities  


EPA declines to release stove efficiency data - for now     

AGH - The EPA said it would not release efficiency data on pellet stoves, since manufacturers of the stoves claimed that it was "Confidential Business Information." The EPA is required to disclose emissions, but it does not necessarily consider efficiency close enough to emissions. The EPA said they may release efficiency after giving manufacturers a chance to challenge the release in court.  The Alliance for Green Heat asked the EPA to release efficiencies for popular pellet stoves in a Freedom of Information Act request.


40 stoves post verified efficiencies   

The EPA just verified and posted an 81% efficient pellet stove made in China, a higher verified efficiency than any major US pellet stove manufacturer, who have not yet been willing to release actual efficiencies to their consumer. As of now, there are nearly 40 wood stoves with verified efficiencies, with Blaze King, Kuma, Regency and Pacific Energy taking the lead in disclosing actual efficiencies.


Pellet Stove Design Challenge update 

We began testing a popular pellet stove in an EPA accredited stove lab in July and will test many more in August at DOE's Brookhaven National Lab. Stoves were purchased by AGH.   Efficiency, emission, CO at various burn rates will be publicized later this fall.  For more info, contact


Meet the team building the Pellet Stove Design Challenge 

An impressive group of experts is helping to oversee, test and assess existing and future pellet stoves.


Washington Watch             


Capital actions for pellet fuel (Biomass Magazine) 

A round up of new federal initiatives and policies that impact pellet fuel, including the NSPS, the EIA survey, the BTU act.


Congressional committee urges stove tax credit extension

A Congressional committee recommended extending the $300 tax credit for two years. This proposal would also extend the loophole that allows manufacturers to claim every one of their stoves is 75% efficient, even though many are far less efficient. 


Hillary's renewable energy plan: can it work? 

This article raises good questions for all candidates: how can we quickly expand renewables for all households without breaking the bank? As usual, the writer makes no distinction between biomass thermal and electric, and likely only has electricity in mind.   


OMB weighs in on biomass in appropriations bill 

The White House, via the office of Management and Budget says it is not prepared to consider all biomass use as carbon neutral.

Residential use of biomass is barely considered in these debates about carbon neutrality, which mostly impacts industrial scale use of biomass to make electricity.


Featured Video             


"Good heat grows back." 

This is the best short video ever that shows community and regional economic impacts of wood heat vs. fossil fuel. Sustainable use of wood for heat creates wealth here, just as well as in Austria.


Technology Focus              


Hearth and Home Technologies recalls pellet stoves 

About 2,000 Quadra-Fire Mt. Vernon E2 pellet stoves and inserts are being recalled and repaired, due to high pressure that can lead to explosions, that shatter the glass in the door. HHT claims the stove is safe if properly operated.  Some consumers and retailers disagree, saying the stove was poorly designed and even if a stove is not operated properly, it should not explode.  At least 6 stoves have exploded, sending flying glass through rooms but no injuries have been reported.  AGH believes the EPA should consider whether this stove should be re-certified for safety.


Wood Stove Retrofit Design Challenge 

Best of luck to the finalists in the Woodstove Retrofit Open Challenge, hosted by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. This was partially inspired by the Wood Stove Design Challenge, but focuses on retrofit technology.   


BTEC to release draft of thermal efficiency test method 

BTEC is preparing an efficiency test method for commercial size biomass boilers to help standardize efficiency calculations and cost savings.


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From the Newsroom     



United Kingdom: The UK renewable heat incentive is one of the most aggressive in the world and helps homeowners with generous incentives. This amendment will require stoves and boilers to meet stricter efficiency levels. 

AK: Every year, Fairbanks voters face a ballot measure about whether wood smoke pollution is simply the price they pay for living in Alaska or if the cost of human health warrants regulations.  

CA: Tulare County residents who do their part to improve local air quality by replacing their old burning devices may be eligible for up to $2,500 in funding through a local incentive program.   

