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Top stories in past issues:
BTEC Executive Director Already working in renewable energy, biomass renewable energy, or forestry? There is a management position open at BTEC. More details are included in the announcement.
NYSERDA Manager/Director NYSERDA is seeking a Manager or Director of Renewable Thermal initiatives in New York. More information is available here.
Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact: info@forgreenheat.org
Focus on NSPS
Pellet Fuels Institute challenges EPA rule
PFI filed suit in the DC Circuit Court challenging the EPA's authority to regulate pellet fuel under the Clean Air Act on the grounds that the EPA does not have authority to regulate pellet fuel. At least five other parties are suing, including HPBA, Tulikivi, air quality groups and several fuel producers.
Sloppy journalism common on EPA stove rules
This article covers some of the industry's points, but gets basic facts wrong. For example, it says 14% of households use wood as a primary heat source, when less than 3% actually do.
The worst media myths about EPA's move to cut woodstove pollution
Conservative media have frequently fear-mongered and misinformed about the EPA standards. Here's a guide from a liberal think tank that addresses these myths.
Heartland Institute is one of sources of misinformation about the EPA rules. This article begins like this: "The vast majority of US wood burning stoves are now banned under EPA rules." It also says "predatory scientists" claim that wood smoke can make people sick, but the evidence is lacking. Heartland has also long questioned the science that second-hand cigarette smoke is unhealthy.
AGH Projects and Activities
Save-the-Date for the Pellet Stove Design Challenge!
A workshop and competition focused on innovative and efficient pellet stoves is tentatively scheduled for the week of April 4, 2016. More details and the application to submit prototypes or existing pellet stoves into the competition will be released in late June. In addition to a technology competition, there will be a hands-on workshop for inventors, academics, regulators, industry leaders and non-profits to study and assess innovation in pellet stove design. The selection of the stoves for the competition and the criteria by which to judge them will be set by a panel of experts.
Biomass heating is uniquely powerful - wood is a solar battery!
AGH Advisory Board member, Scott Nichols, wrote this thought-provoking reaction to an essay by AGH President John Ackerly. Ackerly's essay said the solar juggernaut was a threat to the thermal biomass movement. Scott disagrees and believes "the biomass thermal sector doesn't need to join or to be threatened by the renewable power revolution.
Focus on Innovation
Can Speck revolutionize PM monitoring?
Speck is a $200 air quality monitor that detects and data logs fine particulate matter in your indoor environment and informs you about trends and changes in particle concentration. We look forward to seeing if Speck shows indoor PM spikes when wood or pellet stoves are in use.
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CA: The county used to be hailed as one of only five in CA without of single day in three years with ozone or particle pollution exceeding federal standards, but air quality is becoming a concern.
MA: The administration of MA Gov. Baker and Lt. Gov. Polito has announced grant funding for elementary schools to convert to biomass boilers from their existing oil heating systems.
MA: The Commonwealth Change-Out Program offers rebates to assist residents in replacing non-EPA certified woodstoves with more efficient EPA models.
ME: The program director says they need about a 100 cords of wood to meet demand and that there's a big shortage this year. The program is scrambling to find a supply of logs or cash donations.
ME: Opinion: To keep people coming, and to re-energize our economy, Maine needs a powerful vision for its future that inspires both the visitor and the resident.
NB: The Nebraska Forest Service is promoting woody biomass heating as an alternative to fossil fuels by working with individual facilities to explore wood heating options.
PA: The Allegheny County Health Department is again offering residents cash incentives to dispose of old woodstoves and boilers that do not meet current national emissions standards.
Vermont's air is among the best, but could be better
VT: Opinion: Reports from the ALA show Vermont's air is among cleanest in the nation and getting better. But that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.
Washington's air quality is back in line again
WA: Air pollution caused by wood stoves in Washington is in line with federal clean air requirements for the first time in 7 years.
Upcoming Conferences and Webinars
Cologne, Germany, June 9, 2015
This workshop will bring together industry stakeholders from across Europe in order to discuss the pellet market overview development. Cologne, Germany, June 9, 2015
This workshop will bring together industry stakeholders from across Europe in order to discuss the pellet market overview development. Utica, NY, June 11-12, 2015
This conference is designed to serve as a forum for participants to share information about the science and economics of clean energy. Washington, DC, June 15-16, 2015
The EIA Energy Conference has become a premier forum for addressing energy issues in the United States and worldwide. Ontario, Canada, July 9-10, 2015
Two days of testing, trials, and tech talk at the first ever Ontario Stove testing camp. Williamsburg, VA, July 19-21, 2015
The annual gathering of the Pellet Fuel Institute.
Scranton, PA, July 23-24, 2015
Learn about renewable technologies, energy efficiency techniques, and the energy industry with a crash course in sustainable energy.
October 21, 2015
A nationwide day of advocacy for all kinds of heat and power generated by wood biomass and agricultural waste. Linz, Austria, September 14-17, 2015
The International Training Seminar focuses on small and mid-scale projects fueled by wood pellets and wood chips, and offers interactive learning in an internal group. Verona, Italy, February 24-28, 2016
Progetto Fuoco is a global event for wood-fire heating, with an international exhibition of plants and materials.