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Top stories in past issues:
Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact: info@forgreenheat.org
Focus on NSPS
I ndustry lists grounds for lawsuit against EPA
AGH - Groups suing the EPA filed the issues they are suing on, as required by the court, giving the EPA and the broader hearth community a detailed look into what exactly what is being challenged and what they hope to change in the NSPS.
Breathe easy: Clean wood stoves are on the way
Mother Nature Network - If stoves were clean, then renewable wood might be considered the perfect fuel for many people who have access to it nearby. Strange that people would fight this.
AGH Projects and Activities
Technology design challenge to promote top performing pellet stoves
AGH - A yearlong project to test and assess pellet stoves is entering its first phase this summer. It focuses on the most popular pellet stoves in North America and aims to help consumers identify the most efficient stoves and how to operate them.
Omission of wood heat goes too far
AGH President John Ackerly calls on the Department of Energy to include wood and pellet heating in their Energy Saver guide, a consumer publication on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
US to begin mandatory survey of wood pellet variaties, volumes and ingredients
AGH - The US government is poised to begin a monthly survey of pellet producers, much like it conducts similar surveys for coal, oil, gas, and other technologies like solar panels. The Alliance is part of a coalition urging the government to include thermal biomass in reports, policies, and data collection initiatives.
We are moving -- and hiring!
AGH is expanding and moving to a larger space. Our new address is: 6909 Laurel Ave, #5461 Takoma Park MD 20912. Our new phone number is: (301) 204-9562. AGH is hiring a Project Coordinator to coordinate the Pellet Stove Design Challenge.
Washington Watch
Clinton: Invest in rural clean energy
Hillary Clinton penned this op-ed about rural clean energy for an Iowa newspaper. No big surprises here. She is telling Iowians that she is a big fan of biofuels and the ethanol industry. But will any candidate talk about renewable heating?
USDA publishes final rules on biobased products
The USDA's Office of Procurement and Property Management published two final rules related to biobased products. One rule amends regulations concerning the voluntary labeling program for biobased products, the other is for designating biobased products for federal procurement.
Focus on Innovation
Wearable air quality sensor provides real-time data, contributes to crowd-sourced map
This personal sensor tracks environmental factors that can affect your health, and enables users to become citizen-scientists in the quest for better environmental data.
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- Testing: The University of Rostock, Germany finds emissions from birch are much less than from beech or spruce
Great advice on adding wood, solar or heat pumps in cold climates.
The Alliance applauds the Pope for his recognition of climate change as a deeply moral and urgent issue. Pope Francis notes in the first chapter of the Encyclical, "People take sick, for example, from high levels of smoke of fuels used in cooking or heating."
UK: EDF Energy has announced that it is contributing �1 million ($1.52 million) to fund energy efficient heating measures in three Manchester tower blocks.
Australia: Burning some wood waste from native forests will be counted as renewable energy under revisions to the Renewable Energy Target (RET) passed this week.
New Zealand: Environment Southland's requirement for firewood to have a moisture content of 25 per cent or lower was said to be an unlikely expectation because of the damp weather conditions.
EU: Given that the U.S. is exporting a vast majority of wood pellets manufactured in the country, concerns arise as to whether the production and manufacturing process meets the statutory or regulatory requirements of those foreign markets.
On May 29, the U.S. Energy Information Administration updated the 2013 wood and biomass waste data in its State Energy Data System, which is the source of the EIA's comprehensive state energy statistics.
Jotul is encouraging its dealers to act as drop-off points for old, uncertified wood stoves and will give you a $300 voucher good for any Jotul wood stove or gas stove. This is the third year that Jotul has helped to finance the change out of old stoves to Jotul stoves.
CA: The bill will add incentives for biomass utilization of agricultural waste and forest waste.
IN: The Indiana Department of Natural Resources says this year the price will go up $7 to $10 per for a rick, or standard pickup load.
MA: Mass. offers rebates of up to $12,000 for central pellet heating systems. Seven companies make or import the pellet boilers eligible for the program, but HPBA is challenging the way these seven companies got their boilers get certified in court.
MA: One of seven projects funded is to increase biomass energy crop yield, run out of The University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
NY: Three Clarkson University professors have been awarded contracts by the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) to support their research on air quality in NY.
Oregon House Bill
OR: The bill authorizes the Department of Ecology to conduct a study and recommendations for reducing woodstove smoke.
Bend Eatery to debut super efficient stove
OR: In addition to its safety, the new cookstove is more efficient than traditional wood or propane stoves, using up to 87 percent less fuel than competitors.
It's a burning issue in Allegheny County
PA: Opinion: Despite the progress our region has made in improving air quality, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently determined that Allegheny County does not meet federal air-quality standards for fine-particulate pollution.
Pellet stoves heat more houses in Pennsylvania PA: A growing group of homeowners and businesses is relying on an old renewable fuel burned with sophisticated stove technology.
Kingdom Biofuels unveils new DIY pellet storage bins PA: The DIY Pellet Storage Bin is the first in a line of products to be unveiled throughout this year. "These pellet bins can be assembled in about 30 minutes," says managing owner Ephraim Stoltzfus.
RFP for Advanced Wood Heating in Schools and Housing VT: This RFP is part of the Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund's (CEDF) Clean Heat Community Challenge initiative.
Upcoming Conferences and Webinars
Washington DC, July 9, 2015
The program will discuss the role sustainable energy technologies can play in meeting America's energy needs.
Ontario, Canada, July 9-10, 2015
Two days of testing, trials, and tech talk at the first ever Ontario Stove testing camp. University Park, PA, July 19, 2015
This short course is part of the World of Wood 2015 conference held at Penn State. Williamsburg, VA, July 19-21, 2015
The annual gathering of the Pellet Fuel Institute.
Scranton, PA, July 23-24, 2015
Learn about renewable technologies, energy efficiency techniques, and the energy industry with a crash course in sustainable energy. Putnam, CT, August 14, 2015
Become education on the NSPS and new emissions standards for all solid biomass burning appliances. August 19, 2015, 1:30 pm EST
NYSERDA webinar discusses the EPA's proposed rule for reducing power plant emissions and low income communities.
October 21, 2015
A nationwide day of advocacy for all kinds of heat and power generated by wood biomass and agricultural waste. Linz, Austria, September 14-17, 2015
The International Training Seminar focuses on small and mid-scale projects fueled by wood pellets and wood chips, and offers interactive learning in an internal group. Verona, Italy, February 24-28, 2016
Progetto Fuoco is a global event for wood-fire heating, with an international exhibition of plants and materials.