MA: I have volunteered to be a guinea pig for home energy efficiency. My winter heating bills were high until a wood pellet stove nicknamed "Mr. Stovey" took center place in my home.  
MD: May we all pause to send our condolences to Maryland? Despite efforts to limit the spread of the beetle, the state lost the battle. 

Maine rangers on the lookout for imported firewood

ME: The Maine Forest Service is stepping up its efforts of a statewide firewood ban. Forest rangers will be out inspecting out-of-state cars to help protect Maine forests from tree-destroying bugs.  


MI: A couple purchases cherry pits from Michigan fruit processing companies, then wash, dry, and process them using 'trade secret' techniques. Some pits become fuel for pellet stoves. 

MN: Discussions on outdoor wood boilers led to questions about an ordinance only allowing residents to stack 2 cords of wood on front yards.  How about 6 - 12 cords for a 20% efficient wood boiler? 

MSU class studies biomass emissions 

MN: This coming school year, faculty and students will be testing emissions from three large woody biomass furnaces being operated by the state.  


Five energy projects selected for nextgen funding 

MN: The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has selected five renewable energy projects to receive NextGen Energy grants. These projects were chosen to help use of woody biomass to replace propane as a heat source in regions of the state without access to gas.  


Company raises funds for pellet mill with T-shirt sales

NV: A company is using crowdsourcing to raise funds for a pellet mill to use pinyon and juniper trees cleared by BLM, which may otherwise go to waste.  Please buy a T-shirt!


Oregon declares biomass carbon neutral 

OR: After a House vote of 44-9, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has signed a bill that exempts biomass-derived carbon dioxide emissions from regulation under certain air pollution laws.

Summit County proposes ban on more wood stoves 

UT: The Snyderville Basin Planning Commission recommended last week to permanently ban all wood-burning appliances from any new construction or remodeling. The commission unanimously voted to send the recommendation to the County Council. 
Upcoming Conferences and Webinars

Lunch and Learn for Chimney Sweeps and Masons
Putnam, CT, August 14, 2015
Education on the NSPS and new emissions standards for all solid biomass burning appliances.

August 19, 2015, 1:30 pm EST
NYSERDA webinar discusses the EPA's proposed rule for reducing power plant emissions and low income communities.

Leeds, UK, September 14-15, 2015
The theme of the conference is understanding the formation and consequences of biomass generated emissions.

October 21, 2015
A nationwide day of advocacy for all kinds of heat and power generated by wood biomass and agricultural waste.

Linz, Austria, September 14-17, 2015
The International Training Seminar focuses on small and mid-scale projects fueled by wood pellets and wood chips, and offers interactive learning in an internal group.

Verona, Italy, February 24-28, 2016
Progetto Fuoco is a global event for wood-fire heating, with an international exhibition of plants and materials.

Save the date: Northeast Biomass Heating Expo
Burlington, VT, April 29-May 1, 2016

Pellet Stove Design Challenge: Save the Date.
Upton New York, April 4 - 6, 2016
Registration info will be available soon for this event that will feature workshops, hands-on-learning, roundtables, federal and state policy discussions, and much more.

Please Support Our Work

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The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent non-profit organization working to promote cleaner and more efficient biomass heating. Please consider making a generous contribution. The Alliance is a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization.
You can make a secure donation online through PayPal here:

A special thanks to those who have contributed $2,000 or more since Jan. 1, 2013

-- William Ackerly
-- Arbolito Foundation 
-- Chimney Safety Institute of America 
-- England Stove Works
-- Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
-- New York State Energy & Research Development Authority
-- Osprey Foundation
-- Jim & Patty Rouse Foundation 
-- Schott-Robax
-- Victoria Sujata
-- University of Maryland Extension Service  
-- DC Dept. of Transportation, Urban Forestry Administration
-- U.S. Forest Service
-- West Penn Power Energy & Sustainability Fund

Become a Green Heat Supporter: Make your donation here  


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